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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in Addictions in Segovia

The psychologist Jose Martin del Pliego She has a Master in Clinical Psychology, another in Sexology and a third Master in Reciprocal Interaction Therapy. This professional has specialized, over 20 years, in applying techniques that allow dive into the subconscious of the person to release blocked emotions or overcome disorders of addiction.

Some of the therapies that she applies in her consultation are Hypnosis, Biofeedback, EMDR Therapy and Brainspotting, all them adapted to each particular case and explaining to the person at all times each of the steps taken during the therapy.

In addition to that, the main areas that this psychologist addresses in his therapy center are cases trauma such as sexual abuse, depression and anxiety, addictions, chronic pain and stress.

The psychologist Pilar Gomez Gil She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, has a Master's degree in Behavioral Therapy and is a specialist in Therapy Cognitive-behavioral in children and adolescents, one of the orientations with the most evidence scientific

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In his consultation he attends to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, and in it he addresses a wide variety of addictions, whether to alcohol and drugs, as well as to new technologies.

The psychologist Naiara Insausti she is an expert in both the field of Clinical and Health Psychology. In her consultation, she offers a psychological therapy service based on a permanent accompaniment of the person throughout the process, addressing her needs at all times.

His intervention includes different therapies with proven evidence such as Cognitive-behavioral or Third Party Therapies Generation, and one of his main specialties is addiction to new technologies in both children and Adults.

The psychologist Antolin Yagüe She has a professional experience of more than 20 years and is an expert in Clinical Neuropsychology, Judicial and Expert Psychology and Post-oncological Psychotherapy.

As a Health Psychologist he is specialized in treating addictive disorders such as alcohol and drug addiction, as well as addiction to social networks and new technologies in general, in adults and teenagers.

The psychologist Maria Jose Marazuela Llorente has extensive experience in serving adults, couples and also families that may need it. His intervention is characterized by being personalized and integrating different efficient therapies, which can have the greatest impact on the person when it comes to successfully treating their problem.

This professional is a specialist in treating addictions of all kinds, especially drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and sex addiction.

The General Health Psychologist Aldona Ziaja She is an expert in Health Psychology and also Legal Psychology, as well as in Family Mediation and in caring for victims of gender violence.

His intervention is integrative, based on Brief Strategic Therapy, it is aimed at adults and adolescents, and some of the areas that he attends most frequently are cases of addiction to new technologies and support for people with alcoholism rehabilitated.

The psychologist Antonio Marazuela Llorente She has an experience of more than 25 years, she has a Master in Psychological Intervention in Educational Contexts and another in Brief Strategic Therapy. In addition to that, she has specialized in the fields of individual therapy in adults, in couples and also in the family sphere.

Some of her main specialties are addictions of all kinds, mainly to gambling and substances and also obsessions and eating disorders.

The professionals of the Avanti Psychology Center They offer a psychological care service for children, adolescents, adults and also in the field of sexology. Some of his most notable specialties is the intervention in all kinds of addictions offered at the center, characterized by its rigorous methodology.

In addition to that, the intervention of the center in addictions is based on carrying out a comprehensive therapy that takes into account the totality of the person and their problem, being some of the specialties of the center the cases of alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling.

The psychologist Ana María by Antona Martín She is an expert in Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy and has a Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

In his office, he cares for children, adolescents and adults, with some of his specialties being addictive disorders, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The Centea Foundation is a center specialized in the treatment of addictions whose multidisciplinary team of professionals provides the best service for anyone who requests it.

Chemical addictions are addressed in the center and the methodology used is the Minnesota model, based on total abstinence, promoting permanent healthy lifestyle habits and supporting family.

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