Education, study and knowledge

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Centralization and decentralization

Centralization is a form of management in which power is concentrated in an authority or institution, which is the one who gives the guidelines that must be executed by the rest of the entities ...

Left and right

In politics, left and right are understood as antagonistic views on the proper way to achieve social welfare. The difference between left and right is that the left advocates ...

State and government

The State is that political organization that is made up of at least three elements: a population, a territory and a government. Likewise, the State enjoys internal autonomy and ...

Advantages and disadvantages of globalization

Globalization is all the economic, political and social dynamics that lead to greater interdependence between States and to a more flexible relationship, with the objective ...

Latifundio and minifundio

A latifundio is a farm or group of farms located on a large area of ​​land, generally exploited for agricultural purposes. It can belong to one or more owners, who usually ...

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Rural and urban

The rural and the urban encompass a set of attributes that are associated with a region, locality or community, among other types of human groupings. Among the attributes that are associated with rural areas are ...

Contract and agreement

A contract is a bilateral arrangement that establishes a legal relationship between the parties involved. An agreement is a voluntary agreement that is not subject to the law. It can always exist ...

Human rights and fundamental rights

Human rights are all the guarantees enshrined in a universal and inalienable way for all people from the moment they are born, regardless of their race, nationality or ...

Tangible and intangible heritage

Material heritage is any property of a tangible nature, movable or immovable, that has been created by social groups of the past. Intangible heritage is all intangible assets that make up the ...

Act and legal fact

A legal act is a manifestation of will to create, modify, transfer or extinguish a right, with a favorable result for whoever promotes the action. A legal fact is any ...

Hibernate and suspend

Hibernate, in computing, is an action that allows the user to put his computer in a power saving mode in such a way as if it were turned off, although it is not. Suspend, for your ...

Accuracy and precision

Accuracy is the closeness of a measurement to the true value, while precision is the degree of closeness of the values ​​of several measurements at a point. These differences are critical in ...

Science and Technology

Science is the set of disciplines that allow obtaining rational knowledge of natural phenomena, in a systematic, objective, verifiable and improvable way. Technology is everyone ...


The difference between HIV and AIDS is that AIDS is the disease that results from infection by the HIV virus. You can be infected with HIV but not develop AIDS. Since it was detected ...

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Pharmacokinetics is the study of how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes, and excretes a drug, and pharmacodynamics is the study of how a drug works in the body. Both are part ...

Alternating current and direct current

Alternating current is the flow of electrical charge that varies in direction, with changes in voltage and current. Direct current is an electrical flow that remains constant and there is no ...

Positive and negative feedback

Feedback is a process in which a system responds to some action, thanks to the information it obtains about the effects of said action. The response of the system is aimed at ...

Solute and solvent

A solute is a substance that dissolves in a solvent with which it forms a solution. The solute is normally a solid, but it can also be a liquid or a gas. It is in minor ...

Homologous and Analogous Organs

Homologous organs are those that have a similar structure but function differently, analogs are organs that perform similar functions despite having an origin ...

Distance and displacement

When we speak of distance we refer to the length between any two points in space, while displacement refers to the distance from an initial position to a ...

Diploid and haploid cells

There are two types of cells in the body, haploid cells and diploid cells. The biggest difference is related to the number of chromosomes that each cell contains, while the ...

Castes of New Spain

The castes of New Spain were a system of social, economic and political hierarchy that prevailed in the American continent during European colonization (15th century) and that lasted until ...

Colonialism and imperialism

Colonialism and imperialism are two systems of domination or political, military, economic and cultural influence that, although they are not the same, share some characteristics. In both systems, ...

Federalism and centralism

Federalism is the political system where states retain their sovereignty, so they have a certain autonomy in political and administrative decisions. Centralism is the system ...

Unitary and federal

Unitarios refers to an Argentine political party that advocated liberalism. On the other hand, the federals formed an opposition party that fought to maintain the power of the ...

Yin and yang

Yin and yang refer to symbolic elements or concepts that represent complementary forces in the natural and spiritual world within Chinese thought, particularly in Taoism. The yin ...

Empirical, scientific, philosophical and theological knowledge

The difference between empirical, scientific, philosophical and theological knowledge is in how we acquire it. Empirical knowledge is also called popular knowledge. I know...

Major and minor circulation

The major or systemic circulation is the circuit or path that blood makes from the heart to the body and back to the heart, while the minor or pulmonary circulation is the ...

Tuber, tuberous root and bulb

Tubers, tuberous roots and bulbs differ depending on the part of the plant in which they store energy. In tubers, the nutrient reserve organ is the stem, as ...

Population and sample

Population refers to the universe, set or totality of elements on which research or studies are carried out. Sample is a part or subset of elements that are previously selected from a ...

General objectives and specific objectives

The general and specific objectives are fundamental elements for the accomplishment of academic works, like for example, a thesis of degree. The overall objective is a statement that summarizes the ...

Thesis and dissertation

Both the thesis and the dissertation are academic research works that differ, mainly, by the degree of complexity, length and function. However, after elaborating and ...

Oxidation and reduction

Oxidation is a reaction where an atom, ion or molecule loses electrons while reduction corresponds to the gain of electrons from an atom, ion or molecule. Both the ...

Reproduction types

The types of reproduction of living beings are the mechanisms by which individuals (unicellular and multicellular) produce new individuals and the species propagates. In general terms...

Natural person and legal person

The natural person is every human being that exists and manifests itself, while the legal person is a legal entity with legal representation. According to this, natural persons can join ...

Landlord and tenant

Landlord is the owner of an asset who has decided to assign the use of that property to another person (tenant) in exchange for money. Lessee is the person who has the right to use an asset ...

Settlement and settlement

The settlement refers to the document and act that designates the end of an employment relationship between an employer and an employee, which is signed by them of their own free will. Clearance is on ...

What are the rights and duties

Rights are all legal mechanisms that protect individuals. Duties are the obligations that they must fulfill in order to exercise their rights. Rights and duties are created to ...

Slander, defamation and insult

Slander offends the honor of a citizen by accusing him of a crime, defamation attacks someone's objective honor, which is reputation, and insults subjective honor, which deals with ...

Direct and indirect protection

A direct amparo is one in which the claim is made before the competent authority so that it can be redirected to the corresponding Circuit Court, which is the body in charge of ...

What is meta-dehumanization? Characteristics of this social phenomenon

What is meta-dehumanization? Characteristics of this social phenomenon

Dehumanization is a concept that is being studied with increasing frequency, trying to find out e...

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Glifing method for learning to read: what it is and how it works

There are different methodologies to help children acquire the ability to read, some being more e...

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The best 9 Psychologists in Abrantes (Madrid)

Psychological Awakenings is a prestigious psychological center located in the city of Madrid that...

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