The 90 best phrases about ambition
Ambition is a double-edged sword. It can help us as motivation to achieve our goals, but it can also lead us to the precipice of losing our humility because there are those who they allow themselves to be blinded by their desires and seek to conquer more and more things regardless of going over others, because a void is created that is not possible fill in.
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Great quotes and thoughts on ambition
As ambition is an innate feeling of people, we bring below a list with the most famous quotes about ambition to know its positive and negative side
1. If I had a heart, I would write my hatred on ice, and wait for the sun to rise. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Hate is a feeling that should not be harbored in the heart.
2. Ambition is more dissatisfied with what it does not have than satisfied with what it has. (Fénelon)
Being ambitious is not bad if it is done in a good way.
3. Wealth is like salt water; the more you drink, the thirstier you become. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
If you don't know how to control your greed for wealth, it will control you.
4. Ambition is like a torrent: it never looks back. (Ben jonson)
Beware of ambition, because if you don't know how to handle it, it takes you down deep paths.
5. Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine. (Elvis Presley)
You have to go little by little with ambition. It is a roller coaster.
6. Ambition is a vice but it can be the mother of virtue. (Quintilian)
Ambition is as good or bad as the use to which it is put.
7. The lust for power is a weed that only grows in the abandoned lot of an empty mind. (Ayn Rand)
Power only develops when there is nothing else to think about.
8. The ultimate wisdom is to have dreams big enough to keep track of while pursuing them. (William Faulkner)
You have to be very smart to know how to fight for your dreams and not abandon them halfway through.
9. Aspire to honor, not honors. (Guicciardini)
Advance little by little and do not ambition so much.
10. To be seen is the ambition of ghosts; to be remembered, that of death. (Anonymous)
Ambition can also lead to death.
11. The ultimate goal of the ambitious is not to acquire a thing of value, but to be more esteemed than others. (Max Scheler)
The ambition to want to be recognized is the one that hurts the most.
12. In the contempt of ambition is one of the essential principles of happiness on earth. (Voltaire)
Controlling greed and living with it in a good way is living free and happy.
13. Ambition is the last refuge from failure. (Oscar Wilde)
Unsuccessful people are those who seek ambition as their abode.
14. What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is star? - So asks the last man, and blinks. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
For someone ambitious, simple things seem boring and insignificant.
15. Any woman who aspires to behave like a man certainly lacks ambition. (Dorothy Parker)
Femininity is something very beautiful that women should never lose.
16. A dream without ambition is like a car without gasoline... you are not going anywhere. (Sean Hampton)
Well-defined ambition is an incentive that helps to fulfill dreams.
17. Start at once to be who you are, instead of calculating who you will be (Frank Kafka)
Do not live the future, it may not come. Just focus on the present.
18. There will be no laughter; there will be no art; neither literature nor science; there will only be lust for power, each day in a more subtle way. (George Orwell)
Refers to the scope of ambition.
19. Those who permanently want to "reach higher" have to say that one day vertigo will invade them. (Milan Kundera)
You are not always on top.
20. Being a poet is not my ambition, it is my way of being alone. (Fernando Pessoa)
It is good to be alone with yourself.
21. Learn to limit your ambitions; it is a dismal delusion to sigh for what cannot be had. (Pindar)
Do not aspire to what is impossible to obtain.
22. The ambitious uses the thing as an occasion to overcome the feeling of inferiority as a result of constantly comparing themselves. (Max Scheler)
Comparing yourself to others is a double-edged sword.
23. The ambition to dominate over spirits is the most powerful of all passions. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Wanting to know more than what is not known is one of the ambitions that dominates the world.
24. Who wants everything, loses everything. (Saying)
If you want more than you have, you run the risk of losing everything.
25. Pride and ambition will always be a barrier between man and God; they are a veil drawn before the celestial flashes, and God cannot use the blind to make light understand. (Allan Kardec)
It refers to ambition as an unworthy act before God.
26. I do not understand why he who is happy seeks greater happiness. (Cicero)
When you have something, you usually pretend to have more.
27. I think there is no limit to ambition, and if you want something, with ambition you make it happen, so go for it. (Orange County Rex)
With ambition you get everything.
