Education, study and knowledge

160 Trivia questions (with answers)

One of the most popular entertainment systems is board games, one of the best known of which incorporates challenges and questions on many topics. It is about Trivial, and within this game, there are many different questions that can be asked.

In this article we are going to collect various questions for the Trivial Pursuit, with their respective responses.

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Trivial questions, with their answers

Trivial Pursuit is a board game whose main function is based precisely on answering questions of general culture, focused on various categories and themes that each player must answer in order to get all the tiles or "little cheeses".

Specifically, there are six categories: History, Geography, Entertainment / Entertainment, Art and Literature, Nature and Science, and Sports and Hobbies. Let's see next several sample questions from each of these areas of knowledge.


Next we will see a series of questions of general culture that could be part of games like Trivia, focused on events that have happened over time: that is, in history.

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1. Who was the first president of the Spanish democracy after the Franco regime?

The correct answer is Adolfo Suárez.

2. The invasion of which fortress by the revolutionaries is considered the starting point of the French Revolution?

The answer to this question is the storming of the Bastille.

3. In what year did man set foot on the Moon for the first time?

The Apollo 11 spacecraft reached the Moon in 1969, being that year when Neil Armstrong took "a small step for man, a great step for humanity."

4. What event is considered to have triggered World War I?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Habsburg by a Serbian activist was the trigger for hostilities, although the final causes are much deeper.

5. From what event do we consider that the Old Age ends and the Middle Ages begins?

The historical moment from which the Middle Ages is considered to begin is the fall of the Western Roman Empire, in 476 AD. C.

6. Who was the first president of the United States?

George Washington was the first president of the United States.

7. How long was the Hundred Years War?:

Although the name of this war seems to indicate that a century occurred between its beginning and its end, it actually lasted 116 years.

8. In what year was the United Nations Organization created?

This organization was created in 1945, the same year as the end of World War II, although in 1942 the term began to be coined and used.

9. What caravel did not return from the voyage on which Columbus first arrived in America?

The answer to this question is the Santa Maria.

10. What is the oldest epic narrative in history, found on clay tablets on which cuneiform writing was used?

It is the Epic of Gilgamesh, belonging to the stories created by the Sumerians and written by the Akkadians approximately in the 18th century BC. C.

11. What is the name of the Spanish philosopher known for his development of the theory of categorical closure?

It is about Gustavo Bueno Martínez, known for his work on philosophical materialism.

12. What were the last names of the two explorers who made the first trip around the world?

The name of the so-called Magellan-Elcano expedition gives the answer to this question.

13. What Egyptian pharaoh is known to have tried to move his empire from polytheism to monotheism through the worship of the god Aten?

It was Amenhotep IV, also called Akhenaten, who tried to promote a religious change in the entire social structure under his reign.

14. Which Roman emperor is known among other things for having tried to undergo sex change operations?

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, also known as Eliogabalus, was a young Roman emperor who broke with many of the taboos on sexuality that were had in Rome, although he also became famous for killing indiscriminately.

15. What ancient Greek philosopher believed that the element of which all things are composed is water?

In Ancient Greece it was very common to wonder about the original element that shaped reality. In this case, it was Thales of Miletus who proposed that this primordial element could be water.

16. In what language are the oldest manuscripts that belong to the part of the Bible that we know today as the New Testament written?

They are written in a variant of ancient Greek.

17. Who was the great British minister when British India was rocked by the Bengal famine?

At that time the great minister was Winston Churchill.

18. What island served as a prison for Napoleon after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo?

The island of Saint Helena was the place where this French ruler was confined.

19. What Danish philosopher is considered the main precursor of existentialism?

Søren Kierkegaard developed existentialist approaches very similar to those later promoted by intellectuals such as Jean-Paul Sartre or Gabriel Marcel.

20. Who were, according to legend, the two founding brothers of the city of Rome?

They are Romulus and Remus, two men who were raised by a she-wolf.

