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The 7 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi

Barbara Kanter She has a degree in psychology from USAL, the University of Salvador, she has a master's degree in she is general health psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​and she is also a specialist in criminology by the UB.

Throughout her professional career, she has treated patients affected by problems related to anxiety, depression and stress, due to emotional problems, and in situations of low self-esteem, having improved the psychological well-being of many people.

Santiago Luque He has a degree in clinical psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and is certified as a psychologist clinical by the Ministry of Education, being a specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are depressive disorders, family conflicts and couple, and situations of low self-esteem, in addition to offering her services in the psychological center BarnaPsico.

Marisa Parcerisa she has a degree in general health psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​has completed a master's degree in practice clinic and psychotherapy by the Mensalus center, and she is also an expert in learning difficulties by the center ISEP.

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Among the disorders that he has treated the most are depressive disorders, situations of low self-esteem, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, having obtained very good results.

Sandra Farrera Sabioncello She is a well-known professional with a degree in psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​an expert in forensic psychology, and a doctorate in the field of mental health.

She is an excellent specialist in couples and sex therapy, clinical psychology, and care it psychological to people with depressive problems, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and the anorexia.

Jesica di lorenzo she has a degree in psychology with a specialty in the area of ​​clinical psychology, she has a master's degree in clinical sexology and couples therapy, and she is also a specialist in emotion management and NLP.

She has treated patients with depressive disorders of different types, people with low self-esteem, and in a situation of mourning before the loss of a loved one, having obtained very good ones.

Jaume Canet Mitjavila He has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has a postgraduate degree in medical psychology by the UAB, and she is also part of the Catalan Society of Research and Therapy of Behavior.

He is a recognized specialist in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, in addition to having treated people with personality disorders, and different types of phobias such as fear of spaces open.

Andrea Duarte-Pires Fernandez she has a degree in psychology, she has a master's degree in general health psychology from Abat University Oliba, and has also carried out higher studies in the treatment of conduct disorders food.

She has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies, among which the problems of depression, situations of low self-esteem, and situations of grief over the loss of a loved one.

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