Education, study and knowledge

The Battle of Iwo Jima

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The Battle of Iwo Jima".

The Battle of Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima is an island that is located in the peaceful and was the scene of a bloody battle that lasted from February to March 1945. Pitting American troops against Japanese troops. Let's go by parts... The United States had already conquered many of the islands that surround what becomes Japan, but they were still a long way from Japan (2,500km away) with which, it was possible to send bombers to Japan but the fighters that had to defend those bombers did not have enough autonomy to accompany them.

Those bombers, they had to go and come back alone. Therefore, they were susceptible to attack by Japanese fighters. Therefore, the American command was always looking to conquer islands (as closer to Japan, better) to have supply points where the fighters could accompany the bombers. That is why they set their eyes on the island of Iwo Jima. For its part, Iwo Jima, had two airfields. With which, it was an island susceptible to being conquered, as it was a strategic point of vital importance. For its part, Japan, had already suffered many naval defeats, its navy was very impoverished and with which it could not defend the sea. So they thought of an alternative strategy and decided that the best thing would be to defend the islands with a fierce defense to try to make see United States the difficulty and high cost in human lives that an invasion of Japan would imply and thus force them to accept an honorable surrender to Japan. For this they sent the boss

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Tadamichi Kuribayashi (great strategist and military man) to Iwo Jima to take charge of the defense of the island (with instructions clear to resist to the last man and make the maximum number of casualties possible in the northern army American). Tadamichi Kuribayashi devised a strategy called "pill box" that consisted of making a multitude of tunnels and posts fortified by the entire island, so that the advance of the American invasion, from these fortified posts, do as much damage as possible to the troops American.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "The Battle of Iwo Jima"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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