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The 13 best Couples Therapy Clinics in Seville

The psychology center Advance de Sevilla is made up of a team of professionals specialized in serving couples of any age, both in person and online.

The main specialties of this center are addictions, family conflicts, anxiety and depression, self-esteem problems and internet addiction.

In Avenida de la Innovación number 27 in Seville we can find one of the best psychotherapy clinics that offer emotional assistance for couples in times of crisis, Cribecca.

This clinic is made up of 3 mental health professionals, Clara Garcia-Sandoval, Sonia Ramirez and Begoña Acosta, who combine their knowledge in different fields of psychology to offer couples quality psychotherapy.

At Cribecca they are specialists in couples therapy applied to problems such as social skills, communication failures, mismanagement of relationships. conflicts, the regulation of anger, infidelities, problems by third parties or the family, self-insecurity and disorders sexual.

Focusing on the characteristic problems that each couple has, this clinic delves into emotional blocks and insecurities that prevent the people in the marriage or dating relationship from communicating with confidence.

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In addition to couples therapy, Cribecca Psychology also offers psychotherapy for people with anxiety disorders, stress problems, fears and obsessive-compulsive disorders, among others.

Carolina Marin she is a General Health Psychologist and a federated psychotherapist by FEAP; she specializes in emotional problems and in family and couples therapy. Through her more than 20 years of experience and her continuous training, this professional currently attends both her consultation in Seville and through online therapy.

In your consultation it is possible to find help for problems such as crises due to infidelity, constant arguments and bad coexistence, dissatisfaction in intimate relationships, lack of communication, depression, low self-esteem, disorders of anxiety, and more.

Laura Mendez Corredera is a General Health Psychologist, and specializes in the application of the cognitive-behavioral model in therapy, one of the approaches to psychological intervention with the most scientific support.

In his psychology center located in Seville East (on Avenida de las Ciencias) performs both child-adolescent and adult therapy, and also offers couples therapy and family therapy. With regard to couples therapy, the techniques of the cognitive-behavioral model allow modulating behavior patterns and the ways of interpreting reality so that they adapt much better to a form of healthy coexistence without conflicts that are easy to avoid.

On the other hand, people seeking therapy to treat problems such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, ADHD or low self-esteem, among others, you will also find in this center a recommended option to which go.

The psychologist Diego Segura has extensive experience in serving couples who may need professional support, as well as adults and adolescents through a cognitive-behavioral approach therapy, based on modifying the present thoughts of person.

Some of his intervention specialties are self-esteem problems, cases of depression or anxiety, divorce processes, deficits in anger control, and addictions around kind.

The center Fromm Wellness It is another of the best couples therapy options in the East of Seville and in the Aljarafe region.

Their team of psychologists cares for people of all ages, and offers assistance with problems such as emotional dependence, jealousy, infidelity crises, mismanagement of arguments and anger, etc.

The center Psycho-me of Seville is directed by the psychologist Mariola Moreno Quesada and it addresses all kinds of disorders and problems in people of all ages, also in couples who need it, both in person and online and with all the services and amenities possible.

The methodology of this professional is integrative of different therapeutic orientations, among which Mindfulness, Family Therapy stand out. and Couples, Coaching or Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, all of them adapted at all times to the specific needs of each person served.

In addition to that, the main areas that Mariola Moreno Quesada successfully addresses in the Psico-Yo center are eating disorders, deficits of self-esteem, impulsivity, and anger management problems, grief processes, anxiety disorders, cases of domestic violence, and addictions.

The psychologist Manuel Jesus Ruiz Throughout his career he has specialized in serving children and adolescents of all ages, adults, couples and also families who may request his services.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and since 1994 he has directed his own consultation of psychology in Huelva, where he applies in an integrated way various effective therapies adapted to the particular needs of each client.

His intervention specialties include family problems of all kinds, crisis of relationship, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, low self-esteem and problems emotional

If we find ourselves in a moment of marital crisis or difficulties with our partner SOS Psychologists It can be another of our options when seeking emotional assistance in couples therapy.

This Psychology and Sexology clinic in Seville is made up of 3 mental health professionals, Antonia Sánchez-Barbudo, Jerónimo Herrera and Cinta González. In Sos Psicólogos relational dynamics are improved through various techniques such as communication styles, deep understanding, expression feelings and dealing with negative feelings that reduce trust in the other, such as anger, envy, disinterest and jealousy.

It is interesting to know that in addition to the services of couples therapy and sexology, psychotherapy is also offered for adults, children and groups or families, and psychological help for problems such as anxiety disorders, fears and phobias and cases of depression and state of cheer up.

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Aidé Psychology It is another of the most recommended clinics that we can find in Seville when looking for couples therapy in this Andalusian city.

This psychological cabinet opened its doors in 2006, and is currently made up of 4 mental health professionals, Carmen Miera, Begoña Ramos, Rebeca Lajos and Virginia Guzmán.

Among the services offered are sexual and couples therapy, intervention psycho-pedagogical and training in different courses such as relaxation, communication, self-esteem and adaptive thinking.

In addition, on the website of this clinic you can find different readings of interest, such as those of the monograph on transsexuality, gender violence and addictions sexual.

Artea Sexology It is another of the recommended options in the Andalusian capital.

One of the advantages of this center is that it is fully specialized in treating couple and marital problems in addition to offer psychotherapy to sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction, vaginismus, premature ejaculation and sexual apathy.

The team at this center is led by seven mental health professionals who combine their different fields of work to offer the patient a complete and effective psychotherapy whose effects last on the weather.

Among the entities with which this center collaborates we find the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Seville, the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía and the University of Almería.

Psycho-optimal It is another of our best options if we seek therapy professionals to assist us in times of marital crisis and relationship problems.

This clinic is made up of Blanca Isabel Soria, with a degree in Philosophy and a master's degree in Therapy. Psycho-Affective-Sexual and Couples and the psychologist Laura Muñoz Henares, who is an expert in Health Psychology and Therapy Systemic Familiar. Among the relationship problems that these psychotherapy professionals treat are the struggles of power, dissatisfaction that produces monotony and stagnation in a relationship and lack of desire sexual.

It should be added that they also offer psychotherapy for adults with mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, stress problems and cases of low self-esteem.

The psychologist Carmen baena It is another recommended option if you are looking for couples therapy in Seville. In addition, beyond working with dating relationships or marriages in crisis, this professional addresses problems individuals such as poor expression of emotions, lack of communication skills, inadequate management of anxiety, etc.

On the other hand, as a psychotherapist, she bases her work on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a of those with the greatest amount of scientific evidence demonstrating their efficacy against a wide variety of problems.

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