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Timeline of the Rif War

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the chronology of the Rif war.

The chronology of the Rif war. This was a warlike conflict caused by the uprising of the Rif tribes (that is, northern Morocco) against the colonies Spanish and French. These two countries held the political, military and economic power of Morocco (Morocco had been divided between the two nations) and protected it as a colony. This is why the tribes of northern Morocco (Rif) reveal themselves and enter into armed conflict to achieve their freedom and independence. In short, the chronology and how it developed.

The first combats: when the Spaniards arrive in Morocco to settle on the ground and be able to control it, they find the first pockets of resistance in Yebala captained or commanded by Ahmed er-Raisuni (1919 - 1920). As Spain had not sent many troops... they decided to build a series of forts to Tetouan. The problem comes when, at each fort he makes, the soldiers available to defend them are less and less. This gives rise to the rebels to prepare ambushes and, through guerrillas, to wear down the Spanish army. Even so, General Fernandez Silvestre arrives who with great determination, manages to beat these small pockets of insurgents and reaches up to

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Annual which is where he creates his camp.

We then entered the Annual campaign. As we have seen, Ahmed er-Raisuni is defeated, but other sources of rebellion and other great rebel commanders emerge, such as Abd El-Krim. General Fernandez Silvestre plans from Annual to launch an offensive towards Aluzemas. To do this he tries to conquer Mount Abarrán but the native Moroccan troops of the Spanish army itself desert and join the Moroccan guerrillas. With which, there is a disorganized disbandment of the Spanish army from Annual walking towards Melilla (where they are totally harassed by the guerrillas and where 13,000 Spanish soldiers die, almost all of them, including General Fernandez Wild). This is what is known in the history of Spain as "The Annual Disaster".

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Timeline of the Rif War"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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