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The 70 best phrases of rapper Kase. OR

Kase. Or is the stage name of Javier Ibarra Ramos, a well-known Spanish rapper who became popular in rap group Violators of the Verse. In addition to linking him to this well-known group, he has made three solo albums and is considered a benchmark in Spanish rap.

Do you want to know the best phrases and verses of Kase. OR?

Best phrases and verses by Javier Ibarra (Kase. OR)

Born in 1980, the trajectory of Kase. Or is it just amazing.

Kase's lyrics. Or they are full of passion and popular wisdom. In this article we have compiled the best phrases of this artist, so that you can know first-hand the thought of him and his raw and real art like asphalt.

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1. I don't know why it costs me so much... (What?)... Live, fuck, feel good, sing disappointment every day

Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right attitude to deal with grief.

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2. Money, I look for it, I find it and I spend it, it's a greenback in my wallet, for Saturday

Money is one of the symbols of capitalism and materialism, and it is there to be spent and consumed.

3. I am going to spend my money on gifts, I want to give my ego a vacation and liberate chaos, I will not save a penny for the cemetery ...

Although money can also be spent on other people to show what you care about.

4. Because to tell the truth it's fantastic to live in this fucking graveyard of dreams, city

A date in which you can see a certain resentment, but also pride for his neighborhood.

5. I only let myself be seen from afar so that he can imagine me, ultra good, I am the apple with poison the phenomenon, baby, nominated for successor of thunder

Appearances are sometimes deceptive. But when you meet the person, your image of the person can change.

6. I do not know how to live either, I'm improvising

Sometimes you don't have to plan life, but just let it flow.

7. Don't let anyone dance to my music if it's not kicking a Nazi, racist son of a bitch, you're a slob, I'm Jewish and proud

The author makes clear his rejection of the Nazis and racists.

8. Eyes that see hearts that feel

An opposite version of the phrase "eyes that do not see heart that does not feel."

9. Of what you see believe half of what you do not see do not believe anything

A reflection that comes to say that we must doubt the truth and be critical.

10. More than one wanted and could not, you regret it before your sweat dries

A way of saying that you are lucky to be where you are.

11. That who does not keep love then does not hold a grudge

Sometimes sensitive people also tend to be spiteful and hurt.

12. If I don't shine, my absence shines, you don't hate me, you hate your impotence

When someone is frustrated they hate everyone around them.

13. Life is simple, you receive what you have given and to be happy you just have to forget the past

Give what you can and live in the present. This is the way to be happy according to the author.

14. I bring chocolates and the liquor of rigor, I still hold the mike with formidable vigor ...

Meaning that he always has a busy life doing more and better rap.

15. I already did a lot of lyrics yesterday, and I was not cured, I never stepped on my feet, today I just try to have fun and leave a brilliant fame before I go

The important thing is to do what makes you happy, that is, what you dream of.

16. Only drunkards and children always tell the truth and I'm a drunk and half child, who fucks you with his clap

The author defines himself as a sincere and authentic person.

17. Since you're not going to love me if I'm perfect, the problem must be something I haven't detected yet

A way of saying that it is great, and that it has hardly any flaws.

18. You want to pose naked and I portray you but there is no sensible verse for your beauty

When someone's beauty is so great that it is impossible to define it.

19. Call me crazy bitches, no one is born crazy

A quote that refers to the resentment he feels towards a woman who has hurt him.

20. Many friends and few true

Acquaintances abound, true friends are few.

21. I'm burned out of life, I need a miracle, I need a whiskey (I don't know), I need a something

There are moments when one feels that he cannot take it anymore, that he needs to disconnect.

22. I never wanted to be among the greats, I never wanted envy, I never wanted fame

Kase. Or denying his fame, which comes hand in hand with success.

23. Now that I ignore you I have everything clear, I have no more hatred than the hatred you have for me

In reference to people who are envious because things are going well for them.

24. Because only unsatisfied are boyfriends of narrow girls

Meaning that there are people who stoop to the whims of some women.

25. What you see is what there is, you are not fagots but you give me a freak out, I brought chaos where are you going

Kase. OR defines himself as an authentic person, and it is displayed as it is.

26. The stars are messy

A beautiful phrase that refers to chaos.

27. Intelligence rained, sensitivity rained and they saw love being born and they saw humor laugh

A quote that exemplifies those good moments in life.

28. Life is to flow, like these thoughts that try to flee, from a mind used to suffering

A rhyme that aims to define what life is from the author's point of view.

29. Six years later they stop me on the street and ask me: have you recorded another demo? When does it come out? I don't know, since when have you been interested in rap? If a year ago you were a Nazi and you wanted to bust me

There are people who are too influenced by fashion, who lack personality.

30. The first thing you have to be clear about is that I was not born to be a second-rate. The second thing: I have a mission in this world, drink and pray, try to float if I see myself sinking

A verse that tries to explain what kind of person this rapper is.

31. Your brain is going to dry up through your cock from so many straws thinking about her, stop it now

A date with a high sexual content, which refers to when someone has the person they like so much in mind.

32. Life lost to woman and drink

Sometimes, people can lose the north in their life and get carried away by vice.

