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History of the Trojan horse

History of the Trojan horse: summary

The Greek mythology is one of the most interesting of all the beliefs that the human being has had, possessing an enormous number of different myths, some of which seem to contain a certain part of truth and a certain part of legend. One of these myths are all those related to the city of Troy, which is known to have existed, but most of its history is thought to be myths. To know his most famous story, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to offer you a summary of the history of the Trojan horse.

To know the history of the Trojan horse we must understand the situation for which this enormous contraption was created, and therefore the trojan war story, its origins and the reason why the horse was built.

The Trojan War was a warlike conflict that pitted the city of Troy against a group of Greek peoples, among which were the Spartans and the Mycenaeans. War is one of the most relevant in all Greek mythology, due to the great participation of numerous gods and the number of mythical characters who performed great feats throughout the conflict.

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War she was caused by paris, who, helped by the goddess Aphrodite, was able to make love to Helena of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world. Helena was already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta, but the powers of the goddess Aphrodite made Helena stop being attracted to Menelaus, and she fell in love with Paris. After this Paris kidnapped Helen and took her to Troy, and Menelaus upon learning of her decided to attack the city Trojan, asking for the help of all those Greek kings who had sworn allegiance to the father of Helena.

The war was very long, overcoming 9 years of conflict, in which many heroes lost their lives, such as Achilles, the greatest hero of the moment. The Greeks did not know how they could pass the great walls of Troy, in a war that seemed to have no end. The soothsayer Calcante was the one who gave the idea that he would win the war, since after seeing how a hawk he hunted a dove She realized that brute force would not win the war, and they must find a strategy to deceive the Trojans. After this it was the Greek hero Odysseus, who came up with the idea of ​​building a large wooden horse, where the Greek warriors hid.

History of the Trojan Horse: Summary - Context of the Trojan Horse

Image: Slideshare

The Greeks built this huge wooden horse, and later they made part of their army leave the area. The Trojans thought they had managed to defeat the enemy, but they were not sure that the horse was not a trap. Sinon, a Greek spy, deceived the Trojans into seeing that the horse was an offering from the Greeks to Athena, as a consequence of having failed her, and for that reason the Trojans decided to make the horse enter the town.

That same night the trojans threw a great party, totally lowering his guard, thinking that the war was won. Sinon opened the horse's gut and then signaled to the soldiers hiding in the sea, causing the soldiers to Hellenes who were hiding inside could open the city gates to the Greek army that was hiding outside. The Trojans were in a bad situation because of the drink consumed during the festival, and the Greeks had no mercy, devastating the entire city.

Behind this the war ended with the victory of the Greeks, being the city of Troy totally annihilated. Most of the people on the Trojan side were killed, the exception being Helen of Troy, who had already worn off the effects of Aphrodite, and therefore she fell in love with Menelaus again. It was because of this that the Trojan horse decided the end of the Trojan War.

History of the Trojan horse: summary - The Trojan Horse

Image: Slideshare

To end this lesson with the summary of the history of the Trojan horse, we must talk about the different Greek soldiers who hid inside of the great wooden contraption.

We must bear in mind that there are different sources about the members of the horse, speaking some of fifty people, others of wind, and even some of more than a thousand. That is why we are going to talk about those soldiers that are included in all the sources, being the most important. These Greek men are as follows:

  • Odysseus: The protagonist of the Odyssey and one of the most famous Greek heroes. It was very important during the war, being the one who had the idea to make the Trojan horse.
  • Menelaus: The king of sparta and the one who united the Greek peoples against Troy because of the capture of his wife. He was one of the warriors hidden on the horse, killing numerous characters on the Trojan side.
  • Philoctetes: A Greek hero armed with a divine bow that had been gifted to him by Heracles. By one of his arrows killed paris, one of the Trojan leaders and who kidnapped Helena.
  • Ajax the Lesser: During the sack of Troy he raped Cassandra in the temple of Athena, which would later cause his death due to the wrath of Athena.
  • Eury it: One of the Argonauts who accompanied Jason on his travels, he was also one of the Greek sea leaders during the war.
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