Education, study and knowledge

Cristina del Canto Jiménez

I have completed the Specialized Health Training of the Ministry of Health, which is currently recognized as the highest quality training for Clinical Psychologists. I have training and experience in a wide range of therapeutic tools, which makes me a professional capable of intervene effectively and individually in various clinical situations typical of childhood, adolescence and age adult. For me, psychotherapy consists of understanding what is happening to the person in front of me and build together a path towards the progressive resolution of the difficulties that have led you to ask help. My maxim is to always adapt to the rhythm and needs of the person in front of me, with the utmost respect for their problems and their experience. The total duration of therapy will be the minimum necessary but as long as you need. You can request specific information through the web, email, phone or whatsapp for FREE without any commitment.

Clinical Psychologist via PIR and Clinical EMDR

Specialist in Clinical Psychology, trained after a selective opposition-type process, in the Internal Resident Psychologist system. Master in EMDR and Clinical EMDR Psychotherapy. Supervisor of psychology students and resident psychologists

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Sara Oneca De Miguel

I am Sara Oneca, a psychologist graduated from the National Distance University (UNED). I took a ...

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Esther Perez De La Fuente

Most of us experience moments of anxiety, depression, anguish, despair... sometimes, we know The ...

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Psychologists in Torrejón de Ardoz

Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist In my beginnings as a psychologist and psychotherapist ...

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