28. Ambition is the only power that can fight love. (Colley Cibber)
Ambition and love always clash.
29. And what is the great evil of the world? I have it very clear: the ambition for power and money. She is the mother of all the misfortunes that have happened and will happen. (Cinchona)
Greed for power and money has become a plague in society.
30. The abuse of greatness comes when clemency is divorced from power. (William Shakespeare)
It refers to the greatness of power.
31. No man should try to make a profit out of someone else's ignorance. (Cicero)
Nothing that threatens the integrity of a person can be beneficial.
32. It is well known that ambition can both fly and crawl. (Edmund Burke Churchill)
Being ambitious can take a person to heaven or hell.
33. The biggest risk is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed. (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
There are very low ambitions.
34. I would sacrifice my existence, before putting a stain on my public life that could be interpreted as ambition. (Jose de San Martin)
For many people, ambition is a sin.
35. Ambition often leads people to perform the vilest tasks. For this reason, to climb, the same posture is adopted as to crawl. (Jonathan Swift)
Out of ambition, people make the worst mistakes.
36. There are four types of people in the world: lovers, ambitious, observers and fools. The happiest are the morons. (Hipólito Taine)
There are people who live very happily since excessive ambition is not part of their life.
37. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. (Salvador Dali)
Ambition with intelligence is what is really important.
38. All ambitions are legitimate, except those built on the misery or credulity of humanity. (Joseph Conrad)
When greed hurts other people, then it is of no use.
39. Power changes everything to the point that it is difficult to say who are the heroes and who are the wicked. (Libba Bray)
Power sweeps everything.
40. When gold goes ahead, all doors are opened. (William Shakespeare)
Money buys everything.
41. Interest speaks all languages and plays all roles, even disinterested. (François de la Rochefoucauld)
Interest is always present in ambition.
42. The ambitious is a slave to what he hopes, the free man is the one who expects nothing. (Young)
An ambitious person will always be a slave to greed.
43. The time when you could conceal your ambition is definitely past. Now your only refuge is power. (Tacit)
The one who sustains power runs the risk of being subject to it forever.
44. The suffering of some may be caused by the ambition of others. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
If ambition hurts another, then it is not the way to go.
45. Whoever insists on hitting a stone at the moon will not succeed, but he will end up knowing how to handle the sling. (Arabic proverb)
When you work on something, the result is worth it.
46. A Russian proverb says that he who chases several hares at the same time does not hunt any. (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky)
When you do multiple things at the same time, many things can go wrong.
47. There is always in the human soul a passion to hunt for something. (Charles Dickens)
Ambition is something that is born with people.
48. Ambition is not what man does... but what man is going to do. (Robert Browning)
The human being is always in search of new ambitions.
49. Ambition is but the shadow of a dream. (William Shakespeare)
When you go in search of a dream, ambition always appears.
50. The feeling of being able to decide the fate of many people that one did not even know, was prodigious. He was not sure if the pleasure depended only on the notion that he enjoyed the power, or on its use. (Jerzy Kosinski)
Being able to decide for others is an ambition that many dream of having.
51. My ambition is limited by my laziness. (Charles Bukowski)
He who is lazy never gets anywhere.
52. Ambition is the dung of glory. (Pietro Aretino)
The path of unbridled ambition is littered with rubbish.
53. The ambitious one climbs high and dangerous stairs and never worries how he is going to go down. The desire to climb has annulled in him the fear of falling. (Thomas Adams)
An ambitious person can lose their fear.
54. The ambition to have power and money often serves to cover deficiencies that cannot be acquired with material goods. (Fernando Savater)
Money is not synonymous with happiness.
55. Blood serves only to wash the hands of ambition. (Lord Byron)
On the path of ambition, anything can happen.
56. Rarely or never is the ambition fulfilled other than with third party damage. (Miguel de Cervantes)
Ambition usually does a lot of damage.
57. Ambition is for amateurs. (Michael Wincott)
Self-confident people know how far to accommodate ambition.
58. My ambition has always been to make dreams come true. (Bill Gates)
Achieving a dream come true is a form of ambition.
59. What would rock and roll be without ambition? Just madness, danger and fun? (Pete Wentz)
In the world of music there are also many ambitions.