33. My name is Javier, I am an inimitable myth: my superiority in a mike is not questionable

A rhyme that expresses what this rapper is and what he has achieved with a lot of effort and talent.

34. Each new flow surpasses the saying two seconds before

A verse that invites deep reflection.

35. When the monkey doesn't come out, the dog inside us comes out sometimes I bark at other times I move my tail if I'm happy

Human beings can sometimes put reason aside to give way to our instincts.

36. Girl I do not pretend that you fall in love, just behave well to get into Eden and then there are no shortage of girls who rub this young man

When you feel comfortable with yourself and do what he wants, you become attractive.

37. Nothing is so urgent, baby, nothing so important, nothing is worth more than the moment in front of us

To be happy, one must live life in the present moment and not in the future or the past.

38. The mission is to stop hip hop from being destroyed

Hip hop is not only a musical style, but it is associated with a culture that has become very popular in the world.

39. I have already created, my own religion, my own God, clear ideas to see reason

You give meaning to your life through your beliefs.

40. I do not regret my beginnings because brick by brick I have built a building

The author affirms that his success is the result of hard and constant work.

41. I'm going to walk my face

A way of saying that you say goodbye and leave, but you are very good with who you are.

42. Live life like in a movie

You can be the protagonist of your own life or be a supporting actor.

43. I am a shepherd of glory and heartbreak I am the hatred, the memory and the pain of dictators

A heartfelt rhyme spoken in one of his songs.

44. You better get better, here's a grave with your name on it and we put flowers on it

When someone connects with his talent, he does not connect with life.

45. I was the one you loved and now I'm the one you hate

It is common to go from love to hate when a couple breaks up.

46. I have the way of walking of the one who knows that they are looking at him, the way of speaking of the one who knows that you are listening, and that is that just by vocalizing I am falling in love with all those who have been hesitating

When you feel like a real star and you know that you are at the top.

47. In the street as in sex, walk with caution

In life, you need to be humble and respect others.

48. Remember this date as a battle or a love the stars are in my favor

When someone feels good about themselves, they don't care what other people think.

49. Oh! Immortal Poseidon of the furious trident, I entrust myself to you in this difficult endeavor, propitiating this sailboat to come to fruition

A rhyme that could be considered poetry.

50. I told you I will make you dream, and dreaming is fine, but back to reality you will be with me one hundred percent

A full-fledged declaration of love. A few words that show a confidence in himself.

51. That my hand does not shake if I have to wield a mic and make you shit and fat until fucking ass, sometimes I beat you just for drinking a liter and going home asking: who the hell is more cool? I am a lampstand, a pilgrim, my old girlfriend told me: I see you very deteriorated. Now I drink alone, sorrows float in the wine, tomorrow will be another day... another day the same ...

A verse taken from one of her best musical themes.

53. I'm not calm, no reason to be, I'm not sober, no reason to be

When things are not going well, you may want to turn to alcohol.

54. Crazy to produce unpredictable, pleasure in their heads, sorry seekers of certainty, my style is amazing, we are the time we have left, the old search, the new test

Rap and spontaneity, being carried away by the moment is happiness.

55. Today is not my day but I smile like Christmas

Even if we go through bad times, you have to keep a positive attitude to keep going and not break down.

56. Baby I'm not cut out for you if you have vertigo

Meaning that not everyone lives up to this crazy mentality.

57. Compare me to your boyfriend with the ridiculous facade, you should have chosen him with the light off

A criticism of a woman for having chosen her boyfriend.

58. It's a long time to give the coconut

Sometimes it is much better not to think about things and move on.

59. If I smell like paradise, it's because I was there yesterday, but Eva threw me out

You can be up one day and down the next.

60. I pursue the impossible, I describe beauty with a verse, often incorrigible

Kase. Or defining what he is like and what he does.

61. It's not because of God it's because of the oil monopoly, God has no hatred, damn it!

Money and oil are symbols of the capitalist system.

62. I am burned out of life. I need a miracle, I need a I don't know, I need something

Sometimes you don't know where you want to go, because you are going through an existential crisis.

63. I put enthusiasm that is another kind of orgasm

When someone loves what he does, things turn out almost without thinking.

64. Life shit, system shit, living standard shit on planet earth, don't brag supreme, it's the rhythm of my blood

This society can lead us to feel like what the author defines with this phrase.

65. I have so many lyrics in my mind, I have so many good ones that if you find a bad one you will tell me how good it sounds

His art is transmitted because its authenticity is contagious.

66. If there is no justice there is no peace and your fucking everything for the country makes me vomit

A few words that go against the fascist mentality.

67. I bring six million ways to die, only one to live. I'm b-boy to death is what I mean

Kase. Or he's a rapper through and through. An MC of body and soul.

68. Do not come here if you are a military man, we are going to weaken you, to take away the desire to scream

The author does not like those who defend this unjust system.

69. Here we drink like they are going to ban it

A quote that has a certain touch of irony and that talks about drinking.

70. Respect my role that in yours I do not include myself

Tolerance and respect are fundamental values ​​for this rapper.

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