Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Trinidad (Bolivia)

The psychologist Eliana Aguilar She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Bolivarian Catholic University, she has a Master's Degree in the Study of Women and Gender by the University of Granada and also has a Master's Degree in Family Intervention and Mediation from the University of Grenade.

His intervention is offered through the online modality and with total flexibility for the person attended, and in their sessions receive people of all ages, that is, children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families

Through Brief Therapy, this professional attends cases of gender violence, low self-esteem, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, family conflicts and the processes of divorce.

The specialist Guillermo Willy Soria He graduated in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University and after spending some time, made the decision to pursue a Postgraduate degree also through this same university specialized both in the study of Systemic Psychology and Therapies Brief

Together with this psychologist we will be able to treat in a very effective way some psychological difficulties such as depression, codependency, very low self-esteem, or very high levels of stress labor.

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Enrico Davalos Rojas He has a degree in Psychology from the Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of Legal Psychology, which was also awarded by this same university institution.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we are experiencing severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or a situation of general demotivation.

Jimena Araos She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón and also has a Master's degree specialized in the specific area of ​​Clinical Psychology issued by the Universidad Católica del North.

This psychologist manages to stand out for her remarkable ability in treating difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, conflicts between family members, or couple crises.

Elvy franco He completed his basic studies in Psychology through the Bolivian Catholic University and after obtaining his degree accrediting academic, decided to specialize via Master in the correct application of Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

In the consultation of this specialist some difficulties are usually treated very frequently, such as very high levels of work-related stress, anxiety disorders, or work-related problems sleep.

Carlos Fernando Ross He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and has a specialized Master's degree in the specific field of Business Management, issued by the Technological University Bolivian.

Over time, this psychologist has been able to treat difficulties such as depression, anxiety, codependency or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) on various occasions.

Anahi Navarro She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and a Master's degree from the National Institute of Higher Education, which formally accredits her as an expert in the practice of Sexology.

Throughout his career, this specialist has been able to gain considerable experience treating some difficulties such as dysfunctions of a sexual nature, couple crises or very low esteem.

Manuel Candil placeholder image graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and later, had the opportunity to specialize via Master both in the study and in the use of Therapy Behavioral.

Phobias, addictions, depression and eating disorders are some of the psychological difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Oscar Urzagasti He has a degree in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University and it is also important to note that this specialist has more than 10 years of experience practicing psychotherapy in both children and adults or teenagers.

We should not hesitate to put ourselves in the hands of this specialist if, for example, we are going through a relationship crisis, a serious depression or a possible anxiety disorder.

Roberto Flores Torrejon He has a degree in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University and has a Doctorate specialized in the area of ​​Neurosciences, issued by the Simón Bolívar Andean University.

This professional of psychology has great ability treating some psychological difficulties such as very high levels. high levels of work stress, anxiety disorders, relationship crises or generalized feelings of dissatisfaction.

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