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Leave from work due to psychological problems: what they are and how they work

Human beings spend approximately 9 hours a day in the workplace. This means that more than half of our "useful" routine (in which we are not sleeping) corresponds to performance at work, relationships with colleagues and different dynamics of production. If a person is unhappy in this area of ​​his life, he will hardly be well in any other.

For this reason, it is not difficult for us to recognize that work is a clear source of stress and anxiety and encourages the appearance of other conditions of greater severity, such as depression. The data speaks for itself: in Spain, 60% of workers suffer stress derived from their position and only 37% are happy with their level of work-life balance. It is a fact that labor dynamics are not usually adequate, no matter how much the workers put up with them.

Based on this premise, let's see what roles stress, anxiety and depression play in sick leave.

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Leave from work due to psychological problems

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First of all, it should be noted that any reason for absence from work must be evaluated by a primary care doctor, in case The mishap is a common illness or a non-work accident (if it is an injury in the work environment, go to the Mutual). With regard to depression and other psychological problems, there are two fronts of action based on the origin of the discomfort:

  • Common contingencies: when the stressor or trigger of the emotional state is external to the workplace (death of a loved one, separation or any other reason), the discharge is managed by a attending physician primary.
  • Professional contingencies: when the stressor or trigger of the emotional state is found in the work environment (stress, harassment, mobbing, etc.) the leave is managed by the Mutual.

In addition, it should be noted that It is necessary to be registered with the Social Security and present previous contributions, in the event that the reason is given by common contingencies (specifically, at least 180 days in a time interval of 5 years). It must also be emphasized that the diagnosis is only for the patient, so you do not have to inform the company of the reason for your withdrawal.

Once the diagnosis has been made and the conclusion reached, the person with chronic depression / stress or generalized anxiety may stay on leave for a maximum of 12 months, extendable for a further 6 months if professionals see it necessary and there is a probability of recovery.

Between the 4th and the 15th of the leave, the professional receives 60% of their contribution base, a figure that stabilizes at a constant 75% as of the 16th.

Sick leave
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Low due to anxiety

At the end of the day, the only one who can decide whether a specific condition is a pathology or a state within normality is the professional specialized in mental health. In any case, it does not hurt to lay a series of bases in relation to the mental disorders that concern us here.

Above all, "state" anxiety and "pathology" anxiety can cause confusion in the general population. It is normal to feel anxious for a few days if an important event is approaching or if something has gone wrong in the work environment, as this is an essential physiological response in humans. When we feel danger, it is released adrenalin in our body, which encourages increased heart rate, constricts blood vessels and increases respiratory rate. This results in a fight or flight response, which is short-lived.

On the other hand, cortisol is released in the long term, and responds to stress by mobilizing nutrients to muscle tissues and suppressing those processes that are not essential at the moment (such as the immune system or the correct balance digestive). When the body is chronically exposed to cortisol for no particular reason, symptoms of chronic anxiety appear, such as intestinal problems, difficulty concentrating, chest pain, trouble resting, cramps and others things.

The difference between trait and pathology is found in the duration of the event. If the anxiety lasts for a few days and is justified, it may be normal. The problem comes when there is no stressor and the person continues to be anxious, with constant "background" discomfort. In general, a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is considered when the symptoms are established for a period of 6 months or more. The prevalence of GAD is estimated to be between 3% and 7% of the general population.

Low due to depression

Depression is a very different story, because it is much better to err on the side of caution, go to the doctor and rule out the diagnosis in all cases, rather than letting the condition gradually take over well-being individual. Anyway, For a patient to be diagnosed with depression, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders gives us the following guidelines:

  • Depressive-type mood for most of the day.
  • A marked decrease in pleasure from activities that were previously considered stimulating.
  • Significant weight gain or loss (more or less than 5% of body mass) or loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia.
  • Agitation and psychomotor slowing down. This sign must be observed by the environment, not a self-perception of the patient.
  • Loss of energy, feeling of fatigue.
  • Feeling of worthlessness and excessive guilt.
  • Decreased ability to think, concentrate and marked difficulty in making decisions.
  • Suicide attempt, recurring thoughts of death or suicide, or carrying out a specific plan to commit suicide.

For the diagnosis to be reliable, the patient must present at least 5 of these symptoms for a minimum period of two weeks, with the symptoms present almost every day of the week. If you see yourself reflected in these lines, do not hesitate to go to a medical professional. Not because of sick leave, but for your well-being as a person.

The importance of mental health at work

Depression is one of the leading causes of occupational disability worldwide, perhaps only surpassed by musculoskeletal disorders (such as low back pain). It is estimated that 3% of short-term casualties are caused by depressive symptoms and 76% of those who request them are women.

Harassment at work, unrealistic expectations, mobbing and many other events can make life at work a real hell. Every citizen has the right to request a withdrawal when he considers it pertinent, but above all, it is necessary nipping the behaviors, dynamics and behaviors that lead to the psychological problem in the first place instance.

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