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German SS history

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German SS history - summary

Image: Slideshare

Throughout history there have been many military and police organizations created by the parties authoritarian forces in order to maintain power in a region, being vital for the repression and elimination of leaders opponents. To talk about the organization of this type with the greatest recognition in history, we must know the police created during the hitler's nazi regime and, therefore, in this lesson from a TEACHER we will offer a summary of the history of the SS of Germany.

The SS or Schutzstaffel it was an organization of nature military, police and security under the command of Adolf hitlerand from his party the National Socialist German Workers' Party, whose service ranks from Nazi Germany to the rest of the territories under Nazi rule.

The origins of the SS can be found in 1923, when they began to function as a kind of personal guard of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, being originally formed by a series of party volunteers whose mission was to protect the main leaders. One of the most relevant elements of the origins of the training was that they were

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chosen by Hitler himself, since the Nazi leader did not trust much of the party group. This first group of personal guard was abolished after the failure of the Munich Putsch, being an attempted coup by Hitler's party. After that, Hitler created another personal guard group, which eventually became a national organization and eventually in 1925 he received the name of SS, serving to defend all the figures of the party.

After his increase in influence, different people passed through the position of commander until they reached command Heinrich Himmler, being the person who changed the SS forever. Under Himmler the SS grew from a small national organization to the most dangerous institution from all over Germany, controlling everything that happened in the country. Himmler thought that the SS should be essential to the Hitler's rise to power and for the organization of it he was based on concepts of the Italian samurai, Templars, Jesuits and black shirts.

After Hitler came to power, the SS became a branch of the government, being even those in charge of the application of the law. The creation of a branch of the SS called Gestapo, being the secret police, led to the night of the long knives in which the SS and the Gestapo were tasked with killing most of the opposition to the government.

After that, another branch of the SS was in charge of managing the Jewish concentration camps, this organization being in charge of its administration until the end of the war.

German SS History - Summary - Origins of the SS in Germany

Image: Slideshare

To continue with this summary of the history of the German SS we must talk about the role that this military organization played throughout the Second World War.

After the start of the Second World War the influence of the SS was greater, occupying most of the responsibilities in every area that Germany occupied. The influence of the SS became so important due to its numerous divisions, existing from the secret police to a division that functioned as a kind of secondary army.

When the Germans occupied an area, the SS arrived and caused a great repression, committing numerous imprisonment and taking hundreds of people to concentration camps that were run by they. In these fields the SS committed the murder of thousands of Jews through the use of gas chambers, known as one of the greatest genocides in history.

It could be said that all sections of the German war that were not controlled by the army or by Hitler were in one way or another the competence of the SS, since due to its enormous number of subdivisions they controlled all sectors of Germany, from the secret assassinations to the search for Jews.

The activities of the SS continued their influence until the end of the war, its participation in all the important battles of the war being essential, and only ceasing its total influence when Germany was defeated.

German SS history - summary - The SS in WWII

Image: Slideshare

With the end of the war came the end of the SS, beginning a series of escapes of all the members of great relevance of the organization. The leader of the SS, Himmler was captured by the British, committing suicide shortly after so as not to receive punishment for his actions in the war. Many members of the SS were murdered and tortured by the allies due to crimes committed in the war.

Although many of the members of the SS escaped and some of them never showed up, many others were arrested and put on trial in the so-called Nuremberg Military Courts. The first trial 24 Nazis were tried, many of them members of the SS subdivisions, and therefore guilty of the crimes of the Holocaust. All of them were charged with conspiracy, starting a war, war crimes and crimes against human rights. Half were sentenced to death for their actions.

In the following years, many members of the SS were tried, the majority saying that they were only following superior orders. Most were found guilty and thereby paid for the crimes committed by the cruelest military organization of the Contemporary Age.

German SS history - summary - The SS after the war

Image: Aki frases
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