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Conclusions of the Second World War

The Second World War it was an armed conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945 and that many consider as the most important war event in the history of mankind. The great relevance of this enormous conflict makes its conclusions vital for the subsequent years throughout the world, and therefore in this lesson from a Professor we must talk about the conclusions of the Second World War.

The huge number of deaths that took place all over the planet during the Second World War makes one of the key elements of the conflict's conclusions to be demographic, since the population numbers that emerged after the war show a totally different new reality. The main World War II conclusions regarding demographics are as follows:

  • More than 50 million dead and about 3 million missing, being a great number of these Jews by all Europe that by the German persecution had died.
  • One of the elements of World War II was the killing civilians, being one of the causes that so many people died during the war, ending with the classic war models that were based on deaths only of soldiers.
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  • The destruction of food, resources and lack of sanitation it caused millions of people to die after the war as a result of the war, either from hunger or from diseases caused by the situation.
  • Millions of people in Europe had to change territory or nation during the war, with many who did not return after these events and causing enormous population changes.
  • The conclusions that were taken due to the demographic loss is that such a war should never take place again, being the cause of the formation of many peace organizations among the whole world.
  • Many cities were totally depopulated for the millions of lives that were taken and for the destruction of cities, existing cities that were never inhabited again.
  • The great mortality was joined by a very low birth rate as a consequence of the war, causing a huge demographic mismatch that would take decades to change.
World War II Conclusions - World War II Demographic Conclusions

All wars throughout the history of mankind have provoked, to a greater or lesser extent, a series of dire economic conclusions for the population, but those that occurred in a war as serious as the Second War World makes the economy suffered more than usual. The main conclusions of the Second World War and related to the economic field were the following:

  • Much of the economy was focused on weapon creation, causing a great economic maladjustment of the belligerent nations. After the war the production of weapons stopped, but the millions spent on them during the war and before it never returned.
  • The agricultural production decreased largely due to the destruction of many fields and their use for war, causing great famines after the war and that countries like France rationed food in their populations so that no one would starve.
  • Thanks to the aid given after the war and their interests, The US became the world's greatest power, receiving for years taxes from the greatest powers in the world for their help.
  • A confrontation between two great economic models is born, the capitalism and communism, causing a Cold War in which the economic model of the entire planet was decided.
  • Destruction of urban areas, industries and agricultural fields made all nations need a long reconstruction, being a great part of the aid of the United States directed to these enormous reconstructions.
  • Industry in Europe collapsed, ending all the advances that have been taking place in the continent in recent years. Unemployment levels in the sector and industrial economy took years to fix.
  • Unemployment broke all-time records, being the time of worst economic crisis in European nations in centuries.
Conclusions of the Second World War - The economic conclusions of the war

To finish this lesson on the main conclusions of the Second World War we must talk about all those that they changed the politics of the whole planet, being essential to understand the world as we know it today. The main political conclusions of the Second World War are as follows:

  • Drop of fascism and of totalitarian regimes, with exceptions such as Spain or Portugal, most nations began the road to a total democracy and organizations were created to fight against dictatorships.
  • The USSR annexed to its territory many nations like Poland or Romania, causing a great increase of its influence in all the planet.
  • Germany was divided into four parts, each being owned by one of the Allied states. This was necessary to stop the Nazi influence permanently and end the war.
  • Japan yielded in all their disputes in Asia, ending the suffering that nations like China had suffered for years.
  • Much of europe, being the areas conquered by Germany and the USSR, was divided between support for the US and the USSR, creating two areas of influence.
  • Creation of organizations such as UN, NATO or EU to prevent in any way that a new world war can happen.
  • The world is divided into two great ideologies, the capitalist led by the US and the communist led by the USSR.
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