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16 fundamental ethical values ​​(and their examples)

Ethical values ​​are guidelines that regulate people's behavior. They are a guide to what is considered ideal in an individual and serve to model behavior in society, determining what is considered correct and what is not.

For example, the right thing to do is to be respectful to ourselves and to others. Not being it is considered a violation of one of the fundamental ethical values.

Among the most important ethical values ​​are equality, freedom, justice, equity, honesty, truth, responsibility or empathy, and are necessary to promote harmonious relationships in the society.

1. I respect

It is the consideration and value that we give to the other. Although many times this valuation is associated with the prestige or status of the other, such as when we respect someone because they stands out from the rest or because he is an older person, the reality is that we all deserve to be respected for the fact of being people.

Respect is an ethical value that begins with ourselves. Only in this way can we respect others and help build a safe space for social coexistence.

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An example of respect is treating our parents, teachers and fellow students with consideration.

2. Liberty

person raising his arms

Freedom is an ethical value that is expressed in the ability of each human being to act according to his own criteria, without being questioned or punished for it. For this to be accomplished without altering the social order, it is necessary to understand that freedom also requires respect for the other.

For example, if we exercise our freedom to act by having a super noisy party all weekend, we are disrespecting the right to rest of our neighbors.

3. Responsibility

Responsibility involves acknowledging and being accountable for our actions. That means assuming the consequences of our actions, even when the results are not as expected or desirable.

An example of responsibility is to assume that we have made a mistake in our work, report it and find a way to solve the situation.

4. Honesty

Honesty is the ability to be honest, that is, to act with transparency and truth. For this, honesty requires coherence between our thoughts and actions.

Honesty is one of the most important ethical values ​​for a healthy social coexistence and implies not only acting correctly before others, but mainly before ourselves.

An example of honesty is returning a wallet that we have found on the street.

5. Justice

Justice is a value that is exercised when each individual receives what is due. It is not only an ethical value, but a fundamental human right. Without justice, no society can function properly.

For justice to be applied correctly, it is necessary to have a moral and legal framework that describes what is considered fair for the common good,

For example, if the moral norms say that stealing implies a punishment, it is only fair that a thief receives the corresponding sanction once the crime has been proven.

6. Equality

Equality consists in considering all people as subjects with the same rights and obligations.

In this sense, equality helps to establish equitable relationships in society, understanding that all people have access to rights, guarantees and benefits enshrined in the rules, in the same way we are all subject to fulfill our duties, without exceptions or privileges.

An example of equality can be seen in the constitutions that establish the right to education for all their citizens.

7. Truth

Truth as an ethical value refers to the description of reality as it is. That is, it implies the veracity of the facts.

When we decide to act on what is true, we are being honest. Hence these two values ​​are related. The truth, in turn, is the basis of justice, transparency and impartiality. Hence, it is one of the most important ethical values ​​in the construction of quality interpersonal and social relationships.

A real example is when we tell an event as it happened.

8. Loyalty

two women hugging

Loyalty is the expression of our ability to be true to ourselves, to other people or institutions. Loyalty manifests when we are able to respect and defend ideas and beliefs of our own or of others and implies a sense of commitment.

For example, when we are loyal to a sports team, we defend and promote their values. We feel committed to that sports community and, therefore, we are loyal to it.

9. Modesty

Humility is the ethical value expressed in the recognition and use of our capacities without the need to demonstrate it publicly. The humble person knows what he is capable of, but he usually acts with discretion, without showing off what he can do.

An example of humility is making an anonymous donation.

10. Equity

Fairness is linked to justice, but it goes a little further. Equity also requires that each person get what he deserves, but takes into account her needs. This is very important because even in a situation of apparent justice, a person may not have access to what he requires.

For example, all the children in a classroom receive a book because it corresponds to each one (justice). But if there is a student with visual impairment, that book must be in Braille so that she can effectively read it (fairness).

11. Solidarity

Solidarity is any act that we do for others in a disinterested way, without expecting to obtain any benefit.

Although solidarity is associated with volunteer activities or aid in emergency situations, the reality is that we can all be supportive in our day to day.

For example, helping our neighbors carry purchases, donating blood or giving away our used clothes to a shelter.

12. Transparency

Transparency is an ethical value that is applied when our actions are so clear and honest that we have no problem with them being evaluated by others. In other words, it is when we have nothing to hide.

An example of transparency is that citizens have access to relevant information about the use made of their tax money.

13. Tolerance

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Respecting the ideas of others even if they do not coincide with ours is a sign of tolerance. This ethical value has important implications for society: if each individual has their own convictions and beliefs, then it is necessary to accept and respect that diversity in order to coexist in a harmonica.

An example of tolerance is that our friends have different political tendencies or religious beliefs.

13. Commitment

Commitment is the ability we have to meet our objectives. The importance of commitment is that once we take responsibility for doing something, we are expected to be consistent with it.

Commitment is also a value that we apply to ourselves. When we set out to create a new habit, we are taking our own word for it.

An example of commitment is exercising regularly to improve our health.

14. Impartiality

Impartiality is acting objectively to seek the common good, without our judgments or beliefs interfering in our decisions.

Impartiality is a value that complements justice, since for it to be effective, it cannot be in favor of the parties involved.

An example of impartiality is the judges of the courts.

15. Integrity

Integrity is the willingness to do what is right. Therefore, integrity is a value that is nurtured, among others, of honesty, respect, justice and responsibility.

A person of integrity can make decisions that benefit him without affecting others, since his actions are governed by rectitude and coherence.

An example of integrity is passing an academic or employment test without cheating.

16. Charity

Charity is an ethical value that consists of doing good or repairing damage without causing greater prejudice to others. It is one of the most important values ​​in the medical field, for example, because it implies helping others to improve their situation without generating new health problems.

An example would be that if a patient is diabetic and hypertensive, the doctor will recommend a treatment that helps improve diabetes but at the same time has no effect on their blood pressure.

See also:

  • Examples of ethics and morals
  • Examples of essential moral values
  • Difference between values ​​and antivalues

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