Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychiatrists in Santiago de Chile

The Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist Raúl Riquelme Peña has more than 18 years of professional experience behind him and throughout his career he has specialized in serving people of all ages, that is, children, adolescents, adults and also couples.

Graduated in Medicine from the University of Los Andes, this professional is Graduated as a Surgeon by the same University has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychiatry and also has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology with a Mention in Psychoanalysis.

His services are offered both in person and online and some of the areas he addresses with Most successful are developmental disorders, trauma, anxiety, depression, internet addiction and cases of ADHD.

The psychiatrist Magdalena Parraguez Pérez graduated from the Universidad del Desarrollo, has a Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, a Diploma in Psychopharmacology and also has a Course on Complex Clinical Problems in Psychiatry.

This professional is a Doctor in Psychiatry and in her consultation she attends both adolescents and adults, through the face-to-face mode as well as online depending on the needs of the client.

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Some of her main intervention specialties are personality disorders, depression, agoraphobia, anxiety, pathological grief, and conduct disorders food.

The psychiatrist Cristian Norambuena He has more than 15 years of professional experience and currently also serves adolescents and adults, both in person and online.

Graduated in Medicine from the Catholic University of Chile, this professional graduated in Psychiatry from the University of Chile in 2005 and also has a Diploma in Addictions from the same college.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in successfully attending to cases of anxiety and depression, bipolar affective disorder, panic attacks, pathological grief and deficit attention for.

The psychiatrist Carolina Vargas Figueroa He has the title of Surgeon and Specialist in Psychiatry from the University of Valparaíso, in addition to a Diploma in Neuropsychiatry from the University of Chile.

Throughout more than 12 years of experience, this professional has specialized in serving adults of all the ages that may present any problem or query, all of this both in person and at distance.

Some of the disorders that Carolina Vargas Figueroa successfully treats are adaptive disorders, schizophrenia, personality disorders, addictions, stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Psychiatrist Jose Ricaurte Siso Macías He is another of the most prominent professionals in Santiago de Chile and in his consultation he attends to adults and the elderly, both in person and by video call.

Graduated in Psychiatry from the Central University of Venezuela, this professional is also licensed as a Surgeon from the same university, has a Master's degree in NLP and is a Senior Coach.

Her intervention integrates various effective therapies adapted to the needs of each client, with which she attends the obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, ADHD, neurocognitive disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and depression.

The psychiatrist Ylitch Urzúa Lillo He is a specialist in adults and throughout his career he has specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, stress, personality disorders, addictions, dementias, and disorder obsessive compulsive.

His intervention is individualized at all times and his services are offered both in person and online for those consultants who request it.

Ylitch Urzúa Lillo graduated in Psychiatry from the University of Chile and has several more Postgraduate and Diplomas from the same university.

The psychiatrist Teodoro W. Morocho C. He is a Surgeon and Psychiatrist from the Gye Ecuador State University and is trained as a Psychotherapist by USACH.

In his consultation you will find a professional with more than 20 years behind him specialized in attending to adults of all ages, whatever his problem and both in the face-to-face modality and by video call.

Some of his main specialties are anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, stress, adjustment disorders, and depression.

The Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist Eyzer Klorman Katz Throughout his long career, he has specialized in serving children and adolescents. Currently, his services are offered both in person and online.

Eyzer Klorman has a degree in Adult Psychiatry from the University of Chile, he is trained as a Psychiatrist for Adolescents and Families, and some of his main intervention specialties are psychosomatic disorders, stress, personality disorders, anxiety and depression.

The psychiatrist Mauro Medeiro Fuentes He is a Surgeon from the University of Chile and a specialist in Psychiatry with Maximum Distinction from the same institution.

At present, his services are offered in face-to-face or telematic sessions to adults of any age who can present cases of anxiety, stress, depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders or depression during the pregnancy.

The psychiatrist Katherine San Juan Brinck she is a specialist in attending online to adults and adolescents over 15 years of age who may present adjustment disorders, cases of anxiety or stress, panic attacks, bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia.

This professional has a Degree in Medicine from the University of San Sebastián, a Degree in Psychiatry from the University of Chile and she is also an expert in prevention of treatment and control of the obesity.

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