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Spanish civil war: most important dates

Spanish civil war: most important dates

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The Spanish Civil War It was one of the most bellicose and bloody conflicts in the history of Spain, as more than half a million lives were lost in their struggle. This covered the period from July 1936 to April 1939 when Francisco Franco, who was part of the rebel side, declared victory and imposed a dictatorial regime. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you the chronology of the fmost important dates of the Spanish Civil War as well as the events that occurred during this heinous period.

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  1. Most important dates and major battles of 1936
  2. The most outstanding dates of 1937
  3. Most important dates and major battles of 1938
  4. Most important dates and major battles of 1939

Most important dates and main battles of 1936.

We begin with this list of the most important dates of the Spanish Civil War speaking of what happened in the first year of the battle, that is, in 1936.

  • July 17, 1936: It is when the military uprising in Morocco takes place against the government of the second republic established by back then in Spain, from which many faithful to this political regime were shot, giving rise to the War civil.
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  • July 21, 1936: By this date the national side already had controlled the Spanish zone of Morocco, the islands of Gran Canaria and the Balearic Islands, except Menorca. As far as the interior of the Peninsula is concerned, the area of ​​Navarra, Galicia, Castilla and a small part of Andalusia are also under control, Seville being the only provincial capital where the triumph of the national forces took place, since both in Barcelona and Madrid they failed. Asturias, the Basque Country, Cantabria and Catalonia, meanwhile, remained loyal to the Republic.
  • July 25, 26 and 27, 1936: the first aid began to be received from the allied countries, France supporting the Republican side and Germany and Italy supporting the national side.
  • August 15, 1936: From Seville the rebellious side set out north to link their forces with those of General Emilio Mola, thus the Battle of Badajoz, which ended up falling before the national forces of General Yagüe.
  • August 27 and 28, 1936: the first bombings began to take place in the city of Madrid.
  • September 28, 1936: After being under siege for more than 70 days, General Varela victoriously takes the Alcazar of Toledo releasing his besieged comrades. This fact was crucial because it meant the war effort of the rebellious troops serving Franco to claim his power and name himself Head of state Y supreme commander of the national side.
  • November 8, 1936: begins the Battle in Madrid, and for this the works of the Prado Museum as they are Spanish heritage, so that nothing happens to them, they are moved to Valencia.
  • December 2, 1936: following the signature of many countries of the committee for non-intervention In this conflict, the entry of military support and ammunition material for both sides was stopped. Later, countries like Italy or Germany will disobey and continue to send military aid.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we are going to discover you why the Spanish Civil War started.

Spanish Civil War: Most Important Dates - Most Important Dates and Major Battles of 1936

The most outstanding dates of 1937.

We continue with a list of the most important dates of the Spanish Civil War, now talking about the events that occurred in 1937.

  • January 17, 1937: Rebels arrive from Seville and Granada to Malaga starting a battle for the occupation of the city. It was a quick fight as Colonel Villalba in charge of the republican garrison, poorly organized, retreated to Almeria, being fired from the rebel ships.
  • February 6, 1937: the offensive begins on the part of the national side of the Battle Jarama with the sole objective of isolating Madrid. More than 100,00 men fought in this fight, however, Madrid cannot be occupied.
  • February 8, 1937: After the defeat of the national side in the Battle of Jarama, they tried to encircle Madrid from the northwest, with the help of the Corpo di Truppe Volontarie giving rise to the Battle of Guadalajara, but again the objective of the rebels is truncated due to the dire weather conditions.
  • April 26, 1937: takes place another of the most destructive events of the Spanish Civil War in which the city of Guernica is bombed on the part of the national side counting on the help of the German and Italian air forces, which was totally annihilated. Pablo Picasso was one of the contemporary artists who wanted to show this disaster through painting.
  • May 30, 1937: begins the fight known as the Battle of the Farm of Segovia that, although at first it was a plan of conquest by the Republicans, the speed with which they organized it Everything made the national side realize their movements, finally managing to take over the seizure of the town.
  • June 19, 1937: national forces occupy the city of Bilbao, hoisting the flag of that side in the town hall. The occupation of this era essential for both sides both for its strategic location and for its weapons factories and heavy industries.
  • October 1, 1937: it declares National Festival of the Caudillo in honor of General Francisco Franco for his promotion to the Head of State.
  • October 7, 1937: All women between the ages of 17 and 35 are obliged to perform social service.
  • October 20, 1937: the taking of the city ​​of Gijón, leaving the entire north in the hands of the power of the national forces.
Spanish Civil War: Most Important Dates - The Most Outstanding Dates of 1937

Most important dates and main battles of 1938.

Now we are going to detail what happened in 1938, two years after the start of the Civil War.

  • January 8, 1938: the Battle of Teruel where the republicans began their reconquest months ago now becomes the first city to be occupied by the Republic since the beginning of the war.
  • February 8th: To get an idea of ​​the atrocity of this war, Barcelona publishes a report taking stock of what has been At the time Catalonia had suffered 17 naval bombardments, 1542 dead, more than 1800 buildings destroyed and 1979 dead.
  • March 22, 1938: The attacks of the national troops begin in the area of ​​the Spanish east, with a single objective, Valencia.
  • July 25, 1938: takes place one of the longest battles of the entire Spanish Civil War, the Battle of the Ebro, in which the republican troops mobilize their last reserves breaking into the territory surprising the national troops with a rapid advance. Faced with this situation, these open the Ebro dams causing a flood of more than two meters causing the arrest of the Republicans, taking advantage of the national troops captained by Delgado Serrano to reorganize, who is the one who initiates this counteroffensive, which ends on November 16 of this year after the defeat of the side republican.
  • September 22, 1938: the first international peace proposals were made for both sides, but they were rejected by Francisco Franco.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover some basic concepts to understand the Spanish Civil War.

Most important dates and main battles of 1939.

And we end with this list with the most important dates of the Spanish Civil War reaching the end of the war, the year 1939, where we highlight the following events:

  • January 5, 1939: the intention of the republicans for the nationals to withdraw their forces from Catalonia, an offensive already begun in December 1938 and taking into account that Barcelona was the seat of the republican government was to launch an attack in Sierra Brunette. This offensive took place after the Battle of the Ebro and the republican forces at that time were very worn, as they were inferior not only in terms of numbers of soldiers but also in armaments.
  • January 26, 1939: Franco's units of General Yagüe finally managed to take the City of Barcelona without any resistance.
  • February 1, 1939: the Republican Courts meet for the last time in Spanish territory and Negrín the President of the Republic at that time proposes a plan to negotiate peace almost impossible: the right and independence for the Spanish people to choose their government, and the absence of rematches.
  • March 6, 1939: Juan Negrín along with Dolores Ibárruri better known as La Pasionaria, Álvarez de Vayo and other representatives and related to the republican party leave Spain emigrating to France.
  • April 1, 1939: Francisco Franco signs and publicly issues the last part of the official war, ending the Spanish Civil War.

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