Education, study and knowledge

The contribution of complementary therapies in addiction treatments

The World Health Organization describes alternative therapies as those that refer to a broad group of health practices that are not part of a country's tradition or are not integrated into its prevailing health system.

We would be talking about practices, approaches, and knowledge that incorporate plant-based, mineral-based treatments, personal growth therapies, manual techniques and exercises aimed at maintaining well-being and participating in a complementary way in the treatment of various pathologies.

In this regard, the reality of addiction treatments (and therapeutic communities particularly) in Spain about 30 years ago it was very different from what we know in the present.

On a general level, there was a lot of vocation and dedication in the task of helping people to overcome their addiction with detoxification methods. At the same time, the specific training and technical and human resources of the specialized multidisciplinary teams of which today we have.

In that scenario and in those moments in which even in Spain the term was hardly known

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Mindfulness, except in very specific circles, in the Therapeutic Community Llaurant la Llum It was already working in an avant-garde way using alternative therapies and techniques in a complementary way to traditional or orthodox treatments such as, for example, guided meditation, self-improvement sports such as sport climbing, yoga, laughter therapy workshops, aromatherapy, music therapy, etc.

  • Related article: "The 14 most important types of addictions"

Another view on supporting people with addictions

Within the own therapeutic program that has been developed and implemented in Llaurant la Llum over 35 years, It has always been tried to carry out a comprehensive approach in the treatment of addiction in which the person has at their disposal the best psychological and medical therapies, at the same time that this work is complemented or reinforced with the regulated practice of various alternative therapies taught by professionals.

  • The experience of so many years has allowed us to see the benefits and contributions that alternative therapies can provide in a complementary way:
  • The regular practice of guided meditation helps to work full attention and awareness, which is essential when it comes to being able to recognize maladaptive thoughts and emotions to work them.
  • Improvement is observed in pathologies such as anxiety and depression, which allows a better integration by the patient of the work carried out in the set of rehabilitation therapies (psychological sessions, group therapies, treatment pharmacological…).
  • We find benefits in aspects related to self-acceptance, rebuilding self-esteem and, above all, at the level of emotional control and impulses.
  • They facilitate the conciliation of sleep and rest.
  • Improvements in cognitive functions such as concentration and memory.
  • In short, they are techniques that reduce stress, promote self-knowledge and help focus thought.
Llaurant la Llum

In conclusion, we can say that addictive behavior is normally accompanied by a personality in which blockages, existential voids, traumatic experiences coexist, mismanagement of negative emotions (guilt, anger, sadness ...) and, in short, a huge burden of discomfort and internal suffering. Therefore, any technique and therapy that can help stabilize patients must always be received as something positive and beneficial in the overall calculation of treatment.

We must make available to patients the greatest variety of therapies and activities that we can offer, since all that That they do from abstinence and with motivation for change will be something positive and perhaps decisive in their rehabilitation process.

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