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The Warsaw Pact: objective

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The Warsaw Pact: objective".

The Warsaw Pact: objectives of the Warsaw Pact. What is the Warsaw Pact? Also known as the "treaty of friendship, collaboration and mutual assistance ". The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance, composed of 8 European communist countries. Created to counteract the rearmament of the German federal republic and its entry into NATO. As you will remember, after the World war 2The winners divide Europe (leaving the East for the USSR and the West for the capitalist system; for the capitalist allies - England, France, the United States -. With the passage of time, the differences between these two blocs (the communist and the capitalist) become very clear, which causes the cold war to emerge. In 1955, in the middle of the cold war, it was signed in the Polish city of Warsaw, this treatise. Between USSR and its European satellites. The mission or objective of this pact was mutual defense against attacks on one of its members. That is, if a communist country is attacked by another, the other communist countries proclaimed that they would join forces and help that previously attacked country. As well as, they wanted the consultation on international matters and that affected the security or defense of any of the members of the group.

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