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Discover what was the origin of Nazism

What was the origin of Nazism

Nazism was the ideology of the regime that ruled Germany between the years 1933 and 1945, the main author of World War II, and therefore the cause of some of the greatest atrocities in history. To know its origin, and understand the causes that started it so that it does not happen again in this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we are going to talk about what was the origin of nazism.

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  1. The beginning of Nazism
  2. Hitler and Nazism
  3. Nazism in Germany

The beginning of Nazism.

Nazism is born out of fascism, this being an authoritarian and anti-democratic ideology that was born in Italy and was created by Mussolini. That is why Nazism has characteristics of fascism but also added new ideas. Some of these characteristics were the break with democracy and the division of powers, a hatred towards jews, a great racism that was based on the power of the Aryan race over the rest and the thinking of the superior race.

Its earliest origin is found after the First World War

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, since after the German defeat in the conflict, new culprits for the situation of the German state were sought. The payments that Germany had had to make after the war caused the entry into the great Depression sink the country's economy. All this caused a part of society to blame democracy for the decisions taken, and politicians have been frowned upon ever since.

The German people considered that the Republic, which they believed to be full of Jews, had betrayed the German people for his own interests causing all this a radicalization of politics and increased racism that gave wings to the Nazism.

Hitler and Nazism.

The figure of Nazism cannot be understood without that of Hitler, this being one of the best speakers in history and therefore one of the greatest causes of convincing German society that the ideal was to embrace Nazism.

Hitler entered the German army during World War I, and after the end of it he entered a special body whose function was to give reasons why the war had ended in German defeat. Shortly after Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, being one of the first 100 to join, and in less than two years he became the leader of the party, being recognized by Fuhrer.

In the following years Hitler advanced some of the main ideas of Nazism, being the predominant hatred of the Jews, whom he considered an inferior race and at the same time the cause of all the problems that Germany had. In 1923 France takes part of Germany conquering a region under her rule, seeking that the Germans pay the debts, causing a Nazi party reaction that he sought a coup, the so-called Munich Putsch but the coup was a failure and Hitler went to jail. The 5-year sentence turned into 11 months, causing popular support for the figure of an anti-Semitic leader who believed in the Aryan race over the rest.

In 1929 the great German crisis happened, and that was taken advantage of by Hitler to begin his rise to powerand that of Nazism. This economic crisis that caused the Great Depression was caused in part by German debts, and it is thought that the German government could do nothing to fix it.

What was the origin of Nazism - Hitler and Nazism

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Nazism in Germany.

To continue with this lesson on what was the origin of Nazism, we must talk about the arrival of this ideology to power, to understand how all this caused the Second World War.

The German economy entered a total crisis, further weakening the Weimar Republic and causing Hitler to have an easier time criticizing German policy. The Nazis carried out a series of acts, such as fires for example, blaming other parties such as the communists, seeking the support of the population and that the Germans hated other parties politicians.

In 1933 Hitler's party achieved a great victory and this was appointed chancellor. Little by little, Hitler was changing laws to gain more and more power, being at the same time chancellor and president, creating an elite group that he called GESTAPO. Transformed Germany into a dictatorship and denouncing the post-WWI treaties World Cup in which Germany had to pay in different ways the crimes committed during the conflict.

Shortly after in the Long Knife Nights the Nazis they killed rivals politicians, all those politicians and personalities who had been against the new regime were assassinated causing, for on the one hand, terror to think differently from the ideals of the regime and at the same time ending all possible political opposition to the regime. regime. It is thought that on that night up to 100 people could die and that thousands of anti-Nazi people were imprisoned, in what was an essential movement for Hitler's control of Germany.

Without opposition and with an authoritarian and complex system, Hitler started the so-called Third Reich, being a new Germany led by him and in which Nazism became the essential ideology of the system. Within a few years of its inception, Nazism had seized power in Germany, and its next step was conquer europe to increase their influence, in the so-called World War II.

What was the origin of Nazism - Nazism in Germany

Image: Tes

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