Work memory (operational): components and functions
Working memory, also known as "operative", is a cognitive system that retains information in the short term and manipulates it, thus allowing the execution of complex psychological processes and behaviors such as decision-making or calculation mathematical.
The original theory that described working memory was the work of psychologists Baddeley and Hitch. In this article we will analyze the components of operative memory according to this model and the functions that correspond to each of them.
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Working memory and short-term memory
During the 50s and 60s of the last century, different theories about memory arose within the framework of the cognitivist paradigm. Sensory memory, which included iconic or visual memory and echoic or auditory memory, was first discussed, and later the distinction between short-term memory and long-term memory.
The concept of short-term memory has been progressively replaced by that of operational or working memory. This change is due to the fact that, from
contributions from Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch In the 70s, this type of memory is considered not only a passive store of information but also operates on it.According to Baddeley and Hitch, working memory is made up of a set of components that interact with each other. These systems work with Verbal information "items", visual or otherwise; an item is understood to be any unit of information with meaning for the person.
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Baddeley and Hitch's multicomponent model
The classic model of working memory It was made up of three components: the central executive, which manages the use of cognitive resources and attentional systems, and two subordinate systems that process unimodal information, the phonological loop and the articulatory.
Later, Baddeley added a fourth component, the episodic buffer.
1. Central executive
Baddeley and Hitch described the existence of an attentional control system that they called "central executive." The main function of this component is assign attention resources to the tasks we are doing at a given moment, so that the rest of the memory systems are directed by the central executive.
This system also stores information but its capacity is limited; When demand exceeds the resources of the central executive, the latter uses the phonological loop and the visuospatial agenda, which Baddeley and Hitch called "slave subsystems."
2. Phonological loop or articulatory loop
The phonological loop is a system that retains verbal information in acoustic format temporarily. Depending on the model, the articulating loop can passively hold a maximum of 3 items for 2 seconds; If we carry out a “subvocal review” operation by repeating the information through internal speech, the capacity increases to 7 items.
If we focus on the passive side of the phonological loop, this component is close to the concept of echoic memory, described by George Sperling and Ulric Neisser as a brief mental representation of acoustic information.
3. Visuospatial Agenda
Baddeley and Hitch described a second slave subsystem that works with images: the visuospatial agenda. Its characteristics are similar to those of the phonological loop, basically differing in that it handles visual information instead of sound.
The visuospatial agenda has not been investigated as much as the articulatory link and its characteristics have not been fully confirmed. Research suggests that the brain could process visual information separately (perception of details, color, etc.) and spatial, including the location and movement of stimuli.
4. Episodic buffer
The episodic buffer is the fourth and final component of the classical model of working memory, which was added by Baddeley in 1991 to his original formulation. From a theoretical point of view, it is associated with the executive functions of the frontal lobe of the brain.
According to Baddeley, it is a temporary warehouse with restricted capacity, such as the articulatory link and the visuospatial agenda. Nevertheless, works with multimodal information instead of just words or pictures. Its other fundamental characteristic is that it allows the exchange of information between long-term and operational memory.
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TM functions: control operations
As we have said, the main difference between the concept of short-term memory and that of working memory is that the The first was understood as a passive store, while working memory is also attributed active functions related to the management of available information.
Let's see what these control operations consist of.
1. Repetition
The repetition of the information stored in the working memory allows it to be retained for a longer time, which, in turn, allows time for other control operations to take place. When this occurs, the likelihood that short-term memory will be transferred to long-term memory increases.
2. Recoding, grouping or "chunking"
Recoding consists of the elaboration of complex information segments (“chunks”, in English) from simpler items. In addition to working memory this operation involves long-term memory, since the rules and strategies that guide recoding are stored in it.
3. Execution of complex cognitive tasks
Working memory deals with tasks such as listening and reading comprehension, problem solving, for example math, and decision making. These processes are related to higher cognitive functions and depend on the interaction between the stimulation received and the information stored in long-term memory.
Is it related to intelligence?
Working memory is considered to be closely related to intelligence, in the sense that a greater capacity in this type of memory is reflected in better scores of CI. However, little is yet known about how the two constructs fit together.
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