21. What is the name of the founder of the religion known as the Movement of Latter-day Saints, associated with the Book of Mormon?

It was Joseph Smith Jr.

22. Which African military leader became known for using a war tactic called buffalo horn formation?

It was Shaka Zulu, tribal chief of the Zulu people who led an army against the British to early nineteenth century, defeating them on several occasions despite not having their technology warlike.

23. For which religion is King Haile Selassie I especially important?

Haile Selassie I is considered one of the reincarnations of god according to the Rastafarian religion.


Another especially relevant category is the one that refers to geography, the study of physical and natural environments that are part of the earth's surface, as well as human communities that inhabit them.

24. What is the largest river in the world?

While many people sometimes confuse it with the longest, the largest river in the world is the Amazon.

25. What is the highest mountain in the world?

The highest mountain in the world is Everest, in the Himalayas.

26. What is the most spoken language in the world?

The answer to this question is Mandarin Chinese.

27. What is the name of the imaginary vertical line from which lengths are measured and which divides the world into two halves?

We are talking about the Greenwich meridian.

28. Where can we find the Casa Rosada?

The Casa Rosada, similar to the White House in the United States, is the building from which the President of the Government of Argentina exercises and the seat of the country's executive power.

29. Between which countries can we find the Bering Strait?

The Bering Strait is known among other things for separating the American continent from Asia, specifically separating the territories of the United States and Russia.

30. Which is the Brasil's capital?

The current capital of Brazil is Brasilia, although previously it was Rio de Janeiro.

31. What is the largest country in the world?

Russia is the largest country in the world, with a territory of more than seventeen million square kilometers.

32. What is the capital of New Zealand?

It's Auckland, or Ākarana in Maori.

33. What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?

The Ural Mountains are considered the natural border between Europe and Asia.

34. What is the name of the island on which the least known uncontacted tribe in the world lives?

This island is North Sentinel, part of the Andaman Islands archipelago and belonging to the Republic of India.

35. What is the capital of the Philippines?

It is Manila, a city located on the island of Luzon.

36. Besides German, Italian and French, what other language is spoken in certain regions of Switzerland?

Romache, a Romance language, is also spoken in eastern Switzerland.

37. What is the capital of Mongolia?

It is about Ulaanbaatar, which is also the most populous city in the country.

38. What is the European country from which the families of most of the inhabitants of Argentina come?

It is Italy, far ahead of Spain.

39. In which country is the Tagalog language mostly spoken?

This language is native to the Philippines.

40. What is the capital of Latvia?

This Baltic country has Riga as its capital.

41. What is the most populous city in Africa?

It is Cairo, since it has almost 20 million inhabitants.

42. What is the name of the typical Hungarian stew dish made from meat, onions and peppers?

It is goulash, one of the best known dishes of Hungarian culture.

43. What is the language of continental Europe recognized as one of the official languages ​​of South Africa?

It is Afrikaans, a language derived from Dutch.

44. What ethnic group has developed a mythology in which the concept of "Dreamtime" is very important?

The Australian aborigines consider that in the past there was a time referred to by this name, in which divine entities created reality.

45. What is the name of the capital of Albania?

It is Tirana, located in the center of this Balkan country.

46. What mountain range runs through northern Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria?

It is the Atlas Mountains, more than 2000 kilometers long.

47. What is the name of the typical dish of Russian cuisine made with minced meat balls wrapped in dough?

It is about the pelmeni, or pilmini, a food similar in appearance to tortellini.

48. Which mountain is one of the national symbols of Armenia?

It is Mount Ararat, the place where, according to Christian doctrine, Noah's Ark rests.


In the entertainment category we can find questions focused on relevant social events and artistic disciplines such as film or music and their works that have become part of pop culture, as well as the characters associated with these works.

49. Who was John Travolta playing in "Grease"?

The name of Travolta's character in this movie was Danny Zuko, leader of the band T-Birds, who fell in love with Sandy in the well-known movie.

