Education, study and knowledge

Esther Perez De La Fuente

Most of us experience moments of anxiety, depression, anguish, despair... sometimes, we know The reason, sometimes not, I can help you overcome and understand these moments and restore your emotional balance. I am a psychologist and I practice my profession mainly in León. I graduated from the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 2005. I am also a Gestalt Therapist. A training that lasted 5 years, in which I experienced many discoveries and personal changes.

I believe in people and in their ability to change. I love humanistic psychology, personally it has given me a lot of self-knowledge and well-being. And I want to accompany people in their processes of change and personal growth so that they find themselves better with themselves, with others and with the world.

Among the most important trainings that I have carried out are the study of the different personality traits from the Enneagram with the Claudio Naranjo Foundation, training in Humanist Art Therapy, Specialist in Crisis Intervention and training in Body Therapy, Family Constellations, Brief Strategic Therapy, NLP and Coaching.

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Clinical Psychologist Origen Albufera (Madrid)

Taking care of our emotional well-being is a priority. At Clínicas Origen we have psychological t...

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Psychologists in Cuarte de Huerva

Bachelor of psychology I am Jorge, Bachelor of Psychology from the UNED in the specialty of appli...

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Psychologist Jorge Trallero Payo (Zaragoza)

I am Jorge, Bachelor of Psychology from the UNED in the specialty of applied psychology in the bu...

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