The 90 best phrases of forbidden love
Almost everyone wants to give and receive love in their life. But not on all occasions love can be lived so simply; Some people must hide in order to have their particular relationship, or they see how their material circumstances make it very difficult to live as a couple with the person they love.
Therefore, in the following lines we will make a review of the best phrases about forbidden love, commenting on them briefly.
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The most memorable forbidden love phrases
This is a compilation of reflections and phrases about forbidden love that invite you to think.
1. Our lips will keep the secret of this forbidden love.
The essence of living a love that cannot fully materialize.
2. There is a maxim about the universe that I always tell my students: what is explicitly forbidden is guaranteed to happen. (Lawrence M. Krauss)
The forbidden is always tempting.
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3. With you I dream of doing millions of things that I don't want to do with anyone else ...
There will always be that special person with whom we want to experiment.
4. What is lawful is not pleasant to me; the forbidden excites my desire. (Otto Wagner)
We have a natural tendency to seek the most hidden things.
5. Love holds two greatest adversities of the opposite sign: loving those who do not love us and being loved by those who we cannot love.
Unrequited loves are a major source of discomfort.
6. In the eyes of a terrestrial being, the sea always seems imposing and forbidden, beautiful and dangerous. (Yann Martel)
A metaphor about what we feel when faced with those loves that seem forbidden.
7. No one has dominion over love, but love dominates all things.
Each one is the owner of their feelings.
8. The forbidden is much more desirable. (Dochanlu)
The charm of what not to do.
9. An impossible love is one that breaks your heart and is the thing that makes it difficult for you to forget that situation until you become addicted to it.
There is a certain obsession in forbidden loves.
10. We always strive for what is forbidden, and we covet what is denied us. (Ovid)
A weakness of human nature.
11. There is nothing more painful than a love that cannot be given or enjoyed because we must bear the pain and move on with the hope of a future, to be able to meet.
Love should not be hidden.
12. Only forbidden pleasures are immoderately loved; when they are legal, they do not excite desire. (Quintilian)
An explanation of why we lean towards illicit passions.
13. Enough playing hide and seek, I can't carry out our love without you making me feel special.
Love can never be silent for long.
14. Offering friendship to those who ask for love is like offering bread to those who are dying of thirst. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
We must be clear with what we feel.
15. A broken heart hurts a lot, but it hurts more not to live in love.
It may seem exciting at first, but afterwards it is exhausting.
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16. Forbid us something, and that will be what we will most desire. (Geoffrey Chaucer)
A very peculiar human inclination.
17. There are soul mates, perhaps they will never sleep together, however they will always dream of each other.
The sad fate of two beings who cannot be together.
18. I love you love, even against my will, I love you with love that is camouflaged in friendship.
When we can't express our feelings, it consumes us inside.
19. It is forbidden to complain about everything without proposing anything. (Martha Rocio)
Even for love, you need solutions to problems that arise.
20. I love those who yearn for the impossible.
There are limits that we can break.

21. A vice is a forbidden pleasure, the conscience is in charge of dictating its end. (Luciano Garófalo)
There are loves that can become a dangerous vice.
22. Hidden love is the most beautiful of all.
Do you agree with this?
23. Suffering for a forbidden love fills you with despair, not being able to find a solution for the heart. (Emily Tovar)
This is what eventually happens in a hidden relationship.
24. We are impossible, but here we are, being impossible together and leaving what is possible for another day.
If both are committed to the relationship, anything is possible.
25. It is easier to look good as a lover than as a husband; because it's easier to be timely and resourceful once in a while than every day. (Honoré de Balzac)
On the "benefits" of being a lover.
26. Our love is like the drizzle that falls quietly (silently), but overflows the river.
Everything hidden always comes to light.
27. There is nothing more interesting than the conversation of two lovers who remain silent.
A personal chemistry.
28. Impossible loves, I am very afraid, that they could become an addiction.
This is the direction they usually take.
29. Men are fanciful, they always want what is forbidden: freedom, for example. (Carlos Cañas)
A phrase that can also be used for love. Well, it is always tempting to have or be a lover.
30. Difficult love is the longest lasting of all, the one that hurts the most and the one we feel most strongly in our hearts.
Disallowed relationships have a fire that won't go out.
31. And for lovers their desperate love may be a crime... but never a sin.
What makes love so dark?
32. If our destiny was not to be together, I thank you for giving me a little of your life.
There are relationships that are not long-lasting but they leave us with valuable lessons.
33. In my house there is nothing forbidden, but do not fall in love. (Joaquin Sabina)
It is very common that during youth, love is not seen as something beneficial.
34. We are like a lake and the sea, never meant to be together.
A sample of the difficulty of an impossible love.
35. The more forbidden things are, the more popular they become. (Mark Twain)
This is especially charming for young people.
36. You pretend you don't care, but it's actually killing you inside.
The sad reality of a secret love.
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37. Someone once said a very true phrase, said that love brings happiness even when it does not exist in him.
It is important to be aware that not all loves are positive.
38. You have to know that there is no country on earth where love has not turned lovers into poets. (Voltaire)
Love is an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
39. Romance phrases are the most inspiring and full of feelings you can find. How can they not be? Because it moves the universe to be possible.
The reason why love is so motivating.
40. There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it indescribably desirable. (Mark Twain)
Have you ever been tempted by something forbidden?
41. It is not enough to dream of impossible love, it is necessary to conquer it too.
To show love, actions are necessary.
42. Sin is not harmful because it is prohibited, but it is prohibited because it is harmful. (Benjamin Franklin)
Perhaps, many hidden loves are because they do not bring anything good.