50. What well-known comedian imitated Hitler in the movie "The Great Dictator"?

The answer to this question is Charles Chaplin, and the film was a success despite being released during the then still ongoing World War II.

51. Who was the director and at the same time the protagonist of the movie “Citizen Kane”?

Orson Welles was both director and leading actor (as well as screenwriter and producer) of this cult work, considered by some to be one of the best films in history.

52. Who was the famous singer of the musical group Queen?

Freddie Mercury was the lead singer of this group.

53. What is the name of Simba's mother in the Disney movie "The Lion King"?

While he is not as popular as other characters in the film, Simba's mother's name is Sarabi.

54. What is the name of the city where the Wizard of Oz is located?

The town where little Dorothy meets the Wizard of Oz is called the Emerald City

55. What were the first three components of "Los clowns de la tele"?

The first three clowns to be part of this group were Gaby, Fofó and Miliki. Later Milikito and Rody would join.

56. Which group is the song “Smells like a teen spirit” from?

This song is one of the best known of the group Nirvana.

53. What metal music band does the Master of Puppets album belong to?

It was Metallica the band that released this album in 1986.

54. What is the best-selling film of the 90s that director and producer James Cameron is known for?

Cameron is responsible for the creation of Titanic, one of the classics of cinema of that time.

55. Which Christopher Nolan film tells the story of a man with anterograde amnesia, who cannot create new memories from what is happening to him?

This is "Memento", starring Guy Pearce.

56. What is the name of the protagonist of the video game saga "The Legend of Zelda"?

Although the proper name of the title is another, the protagonist of these video games is called Link.

57. What is the name of the protagonist of the comic series The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman?

The protagonist is Morpheus, incarnation of dreams and stories.

58. What Latin American rock band initially adopted the name "Los Estereipes"?

It was Soda Stereo, famous Argentine rock group.

59. Who is the writer of the graphic novel "Watchmen"?

The author of this story is Alan Moore.

60. Which series of films does the character known as Jack Sparrow belong to?

Jack Sparrow is one of the main characters in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

61. What famous musical duo participated in the soundtrack of the movie "Tron: Legacy"?

The electronic music duo Daft Punk.

62. What is the name of the protagonist of the Japanese animated series "Cowboy Bebop"?

It's called Spike, or Spike Spiegel.

63. What is the name of the main antagonist of the Disney movie "The Lion King"?

The lion that Simba faces is named Scar.

64. Which English actor, screenwriter and stand-up writer wrote the British version of the series "The Office"?

Ricky Gervais, who rose to world fame with this series.

65. In which country does the action of the movie "Chappie" take place?

The story of this science fiction film takes place in South Africa.

66. What famous Spanish-speaking youtuber has his own animated series?

It is the Spanish youtuber El Rubius, protagonist of the series "Virtual Hero".

67. What is the name of Kentaro Miura's manga starring Guts (or Gatsu, in some translations)?

It is the fantasy book series entitled "Berserk".

68. What is called the practice of lying face down and maintaining the rigidity of the body, which became viral through the Internet through photos and videos?

It's called "planking."

69. What is the first video game in the Donkey Kong saga that had 3D images?

Although his previous video games had three-dimensional aesthetics, the first to have real 3D was "Donkey Kong 64"

70. What is the name of the leader of the Autobots in "Transformers"?

His name is Optimus Prime.

71. Which series produced by Netflix has as one of its main antagonists an entity called "Demogorgon"?

Demogorgon is the name by which the children of the Stranger Things series call the monster that attacks them in the first season.

Art and literature

Similar to the previous category, in the case of the questions on art and literature we find questions focused on these disciplines, although usually in reference to great classics.

72. Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?

While it is disputed whether he was really a real human being, both works are attributed to Homer.

73. What novel did Miguel de Cervantes write and is it considered one of the greatest exponents of Spanish and universal literature?

