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The 5 types of couples therapy

Relationships are complex. It is not only a matter of loving yourself: maintain a balance between passion, intimacy and commitment, communicate properly and have a relationship that allows both members of the couple to grow and mutually enrich their lives involves a great effort. In this context, it is not uncommon for different types of conflicts that the couple will have to face, and it is possible that sometimes they will not be able to do so due to yes alone.

An alternative that is available, if there is a desire to improve the situation, is to seek professional help: it may be necessary to go to a professional to help us perform couples therapy. However, couples therapy is not a homogeneous something that is always carried out in the same way, different currents of thought have developed different approaches that may be more or less useful depending on the problem in question. question. In this article we are going to discuss what is couples therapy in general and some of the types of couples therapy that exist.

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What is couples therapy?

The name of couples therapy is that type of treatment or procedure that is used at a professional level. in order to improve the situation and relationship of a couple before the existence of some kind of problem that interferes with their normal functioning or that generates suffering for one or both parties.

This type of therapy is very useful for couples with significant problems and conflicts or for those who seek to solve minor problems but that may affect the relationship.

The most common is that behind the different problems hides the presence of some kind of frustration or dissatisfaction with some aspect of the relationship, usually linked or made worse by lack of communication.

It is possible that there is no clear demand beyond the presence of relational problems, one of the main aspects to work on being that of elucidate the reason for dissatisfaction with the objective of finding ways to reduce it and introduce changes that allow the resolution of the conflicts. However, in other cases the cause of the conflict may be more limited to a circumstance, situation or specific discrepancy.

Some of the main causes that usually lead a couple to go for a consultation They are usually the appearance of an infidelity, problems or absence of communication, poor coexistence, presence of jealousy, emotional dependence, fertility problems, sexual dysfunctions, absence of shared goals or perception of lack of involvement by one of the parties, discrepancies in the education of the offspring, structural discrepancies at the level of hierarchical problems o lack of equity in power o unexpected problems such as the death of a child or the diagnosis or suffering of a chronic or terminal medical illness or disorder mental.

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Types of couples therapy according to their paradigm

All these problems can be observed and treated from very different theoretical and practical perspectives. For example, some of them may focus more on emotional factors or the sensations of their members while others are based more on the existence of family roles and structures or on more cognitive aspects. All of them are considered couples therapy and all of them are useful in different situations.

Next we are going to see some of the main types of couples therapy that exist based on the theoretical current from which they start.

1. Systemic couples therapy

One of the best known types of couples therapy, and which also leads to the application of family therapy, is that based on the systemic paradigm.

In this case, the relationship is seen as an open system in which there is an exchange of roles, norms and relationships. Most of the problems are usually linked to communication problems, lack of understanding or expression of the needs of each member of the couple or of the appearance or maintenance of fixed roles that become dysfunctional and generators of suffering.

2. Cognitive-behavioral couples therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most prevalent and recognized today in most facets of psychology. This type of therapy It is usually linked to the cognitions, beliefs, expectations and thoughts of each subject, as well as in the behaviors derived from them.

Thus, it is common for under this paradigm to work on differences in expectations in the relationship, the presence of behaviors that involve suffering for one of the parties. Situations in which there is excessive control or low mutual reinforcement are worked on.

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3. Psychodynamic couples therapy

Couples therapy carried out from a psychodynamic perspective usually focuses on the presence of conflicts produced in childhood or early development as a cause of the generation of couple problems in the Present. Also the use of defense mechanisms such as projection on the other is analyzed of the own fears or the introjection of characteristics of the other in the own self of the individual.

Other notable aspects are the high value given to the therapeutic relationship and conscious fantasies and unconscious of each of the members of the couple, especially in relation to the relationship refers.

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4. Humanistic couples therapy

Another type of couples therapy, perhaps less well known than the previous ones, is that based on the humanistic approach. From this approach, it is sought that the members of the couple develop and optimize their potentialities, tear down masks and roles and discover themselves. It is considered to be the development of the individuality of each member of the couple which will lead to a more solid union between the two.

5. Other types of couples therapy

So far we have talked about different types of couples therapy based on the paradigm from which it starts, but these are not the only ones that exist. We can find within these same paradigms different ways of conceptualizing and conducting therapy.

For example, there is therapy focused on emotions (in which it seeks to improve the bond from emotional expression and overcoming vicious circles of negative emotions) or the integral one based on the acceptance and commitment of the problematic situation (for example, the suffering of a chronic). There are also therapies more focused on certain aspects of the relationship, such as sex therapy.

Does the therapeutic process fail in case of rupture?

It would be a mistake to consider that the goal of couples therapy is to avoid breakup in all contexts. Artificially lengthening the duration of a love relationship does not make sense if this part of fundamental failures, and in such cases, couples therapy is a means by which reach this conclusion and be able to move on to the breakup without feelings of guilt and "what would have happened Yes...".

In the same way, it favors that when ending the relationship this is done in the best possible terms. It is, in short, a way of exploring possibilities by maximizing the probability that the relationship will continue if it has the potential to work.

Bibliographic references:

  • Biscotti, O. (2006). Couples Therapy: a systemic view. 1st. ed. Buenos Aires: Lumen.
  • Christensen, A.; Atkins, D.C.; Yi, J.; Baucom, D.H. & George, W.H. (2006). Couple and individual adjustment for 2 years following a randomized clinical trial comparing traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy. J Consult Clin Psychol. 74(6):1180-91.
  • Lepore, J. (2010). The rise of marriage therapy, and other dreams of human betterment. New York: The New Yorker.

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