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CC and Bcc: what do they mean, differences and how are they used in an email

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CC and Bcc are two fields or boxes available in email systems that allow you to add recipients to a message, either visibly or not.

The difference between CC and BCC is that although both boxes are used to add new recipients to the same message, in the case of CC, both the recipient primary as well as secondary are aware that they have been included in the mail, since all copied addresses are visible.

For its part, in the BCC header only the main recipient is visible, so you will not be able to know if there are other addresses added to the message. Secondary or "hidden" recipients will also not be able to access the address list, but only the primary recipient.

Definition Email box that allows you to add new recipients to the message, publicly. Email box that allows you to add new recipients to the message, privately.
Meaning Carbon copy. Hidden carbon copy.
  • Add more recipients in addition to the main one.
  • That all recipients are aware of the content of the message.
  • Let all recipients know that they can reply to the message.
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  • That any recipient included in the message can see who else they are addressing.
  • Add more recipients in addition to the main one.
  • That the main recipient does not know who else the message was sent to.
  • That the included recipients cannot identify each other.
  • Corporate emails.
  • Ads (new income, withdrawals, vacations, etc.)
  • Personal emails for a circle of known people.
  • Corporate or personal emails with sensitive information.
  • Mailing lists (mass invitations, email campaigns email marketing,etc.)

It means cc?

CC is an acronym for "Carbon Copy", and refers to the time when carbon paper was used to create copies of documents. In this case, it involves “copying” or adding secondary recipients to the email message that you want to send, but in a separate box from the one dedicated to the primary recipient.

What does CCO mean?

CCO is an acronym that stands for "Hidden Carbon Copy". This is usually below the CC field in email services. It was designed to add new recipients to the message, but making the addresses invisible to the main recipient.

See also Remitent and destinatary.

How are CC and Bcc used in an email?

CC and Bcc, how to use CC and Bcc in mail

Although the CC and BCC headers have similar functions, their uses are very different.

How to CC in Email

CC is used so that all recipients (both primary and secondary) are aware that they have been included in the message. However, even if the secondary recipient addresses are visible, their response is not required. Therefore, it could be said that its purpose is above all informative.

An example of the use of the CC in an email It is given in organizational emails in which you want to inform a superior about the status of a task, and it is copied to the employees involved.

How to use Bcc in email

For its part, the Bcc field is used when the objective is that the main recipient does not know that there are other email addresses added. And this can respond, in most cases, to a purpose related to the protection of third party data.

An example of using the CCO are messages with many recipients. Using this option not only protects your identity (since many times they are people who are not linked together) but also avoids the unnecessary creation of email chains with responses internal.

When messages are sent with multiple recipients and they are visible, there is a risk that said email addresses are used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft, sending from spam, viruses, fake news, etc.

The use of the CC and BCC can be of a personal or organizational nature, in addition, unlike the “To” field (in which it is necessary to write the name of the recipient), these resources are optional. However, its correct use can help streamline communication and avoid digital security issues.

Therefore, it is recommended that the CC field be used only if it is necessary for those involved to be aware of the existence of the rest of the recipients of the message. If this is not the case, the ideal is to use the Bcc field.

See also:

  • 20 advantages and disadvantages of the internet.
  • 20 advantages and disadvantages of technology.
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