The answer is "The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha."

74. What great artist is known to have painted the Sistine Chapel?

The answer to this question, of general culture, is Miguel Angel.

75. Who painted the "Guernica"?

This work, which expresses the chaos that the experience of the bombing of the city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War entailed, was painted by Pablo Picasso.

76. What architectural style is Notre Dame Cathedral?

Notre Dame Cathedral is probably one of the best known examples of the Gothic style.

77. Which Shakespearean play is the soliloquy "To be or not to be, that's the question" part of?

This soliloquy, one of the best known by the English playwright, is part of the play Hamlet.

78. Who wrote "The Beehive"?

This work was written by Camilo José Cela.

79. What was the name of Don Quixote de la Mancha's horse?

The horse of this character, one of the greatest exponents of Spanish literature throughout the world, received the name of Rocinante.

80. In what country was Gulliver considered a giant during his travels?

Although throughout his travels Gulliver would visit a large number of nations with different types of citizens, one of the best known parts of its history and in which Gulliver was considered a giant is the one that takes place in the country of Liliput.

81. What country does the type of poetry known as haiku originate from?

Haiku is a genre of poetry from Japan.

82. Which Spanish-speaking writer received the nickname “el maco de Lepanto”?

He was nothing more and nothing less than Miguel de Cervantes, possibly the most famous Spanish writer in history.

83. Which mythological animal gives its name to one of Thomas Hobbes's best-known books?

The sea beast Leviathan gives rise to one of the metaphors that this philosopher used to refer to a type of absolute sovereignty.

84. What is the name of the famous American psychologist author of the book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity"?

The author of this work was Burrhus Frederic Skinner, one of the main representatives of behaviorism.

85. What is the name of the book on which the movie "Blade Runner" is based?

The title of this work written by Philip K. Dick is "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

86. What is the name of the Norwegian painter who is the author of the work "The Scream"?

It is Edvard Munch, one of the forerunners of expressionism in painting.

87. In J. R. R. Tolkien, what is the name of the balrog who fights Gandalf in the kingdom of Moria?

This beast is known as Durin's Damage, since it ended the life of King Durin VI.

88. In what other language, besides Spanish, did the novelist and poet Rosalía de Castro write?

He also wrote in Galician.

89. Who wrote the novel "The Conjuration of Fools?"

This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel was written by John Kennedy Toole.

90. On what continent was Arya Stark, a character in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire, born by George R. R. Martin?

The continent is called Westeros.

91. Which character in the Harry Potter literary universe has a rat named Scabbers?

Ron Weasley, at least for the first few books.

92. What silent science fiction movie was created by Fritz Lang in 1927?

"Metropolis" one of the classics of German silent films.

93. What fictional character was Don Quixote in love with?

From a farmer named Dulcinea.

94. What painter made the painting called "The Girl with a Pearl Earring"?

It is about the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer.

95. What jazz pianist and singer wrote an album titled "Glad Rag Doll"?

This album is by Diana Krall.

96. What ancient poet did the work "Ode to Aphrodite"?

The author of this poem was Sappho, or Sappho of Mytilene.

Nature and science

General culture questions focused on the most relevant scientific knowledge and advances, as well as the functioning and the structure of the natural environment and the beings that are part of nature (including elements such as human anatomy or zoology).

97. What is the speed of light?

Light travels approximately 300,000,000 km / s (although technically it does 299,792,458 km / s, we usually round it up).

98. What gas protects us from solar radiation, specifically ultraviolet radiation, forming a layer in the atmosphere?

The answer to this question is ozone.

99. What is the technical name for fear or phobia of heights?

One of the most common phobias, this fear is called acrophobia.

100. The formula E = mc2, in which scientific theory does it appear?

This formula is one of the best known and most basic of Albert Einstein, and is part of his theory of general relativity. Explain the equivalence between mass and energy.