43. I can't get rid of this feeling. I am happy being her friend, I wish her happiness, but the desire to kiss her does not go away. We would be perfect together.
A very common scenario. Where friendship becomes an impossible love.
44. Lovers, insane. (Plautus)
Could it be that secret lovers are crazy?
45. Who loves, believes in the impossible.
Love gives you a boost that no one can stop.
46. There is something better between us than love: complicity. (Marguerite Yourcenar)
Intimacy is not just about sex, but about trust and security.
47. For the love of a rose, the gardener is a servant of a thousand thorns.
A very poetic phrase about risking everything in love.
48. Forbidden fruit always tastes better. (Swedish proverb)
Well they compare love to an apple.
49. Every lover is a soldier at war.
Especially if he can't show his feelings.
50. My lips deny it but my eyes give me away.
Feelings arise in one way or another.
51. The man who is to beg for love is the most miserable of all beggars.
Love should never be begged.
52. We are like night and day: always close and never together.
A comparison that perfectly describes the state of a forbidden love.
53. Only you and I know what happened, and what continues to happen.
Lovers who become accomplices.
54. Only the wretched like me, fight and succumb to the beauty of the forbidden. (Jorge Melendez)
Many people are unable to resist temptation.
55. My love, you say there is no love unless it lasts forever. Nonsense, there are much better episodes than the entire play.
There are short romances that are very passionate.
56. Perhaps we go to the forbidden door or window willingly, because we understand that the time comes when we must go, whether we want to or not... and not only to look, but to be pushed. (Stephen King)
Is this what attracts us to the forbidden?
57. Although we secretly love each other, I know that it is a true love, because when I am with you everything else ceases to exist.
All romances have the right to live their love.
58. Having something forbidden is exciting, don't you think? (Allan Dare Pearcy)
Have you had a forbidden romance?
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59. In an impossible love, everyone is the enemy and the two lovers find themselves alone against the tide.
A secret romance is a war field.
60. A forbidden love is to wish with the soul what life denied us at the time. (Luis Gabriel Carrillo Navas)
A phrase that shows us why we cling to forbidden passions.
61. What did it have to make it so worthwhile? They said it was forbidden.
Is the forbidden really worth it?
62. We walked without looking for us but knowing that we were to meet. (Julio Cortazar)
A reflection on the loves that seem predestined.
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63. Although it is impossible, give me one last first kiss.
The anguish of not getting the love you want.
64. I toast what you and I know, and the others do not even imagine.
It is necessary to have strength to bear something hidden.
65. Forbidden love is worse than the promised hell.
A reference to the despair and suffering that one lives.
66. There are times when the most intense love hides behind the deepest silence.
Silences can hide great things.
67. We can control the mind, but not the heart.
Many times the heart rebels.
68. Forbidden things have a secret charm. (Publius Cornelius Tacitus)
Each one has an almost irresistible temptation.
69. My true dream will begin the day I see you wake up next to me.
A wait that is not certain that it will end.
70. One should never prohibit what he lacks the power to prevent. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Love sometimes escapes our hands.
71. I fell in love with you like the sun fell in love with the moon, even knowing that they could never be together.
The sun and the moon are always referred to as a metaphor for forbidden love.
72. The point is, it's hard to let fairy tales go away; almost everyone has the slightest hope that one day they will open their eyes and see that they have come true. (Grey's Anatomy)
Hope is maintained at all times in hidden loves.
73. The secret of this love is that it is secret.
A paradoxical reality.
74. You are the forbidden love that I will take to the grave, my most beautiful memory. (Danns Vega)
Loves that have an incalculable impact.
75. Love should be prohibited because it is a drug that is difficult to disengage from.
Loving is an addiction.
76. My eyes have been tempted by the smile of an angel, and your lips whisper the secrets of forbidden love. (Natasha Harvey)
When you fall, it's hard to get out of the charm.
77. There are loves that can only live in our hearts, not in our lives.
They are loves that are burned, because there will always be the question of what would have happened if ???
78. I generally avoid temptation, unless I can't resist it. (Mae West)
It is possible to resist temptation, even if it costs us.
79. Forbidden love is the most highly valued and dangerous drug that exists.
A drug that many are willing to pay for.
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80. Nobody belongs to us. Therefore, you have to enjoy when you can, and learn to let go when you must.
There are loves that are necessary to leave behind.
81. I always knew that you were a forbidden love, but in the few times that I had you by my side I was completely happy.
A fleeting happiness.
82. Nothing in this filthy life is worth two dollars if you don't have someone to share it with. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
Every person in the world has the need to have someone to share life with.
83. I fell in love, with whom I did not expect and was not looking for. From that moment I learned that love is not chosen, it chooses us.
Many people have the feeling of not being able to avoid loving someone, even if it doesn't suit them.
84. The most complicated thing about an unrequited love is accepting it; while the most difficult thing about a lack of love is surviving it. (George Pellicer)
The difficulties of loving.
85. A complicated love attracts you and consumes you in the flames of the infinite desire to be in the arms of the loved one.
There are relationships that consume you instead of feeding you.
86. I love you as certain dark things are loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. (Pablo Neruda)
When love is restricted, it feels stronger.
87. I kiss you in my dreams, I hug you in the distance, I think about you daily, I love you in silence, and I miss you all the time ...
The inevitable distance that is at all times in a forbidden relationship.
88. Forbidden to forbid. (André Breton)
The rebellion of wanting to love.
89. And so the sun loved the moon, even when the earth stood between them.
If love is true, it will find its way out.
90. My last conscious thought was my biggest mistake. This was not addressed to the boy who is next to me, but the one that I could never have. (Jennifer L. Armentrout)
There is a certain regret in not having been able to live that love story with whom she once wanted.