Talk Psychology Center
CONVERSA Sicoloxía was born to respond to the needs of psychological health and personal growth of [email protected], adults and families. Or our team is made up of professionals with a global vision of Health. Health and consequence gives order and balance to the systems that make us up (physical, mental and emotional body). Body, mind and emotions are living systems, in continuous movement. They work in interdependence, creating in their interaction a greater and unique system that opens you up. Or that we know thanks to theory and research that two systems (systemic) do not work, and that modifying one part modifies the rest. From this success, we know that, raising the mind, raise it also to the physical-emotional body and vice versa. Or we only know the experience and the study of human behavior, put at your disposal two of your internal systems. With information and or precise accompaniment you will recreate the path towards your physical and mental health. We are your professionals.
Na nosa tries to guarantee quality services with a high rate of effectiveness, CONVERSA is born, a health-oriented center that, in addition to offering you services existing (learning difficulties, individual and family therapy), will allow or develop therapeutic treatments oriented or growth personal.
The new challenges require new resources and a systemic look is one of them. A systemic look is a way to observe, apprehend and approach reality. A dynamic model that helps us to manage the complexity that surrounds us.