Education, study and knowledge

The best 8 Psychologists in Sucre (Bolivia)

Eliana Aguilar She has a degree in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University and also, she has a specialized Master in Family Mediation awarded by the University of Seville in Spain.

This psychologist has great ability to treat some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, chronic depression, low self-esteem or family conflicts.

The psychologist Guillermo Willy Soria He has specialized throughout his career in serving adults who may have any type of consultation, as well as couples and families, all in telematic sessions and with all the comforts possible.

His intervention is individualized from the first session and some of his main intervention specialties are family conflicts, school difficulties, depression, codependency, anxiety disorders, stress and processes divorce

Guillermo Soria has a degree in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University, has a Postgraduate Specialist in Systemic Psychology and Brief Therapies from the same university and also has a Family Therapist Training Course and of Couple.

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The Cabinet of Psychological and Cognitive Services It is a psychological center located in the Bolivian city of Sucre in which people of all ages are usually treated daily, whether they are children, adults or adolescents.

We can go to these specialists if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from an anxiety disorder, a serious depression, a relationship crisis or a family conflict.

The Cepsies Psychological Center is a psychological center in which they are specialized both in the implementation of clinical psychology and educational or business psychology.

The specialists of this center usually treat very frequently some psychological difficulties such as For example, relationship crises, anxiety disorders, chronic depression, low self-esteem or stress labor.

Oscar Urzagasti He is a licensed psychologist from the Bolivian Catholic University and also, we should know that this she specialist has more than 10 years of experience practicing psychotherapy in people of all ages ages.

It can help us greatly if, for example, we are going through a relationship crisis, a serious depression, an anxiety disorder or even an addiction to some substance.

Roberto Flores Torrejon She graduated in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University and after spending some time, she obtained a doctorate in the field of neurosciences through the Simón Bolívar Andean University.

This specialist has extensive training behind her and that is why today she can help us to face more successfully some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, work stress, relationship crises or generalized feelings of dissatisfaction.

Karen Flores She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and has experience superior to the 8 years, in which this psychologist has had the opportunity to treat all kinds of difficulties.

Making use of video calls, together with this specialist we can treat some of our possible difficulties such as mismanagement of the emotion of anger, anxiety disorders, job stress or low esteem.

Marlene Palleres Palacios She has a degree in Psychology from the San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca University and she has a specialized Master's Degree in Legal Psychology, which was also issued to her by this same university.

Whether we decide to go to her consultation or if we make the decision to be treated by her electronically, we must know that Together with this specialist we can effectively treat some psychological difficulties such as anxiety, work stress or depression.

Psychologist Seiji Arakaki Hirano

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