110. What is the largest bird still alive today?

The bird that measures more than one wingtip to the other is the albatross.

111. What are the five kingdoms in which we can divide the different living beings?

There are different classifications of living things in different kingdoms, although the most common classification system integrates a separation of living beings into five large kingdoms: monera kingdom (bacteria and some algae), protoctist kingdom (protozoa and amoebas), fungal kingdom (formed by fungi and lichens), vegetable kingdom (plants) and animal kingdom (which includes us along with the rest of animals).

112. What is the main type of cell that is part of the nervous system of humans and other animals?

The basic unit and the main cell type (but not the only one) that is part of the nervous system is the neuron.

113. What was Marie Curie famous for?

Marie Curie is especially known for the discovery of radioactivity, a merit for which she won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 (shared with her husband and Henri Becquerel).

114. What is the name of the bird of prey that feeds mainly on bones?

It is a type of vulture known as the bearded vulture, which can be seen in some mountainous regions of Europe, Asia and Africa.

115. What species of amphibian is known for its incredible ability to regenerate parts of its body that have been damaged or amputated?

It is the axolotl, an amphibian native to Mexico in serious danger of extinction.

116. What species of tree often used in so-called traditional Chinese medicine is an example of a living fossil due to its ancient origins?

The Gingko biloba has fossils very similar to its current species belonging to the time of the dinosaurs. For many millions of years, the line of ancestors of this plant has hardly changed.

117. What are the nitrogenous bases of DNA?

They are guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine.

118. Around which planet do the satellites Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa orbit?

These celestial bodies revolve around Jupiter, the great gaseous planet.

119. In which archipelago does the only species of cormorant live that is not able to fly?

The Galapagos cormorant lives in the archipelago that gives it its name, and relies on its hind legs for both walking and swimming.

120. With what denomination is the line drawn by the stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka seen from our planet known?

These three stars form Orion's belt.

121. What is the name of the plant from which tequila is usually made?

The crass plant from which tequila is made is the agave.

122. What is the most abundant type of nerve cell in the human brain called?

The most numerous cells in this part of the human body are not neurons, but glial cells, or the glia.

123. What is the name of the researcher who, in parallel to Charles Darwin and by coincidence, developed a theory of evolution almost identical to that of Darwinism?

His name was Alfred Russell Wallace, and like Darwin, he was also British.

124. What is the name of the phonetic transcription system used in Mandarin Chinese?

This system for transforming ideograms from Chinese to alphabetic writing is called pinyin.

125. What period of the Paleozoic era occurred between the Devonian and the Permian?

It was the Carboniferous period, which began 359 million years ago and ended 299 million years ago.

Sports and hobbies

The last of the categories focuses on the field of sport and physical exercise, as well as other hobbies and leisure activities, including for example other board games.

126. When was the first Soccer World Cup held?

The first World Cup was held in 1930, with Uruguay being the first country to be World Champion.

127. Who was the world chess champion between 1972 and 1974, and the winner of the "match of the century" against Soviet champion Boris Vasilievich Spassky?

Bobby Fischer, whose real name was Robert James Fischer.

128. Who is considered the best basketball player of all time?

Although personal preferences may vary the answer, most professionals and amateurs will agree on the same person: Michael Jordan.

129. Who was the first woman to win an Olympic medal?

Within the modern Olympics, the first woman to be an Olympic champion and win a medal was Charlotte Cooper, who won gold in women's tennis and mixed tennis (along with Reginald Doherty) at the Paris Olympics in 1900.

130. Which athlete has the fastest speed record in the 100 meter sprint?

The human being who holds this record, in addition to his own in the 200-meter dash, is the Jamaican Usain Bolt.

131. How many years are the Olympic Games held?

While technically the Olympic Games are held every four years, keep in mind that There are not just one Games but two: the Summer Olympic Games and the Olympic Games in Winter. The two alternate in such a way that there are actually Olympic Games every two years.

