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The best 14 Psychologists in San Sebastián (Donostia)

The psychologist Eli fisas directs the Systemic Family Psychotherapy Center, where she serves people of all ages, as well as couples, together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals.

The techniques applied by this professional are Mindfulness and Neurofeedback, tools with which she addresses the stress or anxiety disorders, depression, behavior problems, ADHD, school difficulties, and conflict relatives.

In addition to that, her intervention is characterized by taking into account the brain-mind-body relationship at all times and analyzing the existing problems in each of these areas.

The professionals of the platform TherapyChat They specialize in serving adults, seniors and couples through a video call service.

The main therapies applied in the center are Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, two of the most recommended by professionals, and with those who deal successfully, anxiety disorders, cases of depression, family conflicts and dysfunctions sexual.

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Aida Fernandez Cotarelo It is one of the best options to go to therapy in Donostia, either in person or through video calls.

She has a degree in psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, as well as a doctorate from the University of the Basque Country, and a master's degree in Cognitive Sciences. She can help us in both personal and relational crises, and she is an expert in treating phobias, anxiety, stress, depression, and other emotional difficulties.

The psychologist Melissa santamaria She graduated in Clinical Psychology with Cognitive-Behavioral Orientation from Atlantic International University, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the same university and she has a Specialization Diploma in Anxiety Treatments and Stress.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and also families who request it, through an online psychotherapy service.

Through the application of therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, This professional treats addictions, anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress and deficits in the management of go to.

The psychologist Blanca Ruiz Muzquiz He has specialized, throughout a career of more than 10 years, in serving adolescents, adults and couples in the online mode.

His intervention is based on the eclectic application of different orientations, among which the Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, Humanistic Therapy or Family Systems, adapted at all times to the current needs of each person served.

In addition to that, some of the disorders that he addresses in his practice are eating disorders, separation processes, depression and emotional dependence.

As for his professional degrees, the most notable are a Master in Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, a Master in Family and Couple Systemic Psychotherapy and a Medium Degree in Technician of Gender Violence.

The psychologist Jose Luis Laporta He has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Buenos Aires, he has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychoanalysis from the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne, a Training Course in Psychopathology at the University City of Paris and a specialty in Analysis Personal.

For more than 30 years, this professional has specialized in serving young people of all ages, adults and also couples who may be going through any problem and currently offers their services online to all their customers.

Some of his most notable intervention specialties are family conflicts, low self-esteem, obsessions, stress, grieving processes, aggressiveness, codependency, and personality antisocial.

The Health Psychologist Juncal Alzaga She has a Master's Degree in Behavioral Therapy, a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Mental Health, another Master's Degree in Psychology of Physical Activity and Sports and extensive training in Forensic Psychology.

More than 10 years of experience support the intervention of this therapist, who is a specialist in caring for children, adolescents and also adults, both in person and by video call.

In addition to that, among the areas that this professional successfully addresses in his consultation, anxiety disorders and depression, pathological grief, low self-esteem, traumatic brain damage, codependency, divorce, and conflict relatives.

One of the best psychologists that we can find in this Basque city is Agustin Perez, both for their training and experience.

He graduated in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country in 1988 and also has two university master's degrees, one in Family and Couple Therapies and the other in Systemic Therapy.

Among the psychological ailments that Agustín Pérez treats are anxiety disorders and phobias and eating disorders.

In his private office on Paseo de Colón we find another of the psychologists from San Sebastián to take into account: Lucia Pérez Vela.

Lucía Pérez graduated from the University of the Basque Country with a degree in Psychology in 2008 and has a master's degree in Psychopathology and Health. It is because of this training and more than 10 years of experience that this psychologist is now an expert in treating psychological disturbances such as panic attacks and problems expressing emotions, as well as the depression.

Laura Domeque She is another of the best psychologists in San Sebastián if what you are looking for is especially child or adolescent therapy.

This professional graduated in Psychology in 2007 and has a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology.

She offers psychotherapy from a cognitive-behavioral perspective, and among the disorders that she treats are the disorder of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorder, school phobias, and anxiety disorder due to separation.

Eva Maria Aguilar It is another of our best options if we are looking for a Psychology professional.

She graduated from the University of Malaga with a degree in Psychology in 2006, and also has a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology in her curriculum.

The psychotherapy that offers part from the cognitive-behavioral current and with it treats mental disorders such as anxiety disorder, sexual and relationship disorders. She also she also offers knowledge about Mindfulness for anyone who wants to enter these meditation practices.

On Amezketarrak street we can find Eguzkiñe Zabaleta Caballero, another of the most recommended mental health professionals in San Sebastián.

She graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto and also has a master's degree in Clinical Practice. She should also add that she is an expert in sexual and couples therapy.

In addition to treating couples, Eguzkiñe Zabaleta is also an expert in treating mental disorders such as anxiety disorder, mood disorder, and addictions.

Early Patricia She is another of the most recommended psychologists that we find in this Basque city for those who are looking for psychotherapy.

She graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 2001 in Psychology and is an expert in systemic-relational therapy. In addition, Patricia Temprano also offers attention to groups such as families and couples.

It should be added that she is also an expert in treating anxiety disorders, self esteem issues and the duel.

Maria Uriarte Iturralde she is one of the most recommended psychologists that we can find in this beautiful Basque city.

She graduated in Psychology in 2013 from the University of Deusto and also has a master's degree in Clinical Practice. María Uriarte likes to individualize each case so that the patient receives the most personalized treatment possible.

Among the mental disorders that María Uriarte treats are anxiety disorders and panic attacks and sleep disorders.

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