Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Psychologists in Lampa

The Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist Raul Riquelme He has a Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Los Andes, he graduated as a Surgeon from the University of Los Andes, he has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, Mention Psychoanalysis and also a Postgraduate Degree in Psychiatry Clinic.

With more than 18 years of experience, this professional satisfactorily serves people of all ages, that is, to children, adolescents, adults, seniors, families and also couples

His intervention is offered online and in his sessions he attends to cases of anxiety and depression, trauma, eating disorders, internet addiction, developmental disorders, and ADHD.

The Clinical Psychologist Julio Cesar Carrasco He is also a specialist in serving adolescents of all ages, adults and seniors online with all possible comforts.

His intervention is based on the integrated application of EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness, with which he treats disorders of the personality, gender-based violence, trauma, dissociative disorders, eating disorders, and ideations suicidal.

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Julio César Carrasco has a degree in Psychology from the University of Las Américas and a Master's Degree in EMDR Clinical Psychology from the National University of Spain.

The psychologist Matías Larenas He has a Graduate in Psychology from the Universidad del Desarrollo, has a Bachelor of Humanities and Sciences of the Behavior from the same university and also has a Trauma Approach Training Course and another Interview Motivational.

His intervention is offered online and with all possible guarantees to children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families that may be going through a bad time in their relationship, and is based on the joint application of various therapies effective.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of anxiety and depression, school difficulties, family conflicts, low self-esteem, stress and trauma.

The Clinical Psychologist Shenhui Lin He graduated in Psychology from UDLA and also has a Higher Degree in EMDR Psychotherapist from the EMDR Institute of the USA.

His services are offered electronically and in his consultation he attends adults and seniors who may have cases of trauma, depression, divorce processes, stress, emotional problems or ideations suicidal.

This professional bases his intervention on the establishment of a good relationship between client and therapist, as well as on the application of EMDR Therapy, of great proven efficacy.

The Clinical Psychologist Jose Fuenzalida Throughout his career, he has specialized in serving people of all ages online, that is, children, adolescents, adults, older adults and also couples.

His intervention integrates Brief Therapy along with other therapies of proven efficacy, with which treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, trauma and problems of couple.

José Fuenzalida has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, has a Training Course of Psychological First Aid from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and she also has a Master's Degree in Psychology Clinic.

The psychologist Susana zuniga She has a Master's Degree in Postrational Cognitive Psychotherapy from the University of Santiago de Chile, she has a Diploma in Comprehensive Sexual and Affective Education from CESI and she is also a specialist in Violence Intrafamily.

This professional attends online adolescents, adults and older adults with anxiety problems, depression, domestic violence, low self-esteem, trauma, relationship problems and family conflicts all kind.

The Clinical Psychologist Marcela bulnes She has more than 12 years of professional experience behind her and currently she is a specialist in providing video calls to adults, seniors, couples and also families.

Graduated in Psychology from the Central University of Chile, this professional has a Practitioner Diploma in NLP, another Selection by Competences, a Master in Neurolinguistic Programming and two Training Courses in Clinical Hypnosis and Coaching.

Her intervention integrates Hypnotherapy along with other proven efficacy guidelines such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with which addresses family conflicts, low self-esteem, family conflicts, relationship problems, depression, stress and cases of ADHD.

The Clinical Psychologist Francisca Larraguibel She is a specialist in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to deal with cases of anxiety and depression, domestic violence, low self-esteem and personality disorders.

Francisca Larraguibel is a Graduate in Psychology from the Universidad del Pacífico and has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychology specializing in Integrative Psychotherapy.

The psychologist Javier Guajardo Godoy He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Arts, Sciences and Communication, he has a Master's degree in Psychology She clinics at the Adolfo Ibáñez University and has a Specialty in Addictions from the University of Santiago.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online to adolescents and adults that may present stress, depression, personality disorders, eating disorders or addictions.

The psychologist Karen Guerrero Rodriguez She telematically attends to adolescents, adults, families and also couples who may have stress problems, sexual disorders, low self-esteem, pathological grief or bulimia.

This psychologist has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad Santo Tomás, has a Master's degree in Family, Couple or Individual Psychotherapy and also has an Ontological Coaching Course.

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