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The best 14 Psychologists in Logroño

The psychologist Alvaro Ruiz de Ocenda She has an experience of more than 20 years and is a specialist in Mindfulness, as well as in Family and Couples Therapy, Therapy of Acceptance and Commitment and Family Systems, tools that she applies in an integrated way depending on the needs of each person attended.

Her intervention is offered to adolescents, adults, couples and families, both in person and remotely, and currently she combines the exercise of private therapy in her consultation, with the delivery of Mindfulness for Health programs in different associations and entities.

Regarding her intervention specialties, anxiety disorders, pain chronic, relational problems, insomnia, family conflicts and relationship problems.

Anne Guilbeau She is a psychologist located in the center of Logroño and one of the most prepared professionals that we can find in the city thanks to her training and experience.

This psychologist has both national and international experience treating all kinds of individual and couple or relationship psychological problems. These problems include breakups, infidelities and jealousy, as well as the grieving phase, irrational phobias, and anxiety and depression disorders. It is interesting to know that this psychologist can attend both in Spanish, in English and in French.

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The psychologist Rachel Triana has more than 10 years of professional experience behind him, in which he has specialized in serve children and adults of any age, both in person and in the modality telematics.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, this professional has a Master's Degree in Coaching for the motivation and processes of change, a Master of International Expert in Clinical Psychology and a Postgraduate Higher Technician in Child Psychology and Music therapy.

His intervention is comprehensive and based at all times on the client's needs, with which he attends to cases of anxiety and depression, cognitive disorders, personality disorders, suicidal ideations, and deficits in coping skills coping.

In his private office on Avenida Jorge Vigón we found Ana Rosa Saenz, one of the most recommended psychologists in the capital of La Rioja.

She graduated in Psychology from UNED in 2009 and also has a master's degree in Third Generation Therapies. She is a specialist in cognitive-behavioral therapy and treats psychological disorders such as tobacco addiction, anxiety disorder, the aftermath of bullying and depression.

  • You may be interested: "What are third generation therapies?"

The Health Psychologist Lorena gonzalez She has a Degree in Clinical Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse from the UCM, a Postgraduate Degree in Specialist in Psychopathology and Health by the UNED and another Postgraduate Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy by the same college.

As co-founder of the online psychotherapy center Serena Psychology and Superior Technician of Family Mediation, this professional attends women of all ages, both individually and as a couple and also as a family.

Her intervention is cognitive-behavioral based and the most prominent areas that she addresses in her consultation are family problems and relationship, divorce, emotional dependence, gender violence and problems derived from pregnancy, childbirth or maternity.

The online psychology portal Psychology 360 She attends to all kinds of disorders both emotionally and personally, as well as social, work or couple. The center's team of professionals has extensive experience and academic qualifications to treat disorders of anxiety, job stress, relationship problems, addictions, eating disorders, sexual difficulties and depression.

The services of the Psychology 360 center are offered to people of all ages and the main therapies that applied are Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Coaching.

The psychologist Monica Tanco He has specialized over more than 20 years of professional experience in serving adolescents, adults and seniors who request his services.

Her intervention is adapted at all times to the specificities of each client and some of their main specialties include anxiety disorders, depression, family conflict, relationship problems, and grieving processes.

Carlos Faulin He is one of the most recommended psychologists in Logroño, due to his training, specializations and experience.

This psychologist, after graduating in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, He specialized in psychological therapy for adults and treats patients with problems such as anxiety, cases of low self-esteem, addictive disorders and phobias.

After graduating in Psychology from this mental health professional, this psychologist completed two master's degrees, one in Clinical Psychology and the other in Cognitive Therapy.

Thanks to this training Diego Munoz He is now an expert in dealing with psychological disturbances such as disorders of the personality, anxiety disorders, addictions and cases of grief over the loss of a being Dear.

  • Related article: "Grief: coping with the loss of a loved one"

With more than 30 years of experience in the field of psychology Pilar Ramírez of the Pool she is one of the best psychologists that we can find in this Spanish city.

Pilar herself graduated in Pedagogy from the University of the Basque Country in 1988 and also has 2 master's degrees, one in Child Psychoanalysis and the other in Psychological Intervention with DBM. She is an expert in disorders in children and adolescents, as well as a specialist in speech therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Another of the most recommended psychologists in Logroño is Zuriñe Serradilla Hernáez.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country in 2008 and also has two master's degrees in Clinical Psychology and in High Training in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy. He specializes in treating problems such as phobias, stressful situations, and excess stress and anguish.

In Vara de Rey street in Logroño we can find Antonio Dominguez, a psychologist with a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca in 2005 who also has two master's degrees, one in Behavioral Therapy from the UNED and the other in Forensic Psychology.

Due to his professional and educational background, Antonio Domínguez is an expert in sexual and relationship disorders, addictive disorders and anxiety disorders.

After graduating in Psychology, Jesus Jimenez he completed his studies with a master's degree in Emergency Psychology.

He has worked in the Red Cross and AFA Rioja and is an expert in cases of stress, addictions, bullying and anxiety disorders.

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