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Toledo school of translators: summary

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Toledo school of translators: summary".

Toledo School of Translators: summary. Let's get in the background; As you will well remember, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Arab world, by the Muslim world, almost reaching the Cantabrian mountain range. From here, comes the Christian reconquest that is gradually recovering the ground that the Arabs had gained. Thus, we come to 1085, with the reconquest of Toledo. So what is the Toledo school of translators? It refers to the different processes of translation and interpretation of classical texts, both Greek and Arabic, and translated into Latin or even vulgar languages which at that time were beginning to appear. As we have said, in 1085 the Christian armies reconquered Toledo and it is thanks to the tolerance of the Catholic kings that Toledo became a huge cultural center.

Well, in it the three great cultures of the time coexist in peace and even interconnected; the Muslim, the Christian and the Hebrew. That is to say, there is a breeding ground there where, through communication, these three cultures intertwine and support each other. It also allows Christians who came from the north to access all the forgotten texts of both Greek and ancient Arabs. We can differentiate two great eras in the Toledo school of translators. The first period would be the 12th century, above all it focused on translating

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texts of theology and philosophy. Already the second period in the 13th century, under the reign of Alfonso X the wise, they were translated above all astronomical, medical and scientific texts.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Toledo School of Translators: summary " and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.
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