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The War of the Pacific: Summary

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The War of the Pacific; 1937-1945. Resume".

The war of the Pacific goes from 1937 to 1945. That is, it is within the Second World War but located in the Pacific Ocean, its islands, part of Asia (Indochina, China ...). Why does it arise? Japan occupies China. Japan is a very small country, very densely populated and with very few resources. They, in their desire for territorial and colonial expansion, attack China (Manchuria) and Indochina (French colony).

Allied states (France and England) seeing that Japan has occupied a French colony, they promote a series of economic embargoes that are about to drown the Japanese economy. So much so that the Japanese decide to attack by surprise, without warning and without declaration of war on: possessions of England, the United States and of Holland in 1941 that these countries had in the Pacific (example: attack on Pearl Harbor, an American base that was attacked by surprise by the Japanese).

It is true that this attack did not succeed in completely destroying the American navy (the aircraft carriers were not in

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Pearl harbor). By not destroying it completely, it led to Japan becoming smaller and smaller and eventually losing the war. Since the American military and industrial power were brutal compared to the power that could be developed in Japan).

In 1941 the Japanese launched a series of surprise and unannounced attacks on these possessions and managed to conquer Malaysia, the Philippines and Hong Kong. America is when it decides to go to war and put your entire industry to work for war. In a short time, a dignified army can re-float. So much so, that in the battle of the "Coral Sea" (Japanese attempt to reach Australia) the Japanese were stopped and defeated by the allies. Specially in the battle of midway, one of the great naval battles, that thanks to espionage, the Americans discovered the plans and intentions of Japan to be able to truncate them. It was a complete and resounding failure of the Japanese army. This is the turning point where Japan goes down and the United States goes up.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "The War of the Pacific; 1937-1945. Resume"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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