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The best 10 Psychologists in Sangolquí

The Clinical Psychologist Daniel Morales placeholder image She attends online and with all possible guarantees to adolescents, adults individually, elderly people, couples and also families.

This professional has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the UTB, she has a Higher Degree in Systemic Family Therapy from the UNIR and She has a Diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Training Course in Telecare in Mental Health and another in First Aid Psychological.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and is based on the joint application of various highly effective therapies such as Systemic Family Therapy or Cognitive-behavioral therapy, with which she attends to family conflicts, infidelities, relationship problems, low self-esteem and the processes of divorce.

The psychologist Maria Garcia Abad She is also a specialist in serving teenagers of all ages, adults, families and couples who request it online and with all possible comforts.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Mindfulness, guidelines of great proven efficacy with which she attends to cases of anxiety and depression, emotional and relationship problems, stress, low self-esteem, personality disorders and conflict relatives.

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María Gracia Abad has a degree in Psychology from the Private Technical University of Loja, she has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a She has a master's degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, and also has Training Courses in Psychological First Aid and Telecare in Health Mental.

The Clinical Psychologist Indira Ullauri She has more than 25 years of professional experience serving adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may be going through a bad time in their relationship.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from PUCE, has a Master's Degree in Mental Health, a Postgraduate Degree in Grief Therapist, she has a Diploma in Sexuality, another in Prevention and Addressing of Gender Violence and a Diploma in Rehabilitation Neuropsychological.

Her intervention is offered online with all possible guarantees, and is based on the joint application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, family conflicts, deficits in coping skills and ideations suicidal.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher He has been serving people of all ages with a team of multidisciplinary professionals for more than 17 years and currently his intervention is offered by video call.

This therapist is a specialist in applying various therapies of proven efficacy in an integrated way, among which the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness, with which he treats cases of anxiety and depression, stress, relationship problems, internet addiction and addiction to video game.

Diego Tzoymaher has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, he has a Postgraduate Degree in Specialist in Anxiety Disorders and also has a Postgraduate Specialization in Neuropsychology Clinic.

The Clinical Psychologist Pablo Garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the Latin American Christian University, has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychodramatist by the American Psychodrama Association and has a Master's Degree in Family Counseling from the University of La Rioja.

As director and founder of the prestigious Family Therapy Center "The family from within", this professional offers a psychology service aimed at people of all ages, as well as families and couples

Her intervention is offered online and her main areas of intervention are the family conflicts, low self-esteem, addictions, anxiety, depression and the processes divorce.

The Clinical Psychologist Dorothee Von Stösser She has a Higher Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Ecuador, a Master in Collaborative and Dialogic Practices, and a Diploma in Couples Therapy.

This professional attends online to adults and also couples who may present cases of anxiety and depression, family conflicts, relationship problems, relationship problems and in general any problem in the emotional sphere.

The psychologist Noemí Torres Céleri He has more than 25 years of experience behind him and currently offers his services by video call to adults and couples.

This professional has successfully treated more than 3000 people and among her main intervention specialties highlights low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, phobias and problems of couple.

Noemí Torres Céleri has a PhD in Psychology from the Central University of Ecuador and is a specialist in Applied Psychoanalysis to Group Development.

The psychologist Xavier Albuja he is an expert in offering a service of Clinical Psychology and also of Forensic Psychology, and throughout his career has specialized in attending online to adolescents, adults, couples and also parents.

Her intervention is adapted at all times to the needs of each client and among her main areas of intervention alcoholism, drug addiction, anxiety, depression, emotional dependence and couple.

The Emotional Therapist Andrea Garzon She is a specialist in Human Development and throughout her career she has been trained in the application of Gestalt Therapy.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in caring for adults who may have self-esteem problems, emotional dependence, anxiety, depression, stress or fear of speaking in public.

The Psychologist and Psychotherapist Esteban Rodriguez She has a Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse from the Complutense University of Madrid and also has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Psychology from the California Institute for Human Science.

Its main intervention specialties include cases of anxiety and depression, sexuality disorders, low self-esteem, alcoholism, emotional dependence and problems with stress.

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