132. Which soccer team has won the most World Cups so far?

The soccer team with the largest number of World Cups under its belt is the Brazilian team, which has won the World Cup up to five times.

133. Who was Cobi?

Cobi was the mascot for the 1992 Olympic Games, which were held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. It was created by Javier Mariscal.

134. What Cuban chess player was a world champion of this discipline between 1921 and 1927?

It was José Raúl Capablanca, nicknamed “the Mozart of chess”.

135. In which Spanish city is the Mestalla football stadium located?

It is the stadium of the Valencia Football Club, and it is in Valencia.

136. What tennis player born in 1956 won 18 Grand Slam titles?

It was the Czech tennis player Martina Navrátilová, one of the great representatives of this sport.

137. Which sport played with a bat and ball is the most popular in India?

The king of sports in this country is cricket.

138. In which city was the soccer player Lionel Messi born?

Messi was born in the Argentine city of Rosario.

139. By what nickname is the British skier Michael Thomas Edwards known?

The press nickname for him was Eddie the Eagle, or "Eddie the Eagle."

140. What golf player born in the first half of the 20th century has the greatest number of won majors?

It is Jack Nicklaus, who currently has the highest number of majors in his record.

141. What is the nickname by which the professional Super Smash Bros. player is known? Jason Zimmerman?

The name he uses in tournaments is M2K, or Mew2King.

142. What martial art of South American origin was developed to resemble a dance?

It is capoeira, invented by Brazilians of African descent.

143. Which soccer player gave rise to a movement known as the “gravesinha”?

This strange maneuver was made by the Danish Thomas Gravesen.

144. Which American elite swimmer won four gold and two silver medals at the 2012 London Olympics?

It was Michael Phelps who won all those titles.

145. In which Italian city was the motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi born?

In the Italian city of Urbino.

146. What is the name of the strategy video game whose tournaments have had a massive following in South Korea since the late 90s?

It is StarCraft, in which certain tournaments are even broadcast on public television in this country.

147. Which Spanish athlete was proclaimed Champion of the Ultra Running World Series in three consecutive years from 2012 to 2014?

It is the mountain runner Kilian Jornet.

148. What martial art is known as "Thai boxing"?

It is Muay Thai, one of the most dangerous martial arts.

149. What football team was David Beckham playing for in 2007?

In Los Angeles Galaxy.

150. Which NBA player has won the most championships?

Bill Russell. All 11 with the Boston Celtics.

151. Who is the Spanish-born MotoGP rider who has achieved the most championships?

Marc Márquez. The Catalan is still active, so he could expand his track record.

152. Who is the only Spanish-born Formula 1 driver who has managed to win the championship?

Fernando Alonso. The Asturian did it twice.

153. In which NBA franchise did Kobe Bryant develop his entire professional career?

In the Los Angeles Lakers.

154. Who is the tennis player who has won the Roland Garros title the most?

Rafael Nadal.

155. What footballer, whose demarcation was a goalkeeper, went from playing in the first team of the Barcelona Football Club to trying his luck in the Barcelona Dragons American football team?

Jesús Angoy had this eccentric and curious trajectory.

156. What well-known boxer started his career with the name Cassius Clay?

Cassius Clay was the original name of Muhammad Ali. His name was changed when he converted to Islam.

157. Who is the tallest basketball player who has participated in the ACB?

Christ Koumadje. The Chadian player stood up to 224 centimeters.

158. What sports journalist popularized the expression "Jugón" to refer to both football and basketball cracks?

It was Andrés Montes.

159. What Argentine soccer player was nicknamed "El Conejito"?

This nickname was given to Javier Saviola, forward for River Plate, Barcelona and Real Madrid, among other teams.

160. Which Spanish coach achieved the first (and only) sextet by winning all six possible championships in a single season?

It was Josep Guardiola, directing the Barcelona Football Club in the 2008-2009 season.

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