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The 12 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Valencia

The Healthy Center Psychology Clinic It is one of the most recommended psychology centers in the city of Valencia and currently its team of professionals cares for people of all ages and couples.

The intervention of this center is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each case.

The main therapy applied by the professionals of this clinic is the cognitive-behavioral approach, a very useful orientation to deal with cases of depression, as well as any other disorder.

Sara navarrete is one of the best psychologists in the city of Valencia if you are looking for psychotherapy to treat mood disorders such as depression.

She graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, and has a deep training in which we find three postgraduate degrees, one in Psychology Legal, another in Neuropsychology and another in General Health Psychology, and two master's degrees, one in Clinical Psychology and the other in Therapy Cognitive-Behavioral.

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For this reason, Sara Navarrete is an expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is one of the ones that has the most scientific support regarding its efficacy in patients.

She is a psychologist who specializes in treating people who are negative dynamics and depression. She also works hard treating couples who are in times of crisis due to a lack of communication and worn out trust.

It is important to know that Sara Navarrete offers psychotherapy to both children and adolescents and adults with problems such as anxiety disorders, irrational fears, addictions, self-esteem problems or conduct disorders food.

You can find Sara Navarrete at her clinical psychology center on Gran Vía del Marqués del Turia street in Valencia.

The psychologist Dove king She is one of the leading specialist therapists in depression disorders in the city of Valencia.

Her intervention is aimed at people of all ages, as well as couples who request her services, both in person in her private practice and online.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending in an integrated way various highly effective therapies adapted to the particular needs of each client, among which stand out the cognitive-behavioral approach and Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

Paloma Rey is a Graduate in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Attention to People with Intellectual Disabilities from the same university and also has a Master's Degree in General Psychology Sanitary

The psychologist Sonia Galarza Valles She attends to any problem related to depression in her private practice. Through an integrative intervention of different theoretical-practical orientations, she offers a personalized and quality psychological care service to people of all ages.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia, and she has carried out postgraduate training programs such as the Master in Clinical Psychology and Health, another in Clinical Sexology, and another in Cognitive Neuroscience and Specific Educational Needs, all for the UV. She is also trained in Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy.

In addition to treating cases of depression, she also has experience treating disorders such as anxiety disorders and phobias, Recurrent family conflicts, sexual behavior disorders, psychological distress caused by chronic diseases, low self esteem, and more.

In Calle Quart we can find another of the most recommended mental health professionals in Valencia, Sandra Bernal Mora.

She graduated from the University of Valencia with a degree in Psychology and also has a master's degree in clinical practice and a module on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In addition, this mental health professional has also been trained in self-improvement and coaching psychology. She specializes in online therapy.

Starting from cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the therapeutic proposals most endorsed by the scientific community, this professional can provide a solution to mental disorders such as separation anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, relationship problems for couples in crisis or the mourning the loss of loved ones.

The psychologist Marta Valmaña is a specialist in treating cases of depression in children, adolescents, adults, couples and also couples who request it, through a 100% online therapy, as effective as with the modality face-to-face.

Throughout her professional career, this therapist has specialized in applying those therapies that best suit her the specific needs of each person served, basing her intervention on commitment, empathy and listening active.

You can reserve the day and time of the consultation with Marta Valmaña from her website, by phone or by email.

The psychologist Luis Miguel Real Kotbani, whose consultation is on Calle Dr. Vila Barberà (Arrancapins area) is also an option to consider if you are looking for psychotherapeutic treatment for depression in Valencia.

He has a Graduate in Psychology from the University of Valencia, and in terms of post-university training he has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Center for Behavior Therapy, as well as another in Research, Treatment and Associated Pathology in Drug Addiction by the University of Valencia.

On the other hand, as a psychotherapy professional he attends to adults and adolescents in both Spanish, Catalan and English, and works combining approaches and tools, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or the methods of psychology positive.

The Sanitary and Legal Psychologist Irene Brotons He has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology, another in Legal Psychology, and in his consultation he treats depression disorders in children, adolescents, adults and couples who may request it.

His intervention is based on the integration of different therapies that have scientific evidence, including which include Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Humanistic Therapy or Family Therapy and Partner.

This integrative modality of different therapies helps this professional to offer useful tools with which the person cared for can overcome their depressive disorders, as well as anxiety, family conflicts, self-esteem deficits or problems with partner.

The Clinical and Legal Psychologist Begoña Solaz Throughout her career, she has specialized in treating depression in people of all ages, both in person and online.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Legal Psychology and Forensic Psychological Expertise and also with a Parenting Coordinator Training Course and Perspective of Gender.

With more than 20 years of professional experience, Begoña Solaz has also specialized in treating anxiety disorders, her emotional and relational problems, stress, bullying, trauma and the preparation of expert psychological reports of all.

In her private office on Matemàtic Marzal street, we find another of the most recommended psychologists in the city of Valencia: Azucena Soriano.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia and has a master's degree in Research, Treatment and Pathologies associated with Drug Dependence, in addition to a training course in forensic psychology and legal. She is a specialist in treating cases of depression in both adolescents, adults and the elderly.

In addition to giving psychological treatment to people with depression in her Valencia office, this psychologist also offers psychotherapy to people who suffer from different types of addictions, whether toxic, such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and other synthetic substances, or behavioral addictions such as gambling or gambling.

Near the North Station of Valencia we find Eduardo Bertomeu, another of the best options in the field of psychotherapy for depression in Valencia.

She graduated from the University of Valencia with a degree in Psychology and subsequently completed a master's degree in General Health Psychology from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Among the courses it has, the Leadership Essentials one also stands out.

This psychologist offers therapy to children and adolescents as well as adults and seniors. Beyond treating patients with depression, it can be of great help in the face of psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, irrational fears, addictions or symptoms of codependency, in addition to also offering help to people in times of low self-esteem.

Rosa Sánchez Penalba She is one of the most prominent psychologists that we can find in Valencia and is an expert in helping people who suffer from depression disorders and the like.

She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and also has a master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology. In this way and thanks to her experience, this psychologist is one of the most recommended that we can find to treat depression in the capital. Valenciana, in addition to being able to help adults with anxiety problems, low self-esteem and family conflicts that can even affect children.

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