6 inspiring books by Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho (1947 -) is a writer from Rio de Janeiro who has recorded records of bands and translations in various parts of the world. Romance writer and famous chronicler, he also composes lyrics for the singer Raul Seixas, as he maintains a great friendship and artistic partnership.
His works falam on spirituality, faith and personal evolution, among other themes that capture and inspire readers.
1. Maktub (1994)
Maktub It is an Arabic word that means "was written", referring to something that was destined to happen. A famous work by Paulo Coelho é uma colletânea of chronicles that the author originally published in a press, between the years 1993 and 1994.
The texts falam about events that occur in different parts of the world, tracing apprenticeships that were transmitted to the author by friends, friends, and others.
Those stories reflect on as noções de felicidade that exist in different cultures, betting on various ways how someone can live and feel fulfilled.
No one can escape my heart. Por isso, é melhor escutar or que ele fala. So that you never come, a blow that you are not waiting for.
2. Or Alchemist (1988)
Adored by some and criticized by others, Or Alchemist é a work-prima of Paulo Coelho attached to data, becoming or most sold national book of all tempos. Through him, or the author assumes a prominent position in the international literary scene.
Or entanglement lies about a shepherd who fears a recurrent dream, in which he discovers a treasure that is hidden, not Egito. Accrediting that it is a prophecy, or protagonist part for or local. Long hair, he knows Melchizedek, um laughed that he taught about the importance of the "Lendas Pessoais" of each um.
Second ele, will be dreams or great desires that we all warm up and deserve to do. It treats, then, of an allegorical romance that is debruça on or can give nossas crenças This is how they can determine our destiny.
We are the ones who feed the soul of the world, the land where we live will be melhor ou pior we form melhores ou piores.
3. As Valkírias (1992)
Second to norse mythology, as Valkyries (ou Valquírias) were feminine figures who assemelhavam at an angle. They are known for rescuing the spirits of two warriors who died in our battlefields and led them to their last destination.
As inspired title nessas divindades, or romance was based on a season of 40 days that the writer passedou did not desert, accompanied by the wife. Or their objective was to communicate with Anjos da Guarda during that period.
Além da procures for a bond as a spiritual world, or free also seals no relationship from home in the day that we face together. Here, or desert represents or perigo, but also the possibility of elevation and knowledge.
In this adventure, Paulo Coelho followed the steps of the magician and occultist Aleister Crowley who had carried out the same experience many years before.
We do not import our little defects, our perilous abysses, our repressed hate, our long moments of frustration and despair: we want to correct ourselves first so we can leave in search of our dreams, we will never find out Paradise.
4. O Diário de um Mago (1987)
A previous work Or Alchemist It was very important for the creation of the greatest successor of the author. Or free was inspired by a pilgrimage that Paulo Coelho fez attached to Santiago de Compostela, in 1986, known as "Caminho de Santiago".
Passada na Galiza, a narrative and starring a member of a mystical order who travels in search of a certain sword. He is accompanied by Petrus, a spiritual master, who shares several lições as a disciple.
Here, or heroi ends up realizing that there is something magical in simplicity in everyday life, learning to recognize the beauty of travel, instead of just focusing on the goal. With the sword it seems, then, to be a allegory for or self-conhecimento e or power that carries it.
Poucos aceitam or bundle of own vitória; a majority give up two dreams when they become possible.
5. Bridle (1990)
Following themes linked to mysticism, as well as other famous books by Paulo Coelho, the work was inspired by Brida O'Fern, a woman who met him during a religious pilgrimage.
Já that was identified with some elements of the pursuit of this figure, or writer resolved to create a narrative of Flange. A story is starring a young Irish bruxa who is still I discover his powers, with help from some teachers that she is getting to know.
Demystifying various clichés about two magical rituals, the reading of this work led to a humanization of the bruxa figure, explaining her beliefs and motivations.
In full day of spiritual evolution, The protagonist also sees the need to find or love, in the form of a soul geme, through his intuition of it.
When someone finds his way, he needs enough courage to take wrong steps. As disappointments, as defeats, or discouragement são ferramentas that Deus uses to show estrada.
6. Manual do Guerreiro da Luz (1997)
Manual do Guerreiro da Luz It brings together texts that have been published in the press between 1993 and 1996. Some of them are also present at the work Maktub, mentioned acima.
Com incentive words and encouragement, Paulo Coelho reflects on various life circumstances: sentiments, human relationships, right and wrong that we are committing on the road. A positivity that runs through the entire work continues to win over readers, the same years after its release.
Through small messages, the author motivates those who accompany him or his work to undertake a active and hopeful posture not everyday, inviting you to secure the networks of your own destiny and to face life as a great lição.
O guerreiro da luz learns that Deus uses solidão to teach coexistence. He uses raiva to show or infinite courage gives peace. He uses it to emphasize the importance of adventure and abandonment. Deus uses or silence to teach about the responsibility of words. Use or wear so that you can understand the value of awakening. Use doença to rescue benção da saúde. Deus uses or fire to insinate on water. Use terra so that the value of the ar is understood. Use a morte to show the importance of life.
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