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The best 16 Psychologists in Vigo

The General Health Psychologist Nerea Antunes She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Santiago de Compostela University, in addition to being an EMDR Level II Therapist, and a specialist in Mindfulness and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, an approach based on the scientific method that offers highly effective results. positive.

This professional has specialized throughout her career in caring for children, adolescents and adults who may have a problem specific or simply want to achieve a higher quality of life by improving certain aspects of their day to day, with which they happy.

His main specialties are anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, deficits in coping skills, emotional problems, self-esteem deficits and trauma, both in face-to-face and in-person modalities. on-line.

The psychology cabinet PSYCHO has more than 20 years of experience offering its services; currently, it has a multidisciplinary team of professionals in sexology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, speech therapy and psychopedagogy. With regard to psychological assistance, they perform both family and couples therapy as well as individual-centered therapy for patients of all ages.

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This is a very good option to obtain treatment for disorders such as depression, disorders of the learning, sexual dysfunctions, grief over loss of loved ones, anxiety disorders, ADHD, and more.

Ana Paz Lopez She graduated in clinical specialty psychology from the Santiago de Compostela University and also has two master's degrees, one in General Health Psychology and the other in Sexology.

It is necessary to know that, in psychotherapy sessions, Ana Paz combines different types of therapy cuts such as cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and EMDR therapy. In this way, we are talking about one of the best psychologists we can find if we need help to problems such as anxiety disorders, emotional codependency, self-esteem problems and disorders of the mood.

Due to her great vocation for psychology, this psychologist always adapts to the needs and characteristics of her patients, thus achieving results that last over time.

The psychologist Eva Nuñez She works with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies and EMDR Therapy, two guidelines of proven efficacy that she applies in an integrated way and adapted to the needs of each person attended to.

Her intervention is aimed at children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may request a quality psychological care service, offered both face-to-face and through distance.

The price of the sessions is about 50 euros on average and the main areas in which the psychologist Eva Nuñez intervenes are the anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems, sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems, trauma, depression and addictions.

The psychologist Milagrosa Gutierrez she is the founder of the Cabinet A Procure, a space for professional therapy aimed at adults, couples and families who may need quality therapeutic support.

Her specialty is Applied Psychology, which she applies in her consultation together with Positive Psychology and Practical Philosophy, tools with which to promote the potential of the person and their capacity for self-knowledge, overcome their obstacles and increase their general well-being.

In addition to that, among her intervention specialties, self-esteem problems, conflicts family, deficits in coping skills, chronic pain, job orientation problems and stress.

The psychologist Maria Teresa Pena She is a professional Collegiate by the COPG and in her consultation she attends adolescents and adults, in face-to-face sessions or by video call.

Graduated in Health Psychology from UNED, this therapist has a Training Course on Emotion Management from the same university and she masters Third Generation Therapies.

Some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her consultation are alcoholism, drug addiction, drug abuse, substances, anxiety and impulsivity, relational problems, low self-esteem and problems with behaviour.

Paula Fernandez Rivas She is another of the most prominent mental health professionals in Vigo and is part of the CAPS Therapy Center.

This professional graduated in Clinical Specialty Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela and she also has two master's degrees, one in Behavioral Therapy and the other in Therapies Contextual. In this way, going to Paula Fernández can be a decision if we suffer from problems such as depression, anxiety or other types of emotional disorders.

It is also worth mentioning that she is an excellent couples therapist and can help couples who are in times of crisis due to sexual problems, inability to manage anger or communication aggressive

The Health Psychologist Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez He has an experience of more than 30 years of professional experience, in which he has specialized in serving children, adolescents and also adults of all ages.

Currently, this professional offers his services both in person and in online sessions in which he attends the anxiety and depression disorders, low self-esteem, cases of sexual abuse, stress, behavior problems and ADHD.

This professional has a degree in Psychology and Pedagogy from the University of Santiago de Compostela, he is a specialist in preparing reports Psychological experts in the civil field and his interventions are based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, with strong scientific evidence.

Daniel Novoa He has a degree in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and a postgraduate degree in Systemic Family Therapy. He is a trainer in the field of emotional education and positive psychology, and a popularizer in different media such as press, radio, television and social networks. Among his specialties we find ADHD, emotional disorders (depression, anxiety, stress... etc) and addictive disorders, among others.

His work focuses on closeness, trust and being useful, using all the necessary tools of the different disciplines to build with the person the best way to achieve the objectives set out in the therapy.

Daniel Novoa's office is located on Rúa de Pizarro, although he also offers online therapy, if necessary.

Nuria Salgado She is another of the most remarkable psychologists that we can find in the city of Vigo.

She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and also has a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. Thanks to this master's degree and her experience, Nuria Salgado is an expert in treating people of all ages who suffer from emotional problems of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. It is also worth mentioning that she is an expert therapist when it comes to sexual abuse and cases of child violence that can leave sequelae or trauma.

The online psychology platform TherapyChat it is one of the safest and most affordable options in the field of distance psychology.

This service makes available to its users, more than 200 qualified and experienced psychologists in different areas of intervention and whose intervention is adapted at all times to the needs of each client.

The main therapies applied by TherapyChat professionals are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Coaching, among others, with which they successfully deal with relationship problems, sexual difficulties, family conflicts, self-esteem deficits, anxiety and depression.

Eduardo A. Ortiz is a psychologist in Vigo who, after graduating in 2010, completed a master's degree in neuroscience. This psychologist is a specialist in giving psychotherapy and performing treatments for anxiety disorders, depression problems and addictive disorders in addition to counseling couples and offering cognitive therapy behavioral.

Thanks to this training and experience, Eduardo A. Ortiz can treat problems of low self-esteem, social phobia, addictions, and grief situations.

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Katia Kokoulina she is a psychologist located in Vigo specialized in clinical psychology. This psychologist is able to speak no more and no less than 5 languages, these being Spanish, Galician, English, Catalan and Russian.

Katia Kokoulina is specially trained to treat anxiety disorders, depression and addictive disorders and thanks to this training and her experience Katia is able to treat mental disorders such as alcohol abuse, conduct disorder and depression chronicle.

Estefanía Vieites Vázquez She has a degree in Psychology and has a master's degree in health and behavior therapy in her curriculum. With this training, Estefanía Vieites is a specialist in anxiety disorders, performs cognitive behavioral therapy and is also a speech therapist.

In addition to this, this mental health professional also treats mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, phobias, sexual dysfunctions and hyperactivity and deficit disorders attention (ADHD).

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Laura Jabardo she is a graduate in psychology who also has a master's degree in clinical psychology. With this training and her years of experience, this psychologist is a specialist in anxiety disorders, eating disorders and in offering cognitive behavioral therapy.

In addition to the aforementioned, Laura Jabardo also deals with mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, hypochondria and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD).

This psychologist graduated in Psychology in 2005 at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Nely Rodriguez She is one of the best psychologists in Oviedo thanks to being a specialist in dementia, neuropsychology, intervention psychology and legal psychology.

It is thanks to this experience that she is able to treat mental disorders such as memory disorders, crisis problems in couples and psychological abuse and child abandonment.

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