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LIST of the most important US presidents

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Most important presidents of the United States

Since its founding, the United States has been one of the most powerful nations in the world, managing in a few centuries to go from being a set of colonies to one of the largest economic and political centers in the world. One of the most relevant figures of the American nation is its president, and to meet the most important people who have held this position in this lesson from a TEACHER let's talk Over the most important presidents of the United States.

In the History of The United States They are two parties that are most important and powerful they have managed to have, being the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. For this reason, the vast majority of presidents of the American nation have belonged to one party or another. The democrats They are considered the progressives of the United States, with a generally socioliberal thought.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The only president who has ever been chosen up to four times to preside over the United States, and it is said that had it not been for his death he would have ruled even more times. The most important role of him was during the Second World War, being one of the most people who bet the most for the entrance of the United States in the war, and therefore being one of the major responsible for the allied victory. He is also known for the New Deal, being a series of reforms that saved America from the

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crisis of 29.

Harry S. Truman

He held office after Roosevelt's death, but he managed to stay in office after that. His role was central to the post-World War II United States, examples being the marshall plan or the creation of NATO. Among many other things, his government was marked by the beginning of the Cold War, the use of the atomic bomb, the founding of the UN, the Berlin blockade or the Truman doctrine that persecuted the communists.

John F. Kennedy

Although he only ruled for two years, due to his sudden murder, had great relevance to the United States for being a president very progressive for the time. During his government the missile crisis in Cuba, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the first interventions in Vietnam, the civil rights movement in the United States and the first movements in space.

Bill clinton

President of the nation on two occasions when he left office he was the president in history with the highest acceptance and with one of the best economies ever from the United States. Although his management proved insurmountable, his extramarital problems led him to lose the support of the American people.

Barack Obama

The first African American president in the history of the American nation was one of the presidents in the history of the United States who bet the most for social rights, carrying out numerous economic and administrative reforms to protect the most disadvantaged.

Most Important Presidents of the United States - Democratic Presidents of the United States

Image: Twitter

The other great party in the United States is the Republican, being a party based on economic liberalism and conservatism. Many of the most important presidents of the United States have belonged to him, almost all having a conservative role in managing it.

Abraham Lincoln

President of the United States during the Civil War was the cause of the abolition of slavery in the American nation. Assassinated while attending the theater, he is considered one of the most important presidents for his important contribution to slavery issues.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

War hero for his performance during World War II he was elected by the American people who I was looking for an interventionist president who was not afraid to enter Korea and fight the communism. Although he carried out great actions such as the improvement of the roads or the creation of NASA, his management is usually remembered for his policy of confrontation with the USSR.

Richard Nixon

The first president of the United States to he resigned from his position. Known for ending the war in Vietnam, his presidency is usually remembered only for the Watergate scandal, which is why he resigned.

Ronald reagan

President during the 80s he was especially relevant in foreign policy, participating in the end of the Cold War, the Iran-Contra scandal, and the support of similar Central American governments in thought. His domestic and foreign policy was marked by a strong conservatism, harnessing the global winds of change.

George W. Bush

The most notable events of his government were the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, the 9/11 attacks and a series of conservative reforms in both economics and society, a clear example being the ban on homosexual marriage.

Most Important Presidents of the United States - Republican Presidents of the USA

Image: RPP

To end this lesson on the most important presidents of the United States we must talk about presidents who they were not part of either party.

George Washington

First President of the United States, he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the United States. I key both in the war of independence as in the creation of the nation he is regarded as one of the best presidents.

John adams

First Vice President and Second President of the United States, he played a key role in the formation of the United States. Creator of the Army and Navy, being key for the first years of the nation.

Thomas jefferson

Founding father and third president of the United States. His government was marked by the Louisiana Purchase, the beginning of the westward expansion and the constant tensions with the United Kingdom and France.
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