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Substance use in adolescence: risk factors

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The vital stage of adolescence becomes a particularly sensitive period in the establishment of the individual's own identity, which is why it seems It is necessary to analyze what circumstances may favor or prevent harmful risk behaviors in this age group, such as the consumption of substances.

In the study ESTUDES carried out by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (2018), a statistic was elaborated where the status of the consumption at the national level in 2016-2017, analyzing various variables such as age of onset, sex or the type of substance consumed in the adolescent population (14-18 years).

These data show how despite the fact that the start of consumption of substances such as alcohol, tobacco or certain drugs has been delayed for a few months such as cannabis in the indicated ages compared to a previous decade, the frequency and volume of consumption is higher today than in years precedents. In this article We will see what factors may be influencing drug use in adolescence in this regard..

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Characteristics of the adolescent stage

As indicated at the beginning, adolescence involves a vital time of significant psychological complexity, since a confluence various factors of various kinds (physiological, emotional and social) interact in order to consolidate in the subject their own "Me". For this reason, at these ages, behaviors of self-affirmation, differentiation of family reference figures and even the appearance of certain oppositional behaviors and a certain challenge to the rules and limits imposed from abroad.

Another factor that plays an important role is the increase in the influence that the peer group exerts on the individual, to the detriment of those provided by parental figures, which enjoyed greater significance during the time childish. A) Yes, teens feel significant peer pressure and they become very vulnerable to possible social rejection or acceptance.

In response to the two aspects exposed (the need for self-assertion and the decrease in parental influence), it is observed in this population group an increase in sensation seeking and experiencing novelty for themselves, independently and demanding ever greater indices of autonomy. Adolescents tend to show a self-centered personal profile, which in some cases leads to the rejection of help or support from the adult.

Thus, the adolescent psyche is halfway between a type of childish reasoning (more impulsive and irrational) and a more adult perspective (more serene and reflective). Therefore, although adolescents show different ideas, thoughts and concerns from those of children, they It is still very complex to adopt more mature perspectives, which is why they become a collective especially vulnerable to advertising campaigns that associate substance use with a successful or socially attractive personal profile.

Nature of substance use

The phenomenon of substance use can be defined as a multifactorial aspect, since the effect it exerts on the person is the result of three large variables that converge:

  • The individual, with his physical and psychological characteristics.
  • The context, where social, cultural, economic, family factors intervene, etc.
  • The substance of consumption, which in different measure and manner exerts a pharmacologically active effect on the body and can cause the development of dependence.

Within each of these main areas, there are a number of more specific factors that can have a considerable influence on potential substance use during adolescenceAlthough it is true that it cannot be affirmed that they exert a direct causal role.

Risk factor's

Risk factors are those circumstances that can increase the probability of consumption, while protective factors describe practices that decrease the rate of occurrence of such behaviour.

1. Individual factors

These are the risk factors present in individuals.

1.1. Values ​​and beliefs

Consists in the attitudes, beliefs and ethical and moral values ​​transmitted by the family and by the peer group in relation to the substance use itself or to other more general vital aspects, for example, responsibility, the importance of health, etc.

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1.2. Social skills

Social skills and resources, such as competence in interpersonal interaction behaviors or the whole of personal resources available to the adolescent to establish satisfactory relationships adapted to reality It is crucial for him to be able to express his opinions, assert himself and be critical before according to what situations and circumstances of risk.

1.3. Self-concept and self-esteem

These elements are defined by the way in which the same individual describes himself, by the personal image he has of his "I" and by the degree of personal safety reflected.

Thus, it has been shown that individuals with an adequate level of these two phenomena are less vulnerable in risk situations. In contrast, when self-esteem is low, use can play a role in avoiding vital frustrations, which can precipitate use.

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1.4. Experimentation

Experimentation, understood as a phenomenon intrinsic to the adolescent stage, can be linked to consumption situations, strengthening their occurrence if they are associated with pleasant or positive contingencies such as having fun, meeting other people, etc.

1.5. Emotional and behavioral self-control

Self-control can be diminished in this vital stage due to the presence of facets such as impulsiveness and the need for immediate gratification, so frequent in adolescence.

2. Relational factors

These factors have to do with the social contexts that adolescents go through.

2.1. School

The school, as one of the main educating and socializing agents, exerts a very relevant influence. It has been observed that students with school failure or high rates of absenteeism, as well as negative attitudes towards peers or teachers they tend to have a higher risk of consumption.

2.2. Peer group

In these ages friendships become the main social referenceTherefore, the perception of feeling integrated and accepted by this group will largely determine their behavior and attitudes. In groups that favor consumption, there is a greater probability of risk for the adolescent.

2.3. Leisure contexts

The relationship between the organization of leisure time and the economic aspect, from which a strong association between the free time available to adolescents (the weekend) and the consumption of substances.

2.4. The family

The findings show that when the parental environment is unstructured or is interfered with in the establishment of satisfactory relationships among the members, there are greater probabilities of consumption in young people.

On the other hand, the attitude of the family towards the consumption habit will also be fundamental as a risk factor; the greater the acceptance and standardization, the higher the rate of substance use.

3. Social factors

The most widespread social phenomena fall into this category.

3.1. Knowledge, accessibility and volume of advertising about substances

In this it plays a fundamental role the level of transmission of information that the adolescent has received from the main reference figures: family, school and peer group. This will determine the perception that the adolescent has about consumption, facilitating or hindering the avoidance of such action.

3.2. The socio-economic nature of the social environment of interaction

In this are observed higher consumption rates in community areas with precarious conditions regarding the economic level and capacity for social integration.

In conclusion

Throughout the article, various types of aspects that can influence the development of consumer behaviors in the adolescent population have been listed. It has been found that this set of factors has a multidimensional and correlational nature, rather than causal.

Even so, many of them are related to the type of educational development experienced by young people and, therefore, with the level of success in the internalization of competencies and personal values ​​such as responsibility and autonomy, an adequate degree of assertiveness, of social skills or the level of self-esteem acquired, as well as the supervision index and the communication quality between the different socializing agents and the less.

In this way, it seems clear that working to promote homes with good family integration, where there is a combination of norms, limits, adaptive values and a positive emotional accompaniment is made will be decisive to ensure that future statistics reflect lower values ​​regarding the consumption of substances in the adolescent population refers.

Bibliographic references:

  • Alegret J., Comellas M.J., Font P. and Funes, J. (2006). Adolescents, relationships with parents, drugs, sexuality and body worship. Family and Education Collection No. 5.
  • "The minors try drugs later and later but they increase their consumption." EL PAÍS (April 2, 2018). Original source:

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