Education, study and knowledge

The 5 main stereotypes of adolescents

Stereotypes are shortcuts that appear in any type of context, and the life of adolescents is no exception.

Through the following article, we will try to collect the most recurrent stereotypes among young people, making a list in which we will analyze them in detail. We will be able to observe the differences between them and check what are the functions that they would be fulfilling in their language and their way of thinking.

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Stereotypes and adolescence

Before we can relate which are the main stereotypes of adolescents, we need to do a little introduction in which some concepts that are fundamental to be able to advance in the matter are clarified. First, we must stop at the very notion of stereotype.

A stereotype is a shortcut of thinking consisting of a simplification of reality, either about a person or a group. Stereotypes often convey exaggerated ideas and do not usually elaborate on details, but instead opt for a generalization based on certain traits that do not really have to occur, or at least not with the intensity that this concept transmit.

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Therefore, as we will see in the next point, when we list the main stereotypes of adolescents, we will understand that these do not have to correspond to reality, or they may only do so in part or in certain circumstances. This is due to the generalizability and simplification characteristic of stereotypes.

Likewise, it must be taken into account that stereotypes are often supported by prejudices and also uphold and promote them. Prejudices are negative beliefs that are held in a preconceived way towards some element, person or group. We will also verify that in some of the main stereotypes of adolescents, some of these negative perceptions also surface.

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What are the main stereotypes of adolescents

After a brief introduction in which we have clarified some fundamental ideas, we can proceed to list the main stereotypes of adolescents, taking into account that they are not the only ones that can occur, but that these represent some of the most representative.

1. Teens Shirk Responsibilities

One of the main stereotypes of adolescents is the one that has to do with their apparent avoidance of responsibilities. It is common for older people to see younger people as lacking in commitment. However, this image does not have to correspond to reality.

In fact, some studies affirm that young people attach great importance to social responsibility and, having to choose between a series of values ​​by level of importance, they tend to prefer those related to solidarity, commitment or generosity, which collides with this image based on the prejudice of the lack of responsibility.

Activism is very present in young people, so It is not uncommon to find them supporting different demonstrations, strikes and other movements of a social nature., another proof that this, one of the main stereotypes of adolescents, does not fit in many of them, who prefer to be active in many causes and therefore take sides and involve.

2. Teens are lazy

Continuing with the main stereotypes of adolescents, we reach the point of laziness, a recurring characteristic when it comes to talking about prejudice about the youngest. In recent times, moreover, it is common to speak of "ninis", that is, people, adolescents or adults but still very young, who neither study nor work.

Statistics, however, deny that this is the general trend of this segment of the population. The data provided by the INE, specifically, in 2017, is that young Spaniards who were in this situation they were only 16.4%, which means that there was 83.6% who studied, worked, or performed both tasks at the same weather.

Not only that, but within adolescents and young people who do not carry out any activity, an important distinction must be made, and it is to separate between those who do not do it because they do not want to and those who are inactive because they do not find an opportunity labor, since we must not forget that youth unemployment in Spain, in the year 2021, is about to exceed 40%, a figure dramatic.

Therefore, before thinking that adolescents are lazy and do not spend their time in any profitable activity, we must bear in mind that the statistics widely affirm the opposite.

3. Teens are uneducated

It also tends to fall into another quick thought for which young people fare badly, and that is that they lack culture or that they are not interested in cultural activities. Again, the data asserts otherwise, so this stereotype would also not serve as a correct generalization of the young population.

The study carried out in 2014-15 on the cultural habits and practices of Spaniards indicates that it is precisely the youngest segment that is most concerned about this type of activity. Among the most popular cultural activities are concerts, visits to museums, movie viewing at the cinema, and also attending libraries.

In other words, It is precisely adolescents and young people who participate the most in culture, in many of its forms. In addition, the data indicate that, as age increases, this participation gradually decreases, which that clashes even more with the essence of this stereotype, which would therefore not be valid in most cases.

4. Teens are emotionally unstable

The list of the main stereotypes of adolescents continues with a very common one, which is that of emotional instability attributed to people around this age. The basis of this prejudice lies in the changes they experience at the hormonal level, and that produces changes both physically and psychologically.

However, these changes do not necessarily have to lead to instability in the emotions of the adolescents, or at least not more marked than what people can suffer in other stages vital. Children themselves, for example, experience abrupt changes in their emotions, which often result in tantrums.

Perhaps this stereotype also has some support in the attributions that are made about adolescents, to whom in Sometimes they are required to behave like adults when they have not yet reached that stage of development, but are on the way to it. For this reason, their emotional changes may be more visible and that could be favoring the construction of this prejudice.

It is important, therefore, to take these considerations into account in order to be aware that the mood swings and other forms of instability, occur in people of any age, older or younger measure. If we refer to this condition as psychopathology, that is, mental instability disorder, or borderline personality disorder, the prevalence in adolescents is lower than that of the adult population (0.7% - 2.7%, versus 1.4% - 5.9%).

5. Teens are conflictive

We cannot forget the prejudice of conflict. There is a tendency to consider that these young people generate recurrent conflicts with the people around them, and especially with their parents, as they are their reference adults and those in charge of establishing the rules and limits that they should comply.

However, authors such as Hoffman, Paris and Hall have studied this and other stereotypes and have found that it is actually a simplification that does not represent the majority of boys. On the contrary, these psychologists defend that adolescents agree with their parents on the most important issues, and that the divergences do not predominate over the points of consensus.

Therefore, we would be facing another of the main stereotypes of adolescents, also being one of fairly frequent use. Given this statement, we must not forget that young people, in general terms, want to maintain a good bond with their parents, even if they are involved in more discussions of which there were when they were children, since, as adolescents, they are developing their adult personality and that also implies acquiring their own positions in various topics.

In any case, we must not forget that this list of stereotypes may be fulfilled on some occasions, but it is not appropriate to use them as a generalization, since we have already seen that the data allow us to reach conclusions different from those presented by this group of prejudices.

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