Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Sports Psychologists in New York

Enhamed Enhamed He has a degree in Psychology from the European University of Madrid and has a specialized Master's degree in the specific field of Personal Coaching, awarded by the Logos Escuela de Coaching.

If we decide to put ourselves in the hands of this specialist, we must know that together with him we will be able to treat in a very efficient way, some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, very low self-esteem, poor sports performance or a possible conflict between relatives.

ENDI is a psychotherapeutic center located on Broadway Street in New York City, in which we can find a large team of professionals who are experts in both the practice of psychotherapy and coaching personal.

We can go to this center if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a stage with very low self-esteem, a problem related to sleep or very high levels of work stress.

Alex Diaz She has a BA in Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and holds a specialized certificate in the study of Sports Psychology, issued by the Foundation for Human Enrichment and Psychotherapy Somatic.

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This psychologist often helps people who want to improve their sports performance, who have Difficulties being able to control their impulses or that they are suffering from very high levels of anxiety.

Amy Late She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Connecticut and after obtaining her accrediting academic degree, she thought she should specialize in Sports Psychology so he carried out a specialized training course in this area through the International Federation of Trainers.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we want to improve our sports performance, we have thought of giving a turn to our professional career or if we have any questions related to the upbringing of our sons.

Leah Lagos She has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Rutgers University and also has a Master's degree specialized both in the study of Clinical Psychology and in the correct application of Psychology Sporty.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most, is in the treatment of difficulties such as stress, lack of confidence, sleep problems, lack of control over emotions or vigorexia.

Isaac zur He has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Israel and a specialized Master's degree in the practice of Sports Psychology, which was issued to him by Bangor University in Wales.

Over the years this specialist has acquired great skill in dealing with some difficulties such as lack of personal motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, or very high levels of stress.

Jonathan Fader He graduated from New York University with a degree in Psychology and later, a specialized Master's degree in Sports Psychology through the University of Washington D.C.

This psychologist can help us greatly if we want to improve our self-esteem, we have a lack of confidence problem or if we have recently suffered a drop in our performance sports.

William Weiner He has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Hofstra University and has been a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Sports Psychology for some time.

In his private practice, this specialist usually helps people who are going through a delicate situation at the mood, who have problems within their relationship or who wish to improve their personal motivation in the field of sport.

Tom ferraro She has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the State University of New York and has professional experience over 25 years, in which this specialist has been able to dedicate himself full time to the practice of Psychotherapy.

Lack of confidence, very high levels of anxiety, stress or depression are some of the the psychological difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

The specialist Joan Ingalls She graduated in Psychology through Columbia University back in 1987 and after spending a time, she made the decision to specialize via Doctorate in the concrete study of Psychology Sporty.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to deal with some difficulties on more than one occasion. such as anxiety, low self-esteem, general lack of motivation or lack of control over impulses.

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