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Characteristics of the global economy

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Characteristics of the global economy".

Characteristics of the global economy. The global economy must be understood as a consequence of globalization. What do we understand by global economy? It refers to an economic system on a world level. That is, in a globalized way and therefore free of barriers and state borders. Let us now see the characteristics of this global economy. The first is economic growth. As markets are now global, it is logical to think that the volume of international trade has undergone a very, very large increase. The second would be the globalization of production.

In other words, world production and trade are now in the hands, for the most part, of multinationals. That is, companies that are headquartered in one country but subsidiaries in different countries. The third would be the boom in financial flows. This refers to the fact that monetary exchanges are now worldwide.

To end; improved communications. As a characteristic of the global economy, it must be understood that the great advance in telecommunications and especially on the Internet, they have had a great push in what refers to the consolidation of the markets global. That is to say, now from one point of the planet to another, it is very easy even to talk face to face through a video conference. Information goes faster and the world is interconnected.

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To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Characteristics of the global economy"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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