60. Once ambition has peaked, it yearns to descend. (Corneille)
We must be careful what we wish for.
61. We have to reject everything that limits us. (Richard Bach)
Limitations do a lot of damage.
62. Power and desire go hand in hand. They are made of the same damn substance. The second depends on the first, and vice versa. (Donato Carrisi)
Power without desire does not exist and desire without power does not evolve.
63. The most bitter pain among men is that of aspiring to much and not being able to do anything. (Herodotus)
He always dreams of going far, but the reality is different.
64. The slave has only one master; the ambitious has so many that there are always useful people for his fortune. (Jean de la Bruyère)
Ambition has many owners.
65. The ambition to win is good and it's very healthy, and I understand it, but my thing has always been to avoid making the damn ridiculous. (Michael Robinson)
It refers to well-managed ambition.
66. Ambition often makes traitors. (Cristina II)
Ambition and betrayal often accompany each other.
67. Seek enough, seek what is enough. And do not want more. What happens from there is stress, not relief; grieve instead of lift. (San Agustin)
You have to be happy with what you have.
68. The ego is always searching. It seeks to add something more of this or that to complete itself. This explains his compulsive worry about the future. (Eckhart Tolle)
The ego makes people unhappy.
69. You are not ambitious: you are content to be happy. (Jorge Luis Borges)
True happiness is something that cannot be bought.
70. Ambition can make you touch the sky. (Lao Tzu)
Being powerful is a dream that many want to achieve.
71. I'd rather be the first man here than the second in Rome. (Julius Caesar)
It is good to have only what is really necessary.
72. Those individuals were connected by invisible threads to a certain dangerous... Can... (Tom Wolfe)
Power is something that blinds and sweetens.
73. What others have achieved can always be achieved. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Successful people are an example to follow.
74. If you are looking for the most essential, with nothing more to ambition, Mother Nature gives it to you. (Unknown)
Simple ambition pays off.
75. The poor are not those who have little, but those who want more. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)
Greed for more is synonymous with poverty.
76. Seeking serenity seems to me a more reasonable ambition than seeking happiness. And perhaps serenity is a form of happiness. (Jorge Luis Borges)
Ambition is also used to achieve useful things.
77. It's a '78 Pontiac Firebird. The car I've always wanted, and now I have it... I'm awesome! (Kevin Spacey)
Achieving what you want can bring lasting happiness.
78. A man is unhappy not because of ambition, but because it devours him. (Montesquieu)
Greed is a monster that devours everything.
79. The ambitious, to achieve his end, must lower himself as much as he has tried to raise his sights on him, and no matter how exalted he may be, humble himself to the most vile jobs. (John Milton)
It refers to how vile ambition is.
80. Materialism and greed is already a way of life for the human being that will soon be consumed by it. (R.H. Perez)
Many people have found in greed and in the material, a way of life.
81. Achievements result from the work that ambition does. (Adam Ant)
Ambition leads to lasting success only when done right.
82. It is well known that ambition can both fly and crawl. (Edmund Burke Churchill)
Greed can make you laugh like cry.
83. He longed for wealth as an instrument of power over men; He would have liked to shake up half the world, make a lot of noise, have three secretaries under his command, and have a great political meal once a week. (Gustave Flaubert)
Ambition can alone be a dream.
84. He who aspires to what is foreign, he loses his own early. (Phaedrus)
You should not focus on what others have.
85. To get to anything you set out to do, you need first ambition and then talent, knowledge and, finally, opportunity. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
For many people, ambition is what counts.
86. I consider the one who conquers his desires more courageous than the one who conquers his enemies, since the hardest victory is the victory over oneself. (Aristotle)
Overcoming internal fears is the war worth winning.
87. Man can climb to the highest peaks, but he cannot live there long. (George Bernard Shaw)
The good does not last forever.
88. Greed and ambition freeze the heart.
Remove from your life what hurts you.
89. Be fearful when others are greedy, and only greedy when others are fearful. (Warren Buffett)
Life offers you options and you are the one who chooses.
90. Ambition is such a powerful passion in man that no matter how high we reach, we are never satisfied. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Ambition is never satisfied, you always go for more.