Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Day Centers in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the most prominent economic and cultural centers in Europe and its metropolitan area is home to a population of more than 3 million inhabitants, which also makes it one of the most populated on the continent.

The economy of this city is based on the service sector, with a special preponderance of the tourism, as well as in the financial sector, commerce and more recently in biomedicine and biotechnology.

In the specialized services sector, Barcelona also has a wide range of professionals who offer quality services to the city's inhabitants on a daily basis.

It is precisely in this area where we will focus today to present the most outstanding day centers in Barcelona, whose services are offered to older people with some degree of dependency or without it.

The most valued day centers in Barcelona

If you live in Barcelona and want to know them first hand, Here you will find the main day centers to consider in Barcelona.

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