Symbols of the EUCHARIST and their meaning

One of the main elements of Catholicism are the sacraments, being acts in which believers demonstrate their faith in various ways, which may vary depending on the religious branch. One of the main sacraments is the Eucharist, being one of the most used by much of Catholicism and, therefore, in this lesson from a teacher we must talk about the main symbols of the eucharist.
The Eucharist is one of the names given to the sacrament in which the faithful receive the body and blood of Christ, being represented in bread and wine and receiving these elements a consecration to have the presence of Christ.
The Eucharist is a sacrament of the Orthodox, Catholic, Coptic, Anglican, Presbyterian and certain Lutheran churches, although in the latter case it is usually more difficult to find examples.
As for the origin of the word, Eucharist is a word from classical Latin, eucharist, which comes from classical Greek, εὐχαριστία (eucharist), being used to refer to the Thanksgiving, being very different from what we currently know.
The Eucharist receives other names such as Holy Sacrifice, Lord's Supper, Breaking of Bread, Communion, Blessed Sacrament, Holy Mysteries and Holy Supper, all these words being used to refer to the same act but not using all of them for the different varieties of the branches religious.
The Eucharist does not have the same relevance in all religions and it changes a lot between them. In the catholicthe eucharist is one of the seven sacraments and it can only be practiced by people who have received communion; while in other religions with fewer sacraments such as Anglican or Orthodox it can be received by any believer, as these beliefs do not have any act similar to communion.

Image: InfoCatólica
To continue analyzing this sacrament we must talk about its main characteristics, serving to know the act in depth before talking about its main symbols. The most important characteristics of the eucharist are as follows:
- The Eucharist has an enormous number of effects on the recipient, some of the main ones being the rebirth, purity and redemption certain sins.
- It is one of the few sacraments that we find in almost all christian beliefs, demonstrating the enormous importance it has for all these religions unlike other sacraments that only tend to be in certain beliefs.
- To perform the Eucharist you must know the importance of Christ, the Bible and in general Christian beliefs.
- The Eucharist allows us to be in communion with god and therefore be closer to eternal life after our death.
- The founder of the Eucharist was Jesus Christ, being the Last Supperthe moment in which he indicated to the rest of the apostles how this act was carried out and its importance for Christianity.
- The Eucharist has Two parts very differentiated: the first is in which the holy scriptures are listened to to understand the word of God; and the second in which the body and blood of Jesus is consumed.
- The basic idea of the Eucharist is the transubstantiation, which consists of the conversion of bread and wine into flesh and blood of Jesus, but keeping its material form as it is.
To conclude this lesson on eucharist symbols We must talk about the main key elements of this ritual, being symbols without which the sacrament cannot be understood and therefore being vital to understand this whole religious event. The symbols of the Eucharist are as follows:
- Altar: It is the meeting place with Christ, it is where the ritual and therefore the mass is celebrated. The rest of the key elements of the Eucharist are placed on the altar at the time of use, and it is where the bread and wine are sanctified.
- Credence: A small table near the altar where the elements that are stored before being used on the altar. It is generally located to the right of the priest who celebrates mass, being easily accessible so that go performing the acts, and sometimes being accompanied by someone who is passing the elements.
- Ambo: A kind of lectern located on one side of the altar where the sacred texts that will be read by the faithful are placed, being one of the key elements of religious acts.
- Candles: Human beings are the light of the world according to the scriptures, and therefore it is important to use an element that represents this, these being the candles that light the act.
- Chalice: Key element of the ritual, being where the wine is poured to be sanctified and converted into the blood of Christ.
- Pyx: A kind of large cup in which the consecrated hosts are kept before consumption.
- Holy Water: Purification symbol that is used during the act to purify the altar, although it is also found at the entrances of the Church so that people purify themselves before the sacrament.
- Bread and wine: The two key elements of the Eucharist, being wheat bread and vine wine that through the sanctification of the priest become the body and blood of Christ, the most important of the ritual. Believers approach the priest to receive both elements from his hands and achieve purification and union with Christ.