Education, study and knowledge

What is the VUCA environment?

The VUCA environment is a concept created by the US military in the 1990s, by the US Army war school after the cold war.

This term has begun to be used in organizations to refer to a resource to create adaptation strategies to the new normal.

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What do we understand by VUCA environment?

VUCA is an acronym used to describe or reflect:

  • Volatility
  • Uncertainty
  • Complexity
  • Ambiguity

In some business or educational institutions an attempt is made to transfer this concept at all levels, because they take seriously the importance of starting a preparation for the future, with the need to have staff working in their workspaces with new talents and new knowledge that allows them to adapt to the new work norm, managed to face the situations and unforeseen events that arise in the center of job.

VUCA at work

Its application in the face of crises and changes

The figure of positive leadership is essential for adapting to the changes that are being required in the current situation affected by the Coronavirus. For this purpose to be achieved,

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some companies have started development programs based on this approach to generate well-being in areas of the life of its employees.

These programs promote talents such as: Resilience, Optimism, Social Skills, Patience, Interpersonal Skills, Collaboration, and Teamwork, to name a few of them.

These talents have always been necessary to achieve an environment of healthy coexistence in work environments, and now they are constituted as a necessary resource to adapt to new changes that arise unexpectedly.

Thus, companies are facing the challenge of training and / or debugging, hiring new talent or promote the staff who fill these talents in key development positions for the objectives business.

However, not all companies provide training support, and they will have to resort to looking for the right person in a timely manner, attending sessions of coaching, psychotherapy, and courses, if their finances allow them to attend any of these consultations professionals. These are some service options for those who want to take care of their work or entrepreneurial performance, maintaining an active life at work.

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The challenge of adapting to the new

Because life requires us to have to adapt and overcome frustration in the face of unexpected changes, in great part of the areas of our lives we can get to suffer repercussions mainly of character emotional; This makes it necessary to develop psychological conditions such as empathy, flexibility, tolerance, self-motivation, perseverance, emotional self-control...

These are important skills and predispositions especially in the case of families that are affected by adaptation to telework, unemployment, and other difficulties.

I want to highlight the amazing ability to overcome these situations that families have, adapting new forms of action that at least They generally know how to apply from their strengths when they felt that they could no longer face the problems within their homes, with work and their children; in many cases they were able to build learning scenarios appropriate to the requirements of each family member.

Hence the need to adopt a model of life that allows us to get the best out of an uncertain environment, with rapid changes, and scenarios that lead us to create the problems presented as challenges.

Faced with crises such as COVID-19, we will have to modify the way we are used to thinking and acting, conducting our day-to-day life differently. Using health professionals, articles, and all kinds of scientific information sources that are available to everyone on the web, by professionals who We are offering new learning and better routes to accompany the growth of our children and of us as adults in this reality that has touched us. to live.

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