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What is the UN

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "What is the UN".

What is the UN? The UN is the acronym that refers to "United Nations". In fact, it is the largest international organization that exists at the moment. Its main objective is to maintain international peace and security. They seek to promote peace and friendship between different nations, to get them to cooperate internationally to solve global problems. In fact, the UN, what it intends is to mediate between nations to reach agreements and solve problems. It is headquartered in NY and is governed by the United Nations Charter that was declared on October 24, 1945. There are currently 193 member states meeting to discuss and seek solutions to current and pressing problems in the world. The objectives then, of this organization (the UN), in the first place; guarantee compliance with international law (that no country can break international laws and if it does, prosecute and punish it). Second, maintain world peace. Third, promote and protect human rights (which

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in 1948 the universal declaration of human rights was made) Well... the UN is in charge of promoting and protecting these rights. As 4th point, try to seek sustainable development for the world (that ecology has an important role in all nations). Finally, it attempts international cooperation in economic, social and cultural matters between different countries. Its main figure is the secretary general of the UN.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "What is the UN"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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