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O Gato de Botas: summary and interpretation of the children's story

O Puss in Boots, the French writer and poet Charles Perrault, he told us that he drew as a character an expert cat that helps his life happen.

Published in the seventeenth century, more precisely in 1697, or counted part of the book Les contes de ma mère l'Oye (with translation of I count two tempos gone).

A history of Cat in Boots

On a certain occasion, in very distant lands, there was a dear senhor who, I do not read from death, chamou seus three filhos to converse.

O velho was moleiro e não tinha muitos bens. He deixou para o mais velho um moinho, para o filho do meio a donkey e, ao caçula, restou a cat.

Or that he appears as a cat lamentou-se, saying:

- More than a useless animal! As I am embarrassed! Or what are you going to do with that cat?

O feline, ouvindo as queixas do dono, lhe disse:

- Ó meu senhor, don't complain. I bought a pair of boots and a bag that I will reward.

E assim foi feito.

Or cat comes out with his boots and his bag in the direction of the forest.

When he was chewing, he managed to catch some ducks, which he cooled down in a bag and left him to laugh at him.

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When he found royalty, he offered the ducks as a present from an illustrious name named Marquês de Carabás.

Na verdade, such a marquis did not exist, but either cat or inventou to be able to approximate seu novo dono do rei.

Either he was very satisfied and the cat continued to bring presents from the supposed Marquês de Carabás, or that he awaited the curiosity of all royalty.

One day, on a few visits to the castle, or cat soube that rei e his filha fariam a passeio de carruagem pela região.

Assim, the tem an idea and convinces you to pular sem roupas em a rio perto da estrada by where the nobres iriam passar.

Either plane and placed in practice, ao spot a carruagem, or cat sai running to ask for help from ao rei. He said that his master, or Marquês de Carabás, had the roupas roubadas when he cooled down and didn't laugh.

Or rei então for a carruagem e ajuda or rapaz, lhe offering roupas novas e uma carona. Or cat explains or caminho tied or castelo do marquês.

Feito isso, or animal sai em fired até or cast of an ogre that morava na região. La chegando, he convinces him or I can say that those terras are são do Marquês de Carabás.

Or cat enters, does not cast him, and he will converse like an ogre, who was also a powerful feiticeiro. He insinuates that the ogre was not that powerful and or challenges to transform - it is em um read.

O feiticeiro lhe shows his gifts and the logo becomes a huge read.

Or cat says:

- More than that, you will be transformed into a simple ratinho!
O ogre, who has not yet questioned his powers, immediately transforms himself into a small rodent.

E assim, or feline quickly eats or ratinho.

Pasado some tempo or rei e a princess chegam as a young man ao castelo e la met a cat, ha soon to receive them.

Assim, everyone ficam delighted with the wealth of the place. Or filho do moleiro then take the kingdom for if you ask my princess in marriage, who oil or ask.

They live happily ever after.

design of O cat of Boots
Illustration by Gustave Doré (1832-1886) portraying or cat boots

Interpretação do conto

Different from two sets of fadas, in O Cat in Boots, the characters that appear with male figures: o moleiro e seus tres filhos, além do gato.

Dessa form, uma das possíveis interpretações for this account and that it exhibits the psychological aspects masculine, or as I would say, or the psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, or animus, the masculine side of the psyche of all beings humans.

Assim, you can tell that filho do moleiro would be in seeks to integrate feminine aspects of self (anima) through the symbolism of the cat.

O cat has a very strong meaning in various cultures and is customary to be related to women and men. So much so that in the Egyptian culture this feline integrates Deusa Bastet, a woman with a cat's head.

Na history, or animal can represent ainda a intuição Raptor, who at first is suspicious, but depois oil and accredits his own mysterious force.

Assim, with security and strategy, he manages to continue with his plan and success.

Or Cat in Boots as a personagem of Shrek

O cat in boots is a very well known personage not imaginário infantil and, as well as other figures of fadas contos, fez part of the plot of the animation film Sherk.

Presented as a feline with boots, chapéu with feathers and a sword, the item in Spanish and dubbed hair by Antonio Banderas.

In 2011 or personagem ganhou a film alone, produced by animation study Dreamworks.

Go to dinner em Shrek 2 What ogre found the first time or cat.

Shrek 2 (2004) - O Cat in Boots (3/10) Film / Clip

Version of Or Cat in Boots no program Fada Counts

In the 1980s, a North American series was produced, idealized by actress Shelley Duvall, girl Faerie Tale Theater, that Brazil was not known as Fada Counts.

It was broadcast on TV Cultura e Trazia verses of various famous stories, presented with elaborate scenes and figurines.

O Cat in Boots - Contos de Fadas (Dublado e Completo)

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