Joan Miquel Gelabert Mir
Cognitive-behavioral therapy considers that people are born with an inheritance and a certain temperament, with which it begins to interact with their environment, learning patterns of behavior, both beneficial and harmful for themselves and / or for the rest. It is in early family interaction and later social and cultural exchange that the process of acquiring our habitual way of thinking, feeling and acting occurs. Now, the learning process is not unidirectional, it is a complex sequence of interactions, so we are not passive recipients of the influence of the environment. All learning always occurs in an individual who brings with him a certain genetic makeup and a unique personal history. This explains that each person reacts differently to the same situation. Some of these learnings help us to feel good, to relate appropriately with others and to achieve what we set out to do. Others, on the other hand, cause us pain, resentment, damage our health and our interpersonal relationships. The therapy will be directed at them.
Individual therapy: emotional disorders: anxiety and depression. Impulse control disorders: anger management. Family therapy. Couple therapy. Sex therapy. Application of psychotherapy through new technologies: virtual reality
- From November 2000 to October 2007, as Technician responsible for the "FAMILY MEETING POINT" coordinated by A.B.I.E. in Palma and Inca. From January 2007 to March 2009, head of service, responsible for coordinating the dynamics and interventions of the technical teams at the Family Meeting Point in Palma. - Outpatient clinical and health psychology consultations at Hospital Quirónsalud Palmplanas since 2006. - Associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology (2007-present) - Currently scientific director of Psious (2016)