October Revolution in Russia

Image: Canarias-Semanal
Undoubtedly, the beginning of the XIX S in Russia was a time of great socio-political crisis due to the fact that known as the Bolshevik Revolution, which would end up overthrowing the tsarist system that had prevailed since the S XVI. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you a summary of the October revolution in Russia, through which we will narrate the various stages through which it passed. Similarly, we will focus on the social, economic and political changes that would occur after the change of government.
- Situation prior to the October revolution
- The october revolution
- The government coup
- The civil War
Situation prior to the October revolution.
We start our summary of the October revolution in Russia in the early fall of 1917. By that time, the tsarist system had completely collapsed and power was run by a provisional government, which, with great difficulty, maintained power, since a coup attempt had been carried out a short time before for the military to hold the can.
In this way, Petrograd experienced moments of great unemployment and shortages. This element was essential for the Bolshevik party, which was gaining more and more followers since the central government lacked the strength to maintain the situation.
Likewise, the different soviets that had divided in Russia gradually fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks and became even more radical. In addition, we will find a series of differences within the Bolshevik party for Lenin had long insisted to the party that measures should be taken so that the party give a blow of effect and thus obtain the power immediately, in order to create thedictatorship of the proletariatand begin to change things in that way in the country.
But he found a large group that preferred to wait for the right moment because it was not yet the time to act, since the The people were gradually passing over to their cause and a coup d'état could cause everything done so far to be lost.

Image: Slideshare
The October Revolution.
Within the summary of the October revolution in Russia we must know that, although it is called October, it was actually november 6 (Gregorian calendar) when the first clashes occurred.
Throughout the previous process, many companies had been used by the Bolshevik party for the creation of pamphlets and newspapers related to their cause, in the that the central government was greatly discredited since it did not agree to hold an Assembly of all soviets, to vote which party should speak singer. Therefore, that day, from the Winter Palace, the Central Government ordered to close the printing presses related to the Bolsheviks causing the first confrontations in the streets of the capital.
The day November 7Lenin came to the Petrograd Soviet, the pressure against the provisional government becoming stronger. In fact, during the early morning there was one of the most important moments in this revolution as a group of soldiers related to the Bolshevik party, they took control of the Winter Palace in addition to placing the Aurora ship on one of the main bridges in the city.
That way, the capital was under the control of the Soviet. In this way, many of the high command of the army were arrested and dismissed by the Soviets themselves.
The government coup.
To conclude with our summary of the October revolution in Russia, we will place ourselves in the morning of November 7, when the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
This congress was a simple farce, for which Lenin was able to establish a true Bolshevik government in Russia without the acceptance of more than half of the representatives. This was due to the fact that, at the beginning of the congress, part of the deputies learned about the proceedings by part of the Bolshevik side against the central government, which was besieged in the Palace of Winter.
This produced a great tension and many deputies left the room in protest, this was taken advantage of by the most radicals to label them antirevolutionaries and in this way they continued the votes to form a government Bolshevik.
The day November 9 The second session was held in which Lenin himself intervened so that a series of measures were approved, although in the end it ended up being appointed town commissioner.

Image: Slideshare
The civil War.
Undoubtedly, the illegal action on the part of the Bolshevik party reached such a point that, although its government had been voted, much of Russia would not accept this change. Therefore, the country was divided into two parts, whose armies were known as:
- Red Army
- White army
Both sides would face off from the end of 1917 to June 17, 1923, this fratricidal war would leave Russia in a deplorable state once it was over.
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