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10 Irish legends steeped in mythology and folklore

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Irish legends are characterized by a mystical and symbolic content typical of Celtic culture. Its main characters are usually magical, divine or mythological beings with supernatural powers, who coexist with humans in different ways. Legends take place in forests and lakes, but also in worlds that are beyond human experience.

We will see in this text 10 of the most popular Irish legends, as well as their content linked to the mythology of this island.

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The 10 most popular Irish legends

Legends and myths are a fundamental part of Irish culture. They allow us to know the magic of its forests and castles, as well as the fantastic beings that have inspired cinema and literature. What's more, are important stories to understand past and present of this attractive country. The following list brings together 10 typical legends of Ireland.

1. Osín of Tirnanoge

In Irish mythology, Tir na nÓg or Tirnanoge is an island where time seems to stop at times. Its name means "Land of Youth" and it is the place where the tribe of the gods (the Tuatha Dé Danann) lived after having left Ireland.

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They say that it is an almost inaccessible islandIt is only possible to arrive after a long journey, or at the invitation of a fairy.

It has been described as a beautiful place where disease does not exist and where monks and heroes from different times have arrived. One of them was Osi, son of the mythical warrior Fionn Mac Cumhaill, who was invited by Niamh Chinn Óir. They say that Osín spent three years in Tir na nög and, when he returned to Ireland on horseback, found that her hair and skin were suddenly old: three hundred years had passed since her departure. It was found by Saint Patrick, to whom he told of his adventures in the Land of Youth.

2. The conversion of Macaldus

They say that some bandits wanted to play a joke on Saint Patrick. One of them, named Macaldus, pretends to be dead and the others ask the saint to resurrect him, without success. When they try to revive Macaldus, the bandits realize that he was really dead. At that moment they run after Saint Patrick to ask him, this time seriously, to resurrect him.

The saint decides to help them, but he also imposes a punishment on them: he wraps Macaldus in padlocked chains, throws the key into the sea, and sends him off in a lonely boat. Eventually, the boat reaches the port of Man, where the villagers rescue Macaldus. While on the island, the bandit receives training to be a priest, and on the day of ordination one of the cooks arrives, who brought with him a key that he had just found inside a fish. Macaldus gladly acknowledges that this is the key that would finally free him from his chains.

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3. Hag’s Head

Near the Burren region of Ireland, there are the Cliffs of Moher, a place famous for its castles, caves and mythology. In these cliffs there is a set of rocks arranged in a peculiar way. Is about a rock formation that appears to be the face of a person looking out to sea.

They say it is the head of the old witch Mal, who fell in love with Cu Chulainn (Irish hero). After chasing him through forests and Irish castles, one fine day Cú Chulainn jumped off the cliff. He badly does the same, but is unsuccessful: he crashed into the cliff and his head was forever depicted on the rocks.

4. The festivals of fire

They say that in County Westmeath, in the town of Uisneach, they find the gateway to the underworld. It is the place where kings and queens are buried. Surrounded by a lake, on top of a hill, this town is home to festivals known as the “fire festivals”. They say that in this place the life of Lugh, the sun god, ended. However, it continued to exist in the form of comments that it resembles every May in the same area. For the same, in the fire festivals, dances, music and fire are dedicated to him as a sign of offering.

5. The ghost of Malahide

Near Dublin is a castle called Malahide. Legend has it that the spirit of a man named Anthony wanders in this room. In life, he was the man in charge of protecting the daughter of Richard Talbot, an Irish count of the fifteenth century. One night the earl's daughter suffered a seizure, for which the court unfairly blamed Anthony. Despite not having been found at the scene of the attack, the man was sentenced to hang. They say that from that day on, Anthony appears in the castle and its surroundings, seeking forgiveness and justice for his case.

6. The hill of Tara

The Hill of Tara is the prehistoric compound of the tribe of Irish gods (Tuatha Dé Danaan). These gods were capable of controlling sunlight and were direct descendants of the creator gods. Historians and archaeologists have long studied what lies beneath this temple.

Among other things, an oval monument more than 100 meters wide has been discovered within the hill of Tara. Surrounding this structure, and as if it were a crown, there are 300 holes of 2 meters wide each. This suggests that 300 columns once existed around the hill., and not only that, but in its subsoil there must be treasures to be discovered.

7. Oweynagat, the cave of cats

In County Roscommon it is famous for the rocky ranges that surround it. Historically, this place is recognized as part of the capital of the kingdom of Connacht, a place that housed characters from the Ulster Cycle, such as Queen Maeve and Ailiill of Connacht. They say that one of the caves, called Oweynagat or cave of cats, It was used as a connecting door between the world of humans and that of the gods. They also say that some destructive creatures have entered the earth through this door.

8. The leprechauns

Leprechauns are tiny, mythological beings with a green suit and a red beard. In fact, the word "leprechaun" has its origin in Irish terminology to refer to a "small body" More than a legend, he is one of the most representative characters in Irish culture. They say they have a bad temper and that in the past they were inhabitants of Ireland (it is believed that they were the first to arrive). They also say that they appear in forests and valleys, sometimes carrying a pot of gold coins. The ambitious often follow them and try to steal them, which can make them angry very easily.

9. The banshees

Like leprechauns, banshees are mythological beings. They are women or female spirits similar to fairies. In fact, the word Banshee means Woman (Ban), Fairy (Shee). Their presence does not usually indicate anything good (they say it is observed when someone is about to pass away).

It usually takes the form of a woman wrapped in a cape that covers her completely. Other versions say that the banshees appear as a beautiful young woman, or as a matron. In addition, she is present through a lament that can begin as a whisper and progress to a loud cry, which is the final omen of tragedy.

10. The hero Cuchulainn

Legend has it that one day, the warrior Crunn came to the capital of the kingdom of Conchobor to see a horse race presided over by the king. Over the course of the race, Crunn claimed that his wife was faster than some of the competitors, even when she was pregnant. The king of Conchobor asked his wife to demonstrate this and, to everyone's surprise, he did. She subsequently gave birth to two children, one of whom was named Cuchulainn.

Despite having grown up with the expectation of always being in the shadow of others; very young, Cuchulainn managed to kill an animal that no one could defeat. He was since then known as a hero who is victorious in every battle and is the bearer of the best weapons. In fact, around the legend of the hero Cuchulainn, many other stories have developed.

Bibliographic references:

  • Gonzales, H. (2005). Irish traditions. A journey through its myths, legends and popular tales. Latin circle: Barcelona.
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